In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 6 Views 6
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

2865 Replies


by Bobo Fett k

Not sure if this is sarcasm, or proof that Luciom was able to fool at least one person into believing he is an expert on every topic he posted about, as he spent SO much time trying to do.

Not sarcasm. He is an interesting, thoughtful person; and I am interested in his thoughts on the matter.

Back-pedalling from we need him to explain things to us.

Ooh, is this an Ask Luciom clinic?

So, a thermos keeps hot things hot and cold things, cold, right. But how does it know?

Luciom explains that thermoses are good because they prevent heat immigration.

Lol. A+

Got me with that “but how does it know”

Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 that our First Amendment built
“a wall of separation between church and state.” In 1797, John Adams agreed:
“The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.”

The IRS is catching wealthy tax cheats — and Republicans are furious

one small corner of the IRS’ new enforcement efforts: a program going after 1,600
delinquent taxpayers with incomes of over $1 million a year who owed more than $250,000.

Republicans are furious. They spent years slashing the IRS budget,
making the agency a target of abuse and leaving it struggling with outdated equipment,
inadequate staff and little ability to take on wealthy tax cheats with armies of lawyers and accountants.

Project 2025 — the plan concocted by Donald Trump’s allies to turn the federal government into a
right-wing authoritarian version of itself — includes a vociferous condemnation of the money allocated for the IRS

Those millionaire tax cheats no doubt find paying their fair share quite “intrusive.” So might Donald Trump himself.

If you pay your taxes like most Americans do, Trump thinks you’re just a sucker.

by steamraise k

The IRS is catching wealthy tax cheats — and Republicans are furious

one small corner of the IRS’ new enforcement efforts: a program going after 1,600
delinquent taxpayers with incomes of over $1 million a year who owed more than $250,000.

Republicans are furious. They spent years slashing the IRS budget,
making the agency a target of abuse and leaving it struggling with outdated equipment,
inadequate staff and little ability to take on wealthy tax cheats with armies of lawyers and acc

This ^ is Comedy Gold...

how do you conduct an 'Authoritarian' Administration with a SMALLER and more streamlined GOVERNMENT?

how are you a 'tax cheat' when you operate a business under the prevailing guidelines of a federal tax code?

not one sane person I know thinks that Life is fair... the world needs business owners, and the world need ditch diggers and NO AMOUNT of AUTHORITARIAN OVERSIGHT you suggest will make that pollyanna idea for the world, real.

stop being delusional.

by MSchu18 k

how do you conduct an 'Authoritarian' Administration with a SMALLER and more streamlined GOVERNMENT?

When was the last decade that Republicans delivered a smaller government?

It is far easier to have authoritarian administration with a smaller, more streamlined government. Fewer organizations to monitor and make sure the bidding of the leader is done.
All that is truly needed is a large military.

Seriously. This is Trump's premise.

He ran as an anti corruption guy. He did nothing to fight corruption and was corrupt himself.

So he shifted his sites to the "deep state" by which he just means the government. It's their fault he broke most of his promises because they wouldn't let him be dictator.

He wants to gut independent agencies and replace largely impartial civil servants with sycophants who will do whatever he says.

Gee, i can't understand how that's authoritarian.

You think North Korea has an EPA or an FBI that can tell the dear leader to go eff himself, or investigate him and his associates?

This Crowdstrike outage is further evidence of how dangerously interconnected technological societies are now and will be in the future.

You guys still dont get it. The more democracy and "diversity" we get; the more we get theocracy, authoritarianism, persecution of minorities. Most people (of all races, religions, ethnicities, etc.) are mean-spirited, scared, xenophobic, small minded. The number of people who even attempt to transcend these impulses and embrace liberal values are actually shockingly small, and with the new multipolar world order are becoming less relevant and influential by the day.

Whatever else you think about immigration and diversity for moral or economic reasons; the simple fact is the more diverse and democratic we get, the more liberalism is going to be challenged.

And small minded shitting on "white men" and "Christians" and "neoliberals" is completely missing the boat.

by steamraise k

Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 that our First Amendment built
“a wall of separation between church and state.” In 1797, John Adams agreed:
“The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.”

I thought the founding fathers were all evil, racist slave-holding oppressors. Why should we care what they thought?

by Rococo k

This Crowdstrike outage is further evidence of how dangerously interconnected technological societies are now and will be in the future.

by Dunyain k

You guys still dont get it. The more democracy and "diversity" we get; the more we get theocracy, authoritarianism, persecution of minorities. Most people (of all races, religions, ethnicities, etc.) are mean-spirited, scared, xenophobic, small minded. The number of people who even attempt to transcend these impulses and embrace liberal values are actually shockingly small.

Whatever else you think about immigration and diversity for moral or economic reasons; the simple fact is the more dive

In other news Adidas was doing an Olympic campaign where they decided to promote a throwback shoe from the 1972 Olympics (this was the Olympics where Palestinian terrorists tortured and killed 11 Israelis); and they chose a very outspoken pro Palestinian advocate model as the face of the campaign.

And the response was predictable; and Adidas has already apologized and now activists from both sides are going after them.

I am generally not a big fan of cancel culture, and if there is one general criticism I would have of Israel/Jews and how they are handling blatant antisemitism from the Islamist world and radical left, it is leaning too much into victimization and cancel culture.

But how in the world did Adidas not see this coming? They really thought they could get away with marketing a specific throwback shoe to 1972 (of all years) and use an outspoken pro Palestinian model?

by Dunyain k

You guys still dont get it. The more democracy and "diversity" we get; the more we get theocracy, authoritarianism, persecution of minorities. Most people (of all races, religions, ethnicities, etc.) are mean-spirited, scared, xenophobic, small minded. The number of people who even attempt to transcend these impulses and embrace liberal values are actually shockingly small, and with the new multipolar world order are becoming less relevant and influential by the day.

Whatever else you think

In your view, are theocracy, authoritarianism, and persecution of minorities more prevalent in the blue countries in the linked chart, or more prevalent in the red/maroon countries?

by Rococo k

In your view, are theocracy, authoritarianism, and persecution of minorities more prevalent in the blue countries in the linked chart, or more prevalent in the red/maroon countries?

They are more prevalent in the red countries. But paradoxically, red countries install theocracies and persecute minorities to gain favor with their supporters. In this way they are more "Democratic"

In blue countries elected officials generally dont do these things even when their supporters want them to, because they have liberal values. Liberal democracy only works if you have a class of educated, liberal elites who are willing and able to blunt the worse impulses of the Hoi Polloi. When you dont have this you get Lebanon or Turkey or Gaza.

And in an increasingly diverse, inclusive, multipolar world it seems western liberal elites with the will and capacity to enforce liberal values is becoming an increasingly small commodity; with predictable results.

by Dunyain k

They are more prevalent in the red countries. But paradoxically, red countries install theocracies and persecute minorities to gain favor with their supporters. In this way they are more "Democratic"

We have gotten to the root of the problem. You don't know what democratic means.

by Rococo k

We have gotten to the root of the problem. You don't know what democratic means.

nah his just a democratic fascist , its all good.

if any of you actually ever cared about the border or the drugs coming across it, the biden admin just scored a huge win in capturing the leader of the Sinaloa cartel zambada..

--I think Lucium might find this interesting, but genetic analysis indicates Ashkenazi Jews are genetically basically Italian. The author doesn't really get into how this may have happened, but intuitively one could speculate that at some point in the past there was a conversion event (despite the fact Jews generally dont facilitate conversion) where a bunch of Italians converted to Judaism, and this population was the progenitor of the Ashkenazi population which spread through North/Eastern Europe (where they lived in Jewish ghettos and didn't mix much with indigenous populations).

The author only shared part of the paper (the rest behind a paywall), but the part he did share indicates Palestinian Muslims are generally more closely genetically related to Egyptians/Saudi's than indigenous Levantine Christian/Druze populations; but more genetic to the region than most Jewish populations (for whatever that is worth).

by Slighted k

if any of you actually ever cared about the border or the drugs coming across it, the biden admin just scored a huge win in capturing the leader of the Sinaloa cartel zambada..

what is the old saying about cartels? "capture the leader and nobody rises up to replace them."

drug war over
