omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
Schlitz is your daddy and Dabz is your...step...daddy?
guess schlitz should have just threatened to kill us all instead of whatever it is he did because then he'd have mods defending his presence rather than saying there's no way he's coming back
still there rent free huh? meh
I can defend li.rva, but I don't feel like it.
Yeah, he dead.
Like, 10 years ago or so?
Believe me everyone was very surprised my they made Fidstar a mod
fake news! sad!
"Born in Britain to Christian parents"
I feel like they left out a few key details there...
But no, I don't really want to kick anyone out.
I'd be satisfied if we just stopped letting so many in, and stopped giving away the most valuable thing a country has to offer, as if it was worthless.
dabs stop hording all the wallabies!