Photography Thread

Photography Thread

All inclusive Photograph and Photograph thread that you personally took... Smile, you're on Camera.

Contribute your own photographs at will.

12 September 2024 at 03:52 PM

69 Replies


Do dick pics count?

That's entirely up to you...
If your personal 'thing' is Dick Picts or Toilet Poop, do you worst.

Those are nice, MSchu. A couple from Igauzu Falls in Janaury:

Portrait of a man on the NYC subway

Did you take his suggestion?


Or did you get the bacon instead?

by All-inMcLovin k

Did you take his suggestion?


Or did you get the bacon instead?

Strangely enough, I did not.

I have several similar pictures of interesting people on the subway, but I don't feel entirely comfortable posting some of them.

by Rococo k

I have several similar pictures of interesting people on the subway, but I don't feel entirely comfortable posting some of them.

I could only imagine.

Whats your onlyfans?

by Playbig2000 k

Whats your onlyfans?

That's strictly for video.

9/11/24: photo taken from West Las Vegas looking east at 7 AM.

Sun rising pic amidst the California wildfire smoke that has blown here. this time of year normally the Sun is a blazing bright yellow giant sphere on the eastern horizon.

I find the bullet holes to be a nice touch


Those are some nice shots.

Don't have a picture, but kinda like Rococo's entry. The other day I saw a guy with a T Shirt which read:


which seemed funny to me.

by 702guy k

9/11/24: photo taken from West Las Vegas

by CowboyCold k

I find the bullet holes to be a nice touch

