POG PUB 2024: A New Year, A New Thread, A New You
It was an honor to spend 2o23 with yall. And I look forward to spending 2o24 here too.
Happy New Year!
88 years old... Damn. I would have guessed he was in his 60's.
Yeah, makes sense that he would’ve made A Star Is Born when he was nine or ten.
Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga aren't that old.
Okay the only thing I remember about that movie is Barbra Streisand?
Gonna need k-man pop in here and give us the definitive power rankings of the Highwaymen.
Where tbop
hey kaze 😀
Anyone that decorates a Christmas tree or even decorate stuff for Halloween, Costco in store is selling the Twinkly programmable 750 LED light set for $170! These are amazing. The colors, patterns or even PICTURES can be displayed in your tree. I'm guessing these disappear from Costco fast.
The lights use your phone to calculate the 3D positions for all 750 bulbs on the tree. With this info, it can make the tree display 3D waves of colors, spinning effects or whatever your imagination can create. It comes with over 50 preconfigured effects. Each bulb can display one of 16 million different colors.
I bought a set today and will pick up a couple more tomorrow. One for outside and a spare set.
I despise holidays. Each one is worse than the last. The calendar year is a mindless trudge through days dedicated to presidents, memorials, remembrances. Plus the big rocks in my shoe :
Easter - sure. Dress pagan fertility rites in the worship of a Jewish zombie. Whatever.
Halloween - the worst. People have extended spooky szn into September. I have never been scared of anything in my life besides intimacy.
Thanksgiving - eat a dry tasteless bird to celebrate the genocide of Native Americans and get into a fight with Uncle Dave because he won't stop playing Kid Rock on grandma's hifi.
Christmas - the Final Boss. The zombie jew returns to demand we exchange trinkets and set a tree on fire. I hate gifts. I hate buying them and receiving them. I wish I lived somewhere Christmas isn't celebrated, like Saturn.
That being said, I do enjoy Christmas lights. Other people's, I ain't putting up ****.
that post makes me happy
4th of july really gets me.
what are we celebrating? genocide and slavery? capitalism ruining the planet? over eating? military global empire?
and the fireworks. omg. angelinos love fireworks. they don't limit them to the 4th. they light them off all year long, but it gets especially bad the week before and after the 4th. and on the night itself, it's all night long. the city is covered in smoke. it's a miracle if a wildfire isn't started.
they scare my dog friends :(
Damn. A bunch of party poopers.
I love all the holidays! Especially Christmas.
One of the big reasons we ultimately moved to the country was to get away from *******s with fireworks during every summer long weekend. We lived near a school where randoms would light a bunch off in the parking lot, and we were on a quiet cul de sac so the front of our house had no traffic. Obnoxious ****.
My birthday is hallowe'en, so I have a particular grudge with that holiday stealing the attention away from where it rightfully belongs
fireworks are a real menace.
my gf's dog is really traumatized by them. it's awful. she is in agony when they go off. we all are. we would snap leave town if we knew of a place where we could be free from fireworks, but we're scared if we go someplace else, there will still be fireworks, and she'll be in an unfamiliar place. cuz at least this way she's home.
I just checked my Costco. Toilet paper... GONE!
deja vu
Panic buyers make me sick. I went out and bought 15 cases last week because I knew this was coming.
Here are my goods:

I didn't even know there was a toilet paper panic. Just use my trusty bidet
Why? You guys expecting a big earthquake?