In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

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12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4020 Replies


this guy seemed fully integrated into Western culture

by Luciom k

Many hundreds of thousands of people agree with that in Germany if not millions, yet the only one to make a terrorist attack with islamists methods was a Saudi Arabian person.

Which evidently for jalfrezi is proof we need more immigrants

Jeff Weise was a Native American and a neo Nazi

Such instances are rare but can and do happen. Not saying this guy was a neo Nazi, to clarify- at least not yet until further info emerges- but it's quite possible and might well be true that he was simply an ex Muslim anti Islamist who also happened to be a nut.

by corpus vile k

Jeff Weise was a Native American and a neo Nazi

Such instances are rare but can and do happen. Not saying this guy was a neo Nazi, to clarify- at least not yet until further info emerges- but it's quite possible and might well be true that he was simply an ex Muslim anti Islamist who also happened to be a nut.

Was he a German? We were talking Germany

by ShoeMakerLevy9 k

While I'm completely against immigrants who don't want to integrate into the society in which they'll live, I can't believe you guys are arguing over the ideological reasons behind an act of terrorist perpetrated by someone who clearly was mentally ill.

You fail to realize that guy until the act (pr until he started tweeting about killing German people anyway) was the "integrated immigrant".

A doctor, naturalized as citizen and so on.

This event should help people realize that even legal immigration should be kept at the bare possible minimum.

With 0 as the hope, and any amount you let in only with absurdly strict filters and only when absolutely indispensable for the survival of the country. Kinda like Japan does it.

by Luciom k

Was he a German? We were talking Germany

Eh? If a Native American can be a neo Nazi shooter, then a Saudi national can be an anti Islamist nutjob. You appeared to be implying in the post I answered, that this is in fact an Islamist terror attack. That doesn't seem to be the case based on the info we have so far.

in fairness, he wasn't a nazi in the sense of "go aryan race" but rather in that he subscribed to the belief that his race should not mix with other races - he just took some nazi ideology and applied it to his own people being the master race

very different from "he's a nazi" and thus isn't a good example here to prove what you're trying to prove

by rickroll k

in fairness, he wasn't a nazi in the sense of "go aryan race" but rather in that he subscribed to the belief that his race should not mix with other races - he just took some nazi ideology and applied it to his own people being the master race

very different from "he's a nazi" and thus isn't a good example here to prove what you're trying to prove

Someone who thinks their own race is "The Master Race" is a nazi. From the wiki link:

The Guardian and CBS News alleged that Weise had an account called Todesengel (German: 'angel of death') on, a neo-Nazi website operated by the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party. On a talkboard hosted by, there were many entries signed by someone going by the name Jeff Weise, who stated that he was a Native American from Red Lake. These entries criticized interracial marriage on the reservation and shamed Native American teens for listening to rap music, claiming it makes them violent.[34][35]

According to reports, Weise spent great amounts of time online on blogging sites.[23] One such blog included a Neo-Nazi Internet forum of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party. The posts revealed an admiration for the ideas of Adolf Hitler, and interests in persuading other Native Americans as to the merits of those ideas

Sounds like a nazi to me.

But here's another example

Again, it's rare but not unheard of. So far- and I emphasise "so far" as again we don't fully know everything yet- he appears to be an anti Islamist with probable mental health issues.

by ShoeMakerLevy9 k

While I'm completely against immigrants who don't want to integrate into the society in which they'll live, I can't believe you guys are arguing over the ideological reasons behind an act of terrorist perpetrated by someone who clearly was mentally ill.

Sure, he's a mentally ill murderer. But they can determine exactly what was going on in his head just from reading a few news articles. I'm seriously jealous and wish I had this ability.

You can read his tweets

by rickroll k

you're clearly not interested in talking things with a level head when you make further disgusting accusations like this

seriously man, take a break from the internet, this is repugnant behavior from you today

Learn to read better.


by Victor k

Victor will be taking a break from us for 3 days.

by rickroll k

you're no better than the "she dressed like a slut and asked to be raped" folks, in fact, you're worse

Rickroll will return to us in 24 hours

by jalfrezi k

I'm sorry if it was one of your political cohorts this time rick, and not an Islamic terrorist. You must be very disappointed.

Jalfrezi will return to us in 24 hours

by Luciom k

Many hundreds of thousands of people agree with that in Germany if not millions, yet the only one to make a terrorist attack with islamists methods was a Saudi Arabian person.

Which evidently for jalfrezi is proof we need more immigrants

Luciom will return to us in 24 hours

Hi friends, let’s be more careful with personal attacks and racial posting. Thanks. 😀

by Crossnerd k

Hi friends, let’s be more careful with personal attacks and racial posting. Thanks. 😀

by Crossnerd k

Victor will be taking a break from us for 3 days.

I can't believe I'm defending victor here, but surely he's simply linking a tweet by the market attacker? One could construe it as one of vic's patented veiled digs, granted, but still. Seems a bit harsh for linking the perp's tweet. Would linking say, a tweet by Luigi Mangione for example, warrant the same response?

I was wondering what thread got four people temp-banned.

CN you deserve a Le Creuset.

Tis the season if anyone wants to buy me one 😃

Some more details of the Christmas massacre guy have come out, many from fellow ex-Muslim refugees he communicated with over social media.

According to these sources his main gripe seems to be he feels Germany is involved in a conspiracy to bring in Muslim extremists to destroy Western civilization, and are further collaborating with Saudi Arabia to go after ex-Muslims like himself. And on numerous occasions he actually threatened to do a mass terror attack to punish/warn Germany. And German authorities were apparently warned numerous times over the years about him; but nothing was done.

Very bizarre situation.

Doesn’t sound much different to what one or two people here think.

by Dunyain k

Some more details of the Christmas massacre guy have come out, many from fellow ex-Muslim refugees he communicated with over social media.

According to these sources his main gripe seems to be he feels Germany is involved in a conspiracy to bring in Muslim extremists to destroy Western civilization, and are further collaborating with Saudi Arabia to go after ex-Muslims like himself. And on numerous occasions he actually threatened to do a mass terror attack to punish/warn Germany. And German

Other sources on twitter say he was wanted for rape in saudi arabia and he helped underage saudi arabian women flee the country by pretending to be anti-islam (and purportedly groped/raped them when they reached him in Germany), and his tweets in arabic didn't match the anti-islam secular rightwing persona of his english/german tweets.

The people notifying the police were some of those women

Islanist terror groups have always claimed responsibility for their attacks. Not sure why they'd suddenly engage in deception now.

A woman was set on fire while sleeping in the metro station in new york city, with the person setting her on fire even fanning the flames afterwards, it's all on video, several bystanders were present and no one did anything.

This is the world you create by prosecuting people like Daniel Penny
