In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4020 Replies


by jjjou812 k

As expected, none of the statistics in that article support your claim. People not wanting to see the butchering process but wanting to eat the end product is hardly a new concept that supports your claim that people are out to ban milk and eggs.

"or at a minimum ultraregulate it"

by jjjou812 k

I am not sure he is able to understand that his opinions are not facts.

It's a fact if someone writes it on twitter.

I live in LA area. It hasn't rained yet this year, and 70 deg weather with 100 mpg winds not a good combination.

I dont live near any large native vegetation habitats so no personal risk. Although insurance premiums are going to be going up up up. All the major insurance carriers were actually pulling out of California because there was some state laws which limited how much they could raise prices. Newsom just caved in and amended the laws so prices can go up, so the pain is coming.

by Dunyain k

I live in LA area. It hasn't rained yet this year, and 70 deg weather with 100 mpg winds not a good combination.

I dont live near any large native vegetation habitats so no personal risk. Although insurance premiums are going to be going up up up. All the major insurance carriers were actually pulling out of California because there was some state laws which limited how much they could raise prices. Newsom just caved in and amended the laws so prices can go up, so the pain is coming.

And a big portion of that is because of increased costs to rebuild

I dont know if it makes it worse for insurance companies (I cant imagine how it doesn't) but Palisades and now Malibu are very expensive areas to live, and hundreds if not thousands of multimillion dollar houses have burned down.

So who does playbig think started these fires, Billy Joel?

fact checkers are fact checking

by biggerboat k

It seems mother nature is really pissed lately. Maybe we should think about not ****ing her up so much.

That's not what causes Santa Anas

by POGcrazy94 k

So who does playbig think started these fires, Billy Joel?

Homeless people start a lot of the fires.

Some of them are crazy and start them on purpose. But more often it is from fires they start for cooking and warmth that get away. There are large homeless camps in brush areas around LA that are a giant safety hazard in conditions like this.

Must admit there is some strategic genius (as long as gullible people, and paid bad actors, keep up with it) on the left with the strategy of blaiming specifical policy failures of their own administration on "climate change".

They at the same time (as long as they manage to keep enough gullible people convinced of that, through their paid evil actors) dodge responsibility for their own horrendous mismanagement mistakes, AND increase the political push toward the horrifically destructive (but profitable for their political allies) "green policies".

Not sure how long they will be able to do this but as long as it works and they keep getting re-elected even when their mistakes literally caused an inferno, props to them for their strategic intelligence.

by POGcrazy94 k

So who does playbig think started these fires, Billy Joel?

The lack of water which was sent by democrats to cultivate strawberries and almonds, some of the crops that need the most water among all possible cultivations, in one of the driest places in the west.

The truth is the habitat for much of California is designed to burn down and regrow. That is the natural ecosystem.

It would take a lot of human engineering and intelligent environmental manipulation to overcome this. And obviously this hasn't happened, but I dont think it would under Republicans either.

California was actually a purple state until recently before demographic changes turned it blue, and I dont remember Republicans ever making a big deal about aggressive habitat management when they had turns in power.

by corpus vile k

No proof at all he was murdered. Stop trying to pass off your based on nothing opinion as fact.

You're seriously confused.

I said these are all possibilities, I never said I had any "proof".

Where's your proof that it was 100% verified to be his body? Oh, the MSM told you!

That's the difference between me and you, I know the MSM is a propaganda arm for the current administration and will support whatever narrative it is they want them to (which has been proven through Mike Tiabbi and the "Twitter files").

Should I start listing all of their previous lies? "That laptop was proven to be Russion disinformation" ... "Presiden byden never spoke about his Son's business deals" ... "Trump is a danger to our society" ... "the cybertruck driver suffered from PTSD" ... "Climate change is gonna fry us all"! (not).

by Luciom k

The lack of water which was sent by democrats to cultivate strawberries and almonds, some of the crops that need the most water among all possible cultivations, in one of the driest places in the west.

The reservoirs are nearing capacity from the last couple of years of snow. It's been dry in southern California but northern California has seen tons of rain and snow. I think strawberries are grown more in the central coast area (Santa Maria and surrounding areas) where it's plenty moist from the ocean.

by Dunyain k

The truth is the habitat for much of California is designed to burn down and regrow. That is the natural ecosystem.

It would take a lot of human engineering and intelligent environmental manipulation to overcome this. And obviously this hasn't happened, but I dont think it would under Republicans either.

California was actually a purple state until recently before demographic changes turned it blue, and I dont remember Republicans ever making a big deal about aggressive habitat management w

Only a matter of time before big bear/arrowhead is wiped out. Basically a forest of dried timber. Anyone still owning property there seems a bit crazy imo.

by Luckbox Inc k

The reservoirs are nearing capacity from the last couple of years of snow. It's been dry in southern California but northern California has seen tons of rain and snow. I think strawberries are grown more in the central coast area (Santa Maria and surrounding areas) where it's plenty moist from the ocean.

There is huge strawberry production in Oxnard (60 miles north of LA) which takes it's water from various sources, mainly the calleguas municipal water system, which is centered in thousands oaks, which is close to where the palisads fires are happening

Does The Colonel think that if there was a little bit more water available the fires could be put out?

Unfortunately now Trump is blaming democrats for the disaster (which to be clear, with water available i hope we all agree would have been incredibly less disastrous), so it will become impossible for people with TDS to admit there was any mistake on their part

by Didace k

Does The Colonel think that if there was a little bit more water available the fires could be put out?

If there was a lot more water available in local aquifers that would make the surface wetter so that it goes on fire slower and the disaster is easier to contain among other things by using water to do that yes.

by Luciom k

Unfortunately now Trump is blaming democrats for the disaster (which to be clear, with water available i hope we all agree would have been incredibly less disastrous), so it will become impossible for people with TDS to admit there was any mistake on their part

It's too windy for planes, and the water would be blown away from it's target even if the planes or helicopters could fly. Maybe he meant no planes in their fleet?

I don't think they refused the water declaration because of a tiny fish, that was just their excuse. How can Newscum sacrifice a human necessity like water over a tiny fish?

However, even with water available it wouldn't be that much of a help with winds gusting to over 60 to 80 MPH.

by Luciom k

If there was a lot more water available in local aquifers that would make the surface wetter so that it goes on fire slower and the disaster is easier to contain among other things by using water to do that yes.

Yes, Los Angeles was a bayou before people moved there and shipped all the water out.

by Luciom k

If there was a lot more water available in local aquifers that would make the surface wetter so that it goes on fire slower and the disaster is easier to contain among other things by using water to do that yes.

Pretty sure it's like Dunyain said. The land is meant to constantly burn and regrow. When you stop that cycle for 100 years or so it kind of messes things up. I don't think any amount of water 100ft below the ground is going to stop that, particularly in the mountains.

I thought all the water in California goes to growing almonds 😀

Meanwhile... in my place or origin

by Playbig2000 k

You're seriously confused.

I said these are all possibilities, I never said I had any "proof".

Where's your proof that it was 100% verified to be his body? Oh, the MSM told you!

That's the difference between me and you, I know the MSM is a propaganda arm for the current administration and will support whatever narrative it is they want them to (which has been proven through Mike Tiabbi and the "Twitter files").

Should I start listing all of their previous lies? "That laptop was proven to be Ru

But here's the thing- you simply assert things with nothing credible to back them up and wholly in line with your personal beliefs. Ergo it wasn't a suicide because MSM is propaganda. Your reasoning is also severely flawed. Fake news or inaccurate reporting doesn't mean all MSM is lies and propaganda. That's like saying everyone in prison is innocent due to wrongful convictions occurring.

I'm inclined to go with the most likely plausible option- troubled vet, possibly suffering from PTSD and having relationship issues, committed suicide.
Otherwise again, multiple LE agencies are conspiring with the MSM and Military and government to cover this up for some reason. And that's less likely and plausible. Not sure why you think the likes of conspiracy X and conspiracy themed podcasts are somehow better, more viable sources of information.
Now, if any actual credible evidence of the above surfaces, I'll be all ears. But unless that happens, again I'm inclined to go with the simpler, more likely scenario.
