POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.

POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.

Happy New Year, everyone.

I'll let you all mentally fill in the categories in the title.

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01 January 2025 at 11:50 PM

575 Replies


by filthyvermin k

monica barbaro(who read the miss pog thread) is nominated for best actress

She has had quite a career since those days, hasn't she?

by filthyvermin k

monica barbaro(who read the miss pog thread) is nominated for best actress

I'm going to need to hear more about this

by filthyvermin k

monica barbaro(who read the miss pog thread) is nominated for best actress

We’ve been talking about this here at the Xnerd house. So crazy lol, but we’re rooting for her

I've heard Asimov was a huge perv with the young ladies btw. Legendary perv.

by Zurvan k

I'm going to need to hear more about this

we were in acting class together. i nominated her for miss pog, maybe like 2013ish. i told her about it, and she read the thread, or at least some of it.

i vageuly remember her saying she was worried we'd think she was full of herself, or something like that.

she is a very, very good person.

iirc she made past it one or two rounds, then eventually lost, probably to someone like kate upton.


it was 2016 and she lost to palvin(whoever that is) in the round of 16

by filthyvermin k

we were in acting class together. i nominated her for miss pog, maybe like 2013ish. i told her about it, and she read the thread, or at least some of it.

i vageuly remember her saying she was worried we'd think she was full of herself, or something like that.

she is a very, very good person.

Very cool

Fascinated with John Dee lately. He's one of those guys I was always putting off researching because it's a whole thing.

Did you know? John Dee:

Invented the word "unit". I think he was trying to translate "monad".

Coined the term "Great Britain" and poparized the use of "Brittannia".

Was given a stone of highly polished obsidian by the archangel Uriel, which he called the Shew Stone, and is on display in the British Museum.

Was Queen Elizabeth's personal Astrologer, cryptographer, and Master of Spies.

Signed his letters to Elizabeth "007", I think you know where that one is going.

And that's beside the whole thing with the Enochian Angelic language, etc.

When Liz died, he lost his sponsor, his library (the best in Europe) was ransacked, and he died selling off his few remaining manuscripts piece by piece for bread money. James I didn't tolerate the occult.

I can not respect a person who pronounces it new kew ler. Look at the word!

by filthyvermin k


it was 2016 and she lost to palvin(whoever that is) in the round of 16

You actually ran a CFD and got her into the 2015 competition, where she was a massive upset winner in the first round (in a group with Emma Stone and Hayden Panettiere).

And you got to call Crossnerd a "soulless, vapid, treacherous, should have been banned, bacon bitch!" ( ) in the process after she voted for the enemy in the next round.

Ana de Armas' career also really took off after appearing in Miss POG, and she got a best actress nom a couple of years ago too.

I wonder how many other careers we could've launched if it wasn't shut down!

You may be falling victim to one of those post hoc ergo propter hoc type fallacies. Or phallusies. Or Pharisees. Post toasties eggos and waffles.

Shutting down Miss Pog was righteous and also hilarious and I regret nothing

The amount of grown men who melted down and self-immolated over it was truly mesmerizing

by Crossnerd k

The amount of grown men who melted down and self-immolated over it was truly mesmerizing

Also unknowable & eternal

I wouldn't say I melted down but I sagged considerably.

As far as pog meltdowns go, Miss Pog probably rated about a 3/10.

I mean, any adult who becomes incandescent with rage over not being allowed to rank women publicly for their hotness is probably a danger to society

And there were several…

I know there was a fait bit of resistance to it, but I don't really remember the full-blown rage you're talking about. It was a while ago tho, and I can't find the thread any more, so maybe it was worse than I remember.

But if you wanna talk about trivial meltdowns, then werewolf is where it's at.

If you could actually become incandescent with rage that would be ****ing awesome I would do it all the time.

I don’t recommend it

Look who drives a Tesla!

tbf those are some pretty epic threads

by Booker Wolfbox k

You actually ran a CFD and got her into the 2015 competition, where she was a massive upset winner in the first round (in a group with Emma Stone and Hayden Panettiere).

And you got to call Crossnerd a "soulless, vapid, treacherous, should have been banned, bacon bitch!" ( ) in the process after she voted for the enemy in the next round.


I had totally forgotten all about that!

