President Donald J. Trump (for Trumper supporters)
I was able to fix the thread title by creating a new thread. Howboudat
or you can just keep your immune system strong by eating right and most importantly keep your Vitamin D levels between 80 and 100 (most people are in the teens). This one vitamin plays a big role in doing that, as well as preventing cancer, but it's a little known fact the doctor won't tell you since he doesn't get a kickback if he prescribes it.
Didn't the Socialists shove it down everyone's throats in their milk?
or you can just keep your immune system strong by eating right and most importantly keep your Vitamin D levels between 80 and 100 (most people are in the teens). This one vitamin plays a big role in doing that, as well as preventing cancer, but it's a little known fact the doctor won't tell you since he doesn't get a kickback if he prescribes it.
You don't eat right, brah. You went from one shitty diet to another.
That's not only not how your immune system works, having too strong of a reaction from your immune system is literally what killed most people with covid. The key was always having an immune system that recognizes the virus before it has to over-react to it - which is why vaccination, not strengthening of the immune system, is the correct preventative.
Please stop giving medical advice from a position of total ignorance.
There are medical papers to support this, so please stop spreading your left wing propaganda.
I've gotten better after eating McDonald's. Correlation doesn't equal causation.
And medicine doesn't win nobel prizes.
Did anyone say it could hurt you? The problem was that unless you had parasites it would do nothing for you.
It can if you overdose, and that was the primary danger from people taking the horse version (which was and still is quite common). The horse version is formulated for a horse's digestion system and is not only given in different amounts, but is absorbed by the body at a different rate. Both of these can cause overdosing quite easily. The real problem is even if people that buy the ivermectin bs are smart enough to account for the first issue (dosage), they are very rarelysmart enough to account for the second issue (absorption rate).
This is the usual "ok, you win (again)." response when there are no more intelligent rebuttals left ...
Your post had no substance and was just nuh-uh idiocy. You have no medical education and no idea what you are talking about. Your stupid *** posts are dangerous and people have died because of that bs. You need to stfu.
Your post had no substance and was just nuh-uh idiocy. You have no medical education and no idea what you are talking about. Your stupid *** posts are dangerous and people have died because of that bs. You need to stfu.
People have died from taking Vitamin D and eating healthy?
I didn't know, why isn't everyone talking about this?
People have died from taking Vitamin D and eating healthy?
I didn't know, why isn't everyone talking about this?
People have died because they listened to your bs "you don't need to listen to doctors and just strengthen your immune system" (which isn't a muscle) crap. Your loud ignorance is literally dangerous. I will call it out every time because I am saving lives and you are killing people.
True, but one of them is many orders of magnitude easier than the other (and the topic of this conversation). The point of bringing it up is, again, it is dangerous for people to hear "ivermectin is completely safe" and then they are licking horse paste from a tube on tiktok with no idea they are in danger of excreting the lining of their stomach out of their rectum since they didn't know the horse version is different.
People have died because they listened to your bs "you don't need to listen to doctors and just strengthen your immune system" (which isn't a muscle) crap. Your loud ignorance is literally dangerous. I will call it out every time because I am saving lives and you are killing people.
Stop lying.
I never said not to listen to your doctor.
This is exactly why RFK, Jr. was appointed, so he can re-educate people like yourself.
Stop lying.
I never said not to listen to your doctor.
This is exactly why RFK, Jr. was appointed, so he can re-educate people like yourself.
Run along little liar. You are out of your league. Doctors tell people to get vaccinated. You going to try to tell us you think people should listen to them when they say that?
Go ahead. Tell us you agree people should get vaccinated.
Eric Adams dismissal has hit a bit of a snag with 5(?) people and counting resigning rather than agreeing to kill the case.
Interesting times
True, but one of them is many orders of magnitude easier than the other (and the topic of this conversation). The point of bringing it up is, again, it is dangerous for people to hear "ivermectin is completely safe" and then they are licking horse paste from a tube on tiktok with no idea they are in danger of excreting the lining of their stomach out of their rectum since they didn't know the horse version is different.
I don't give Playbig much credit, but I do believe even he isn't silly enough to swallow an actual horse pill, and neither are 99.9% of the people.
Eric Adams dismissal has hit a bit of a snag with 5(?) people and counting resigning rather than agreeing to kill the case.
Interesting times
The first judge to resign came out and clearly stated she resigned to avoid quid pro quo which is about as impeachable as it comes but ultimately I expect zero recourse
The first judge to resign came out and clearly stated she resigned to avoid quid pro quo which is about as impeachable as it comes but ultimately I expect zero recourse
It was a prosecutor, not the judge. And she resigned/got fired right after. Prosecutors are just gov employees and can be fired whenever for cause like anyone else. Only judges need to be impeached.
It is possible, although extremely unlikely, that the judge overseeing the case will not grant the request of whatever person ultimately steps out to dismiss the case.
It was a prosecutor, not the judge. And she resigned/got fired right after. Prosecutors are just gov employees and can be fired whenever for cause like anyone else. Only judges need to be impeached.
It is possible, although extremely unlikely, that the judge overseeing the case will not grant the request of whatever person ultimately steps out to dismiss the case.
According to the release I saw, Trump requested the quid pro quo so I was saying it should be impeachable for him, but apparently got judge/prosecutor wrong
It was a prosecutor, not the judge. And she resigned/got fired right after. Prosecutors are just gov employees and can be fired whenever for cause like anyone else. Only judges need to be impeached.
It is possible, although extremely unlikely, that the judge overseeing the case will not grant the request of whatever person ultimately steps out to dismiss the case.
It's a request to dismiss without prejudice to re-assess later
According to the release I saw, Trump requested the quid pro quo so I was saying it should be impeachable for him, but apparently got judge/prosecutor wrong
Eh, this is horribly ****ed up but no way it reaches back to Donny as an impeachment thing.
The people resigning say that Adams DC raised a quid pro quo by implying that Adams would be more friendly with ICE in NYC if the case got dismissed and Trumps DOJ officials agreed to it. Not explicitly, but by citing the immigration issue in the order to dismiss and directing that the case be dismissed without prejudice so it could potentially be brought again if Adams didn’t follow through. The Trump DOJ people vehemently deny this, and there is definitely nothing in writing laying it out.
Nothing will ever tie this directly to a decision or order Trump made. Even if true, it’s all wink wink nod nod stuff.