POG PUB 2025: About damn time. For a lot of things. But not everything.
Happy New Year, everyone.
I'll let you all mentally fill in the categories in the title.
if you go to maine, go during blueberry season and you'll be rewarded to find bush after bush of wild blueberries waiting to be picked as you ascend the mountains
real ones like kioshk know all about poke sallet
Broken YouTube LinkI don't know about wild but I used to do this hike up near Ojai where there was a stand of orange trees at the top of a hill. So you'd be tired and thirsty from climbing the hill and bam, fresh oranges.
that sounds great! fruit picked off the tree is so much better
Fennel is all over California. You can eat the whole plant. Seeds, flowers, stocks and bulb.
Tastes like licorice/anise.
thanks! I'll keep an eye out. I haven't seen any in Malibu creek state park, which is where I'm always hiking. I've seen coyote though, and tons of rabbits. hoping to see a mountain lion.
the price is right! :p
I went for a walk with filthy once. He wanted to eat wild onions from the park. It was the only thing he would eat besides boiled chicken.
Filthy made me walk uphill in the dark over craggy ground in flip flops to show me an epic view. Was rewarded with a nice smoke on a boulder and some good company and chat. Five stars, would go again.
I hope to one day walk again up some craggy ground to eat some wild onions, boiled chicken, have a smoke and good company ♥
You ate beignets with me, Im sticking with the cajun shrimp beignets
Are there any excel gurus in this thread? I'm trying to create a spreadsheet and I'm stuck and figured this was as good a place to start as any.
i'm no guru but reasonably proficient, probably best starting a new thread to get some more specialized eyes on it
but i've found 99.9% of the time i can find my answer on an excel forum or youtube
i'm no guru but reasonably proficient, probably best starting a new thread to get some more specialized eyes on it
but i've found 99.9% of the time i can find my answer on an excel forum or youtube
Not even sure where to even start a new thread. Surely not in POG. But I thought someone here might happen upon it. Hoping I'll get lucky here before I start to search in earnest. I looked in YouTube, but I'm having trouble phrasing the search for what it is I'm looking for.
My brain told me this joke while I was asleep so you have to hear it too.
Why is Jesus represented by a fish?
Because it's ick theology.
Thank you. Please post any jokes your brain tells you while sleep.
Excel questions go to Chat-GPT.
There's an excel thread somewhere, I think OOT. It probably hasn't been posted in for a long time, but I'm sure there are a lot of people still subscribed that would have a quick answer for you.
Chat GPT was the ticket. Instead of trying to figure out good keywords to use on a YouTube search I was able to type out a much more detailed question and the AI gave me what I needed.
For those who are interested, COUNTIFS was what I was looking for.
Okay this USA vs Canada hockey game is CRAZY.
No prisoners...
They should take prisoners, it's merely pre-crime minority report with hockey players anyway.
Instead of Penalty Box, Guantanamo Bay.
That will teach you to perform the act of icing or whatever the **** is illegal in hockey.
I would simply stab a mother****er with a skate, it's obviously the best weapon available.
My hands are delicate & fine & I avoid punching idiots in the head, especially when they are wearing a helmet.
booing the national anthem??!! how dare they! :p
I heard the rule in hockey is you have to take off your gloves to punch someone, cuz the gloves will cause too much damage