Niranjana | User Profile | TwoPlusTwo Poker Forum



Joined 16 years ago Lact Active: 1 month ago
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Biography: I am born as a baby... ...start reading poker literature 2007, playing homgames and SnG's on the micros. End of 2008 first shoots on NL10 SixMax for few weeks afterwards one year break. End of 2009 back in bussines NL4 SixMax to NL50 within 4 month while reading some SixMax related stuff. Since May 2010 playing NL20/50 SixMax with some shoots on NL20/50 HU. Improved my game while playing live 1/1 in 2015. Since Okt 2015 playing PLO25, had some shoots playing deep. And I have been looking Location: kaputt Interests: MauMau Occupation: Salesman Games and Stakes:

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