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Joined 16 years ago Lact Active: 1 month ago
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Biography: In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said, "you're going to iraq and afghanistan to fight for american freedoms" Location: DO NOT CONGRATULATE Interests: who needs hobbies when you have heroin? Occupation: building and maintaining the intricate web of lies that is my life Games and Stakes:

fake news! sad!

schlitz was a 365 party boy [iirc]

rip bozo

there's a graffiti, a pretty well done graffiti i saw of tony the tiger and it's very clearly tony the tiger from the breakfast cereal, but he's not saying "they're grrrreat!" or anything "great", he's just saying "yooo!"

and i love that. you never see tony the tiger when he's not working. cause he's not constantly shilling the cereal, he has a real life. when he clocks out he's just like, "sup?"

by Da33le k

I understand.

I can say it’s happening. I can say it’s bad.

But I absolutely can not mention who keeps doing it. In fact, I’m not even allowed to notice.

Got it.

i'd thank you to not notice the race of the mass murderers in america. because what are you gonna do, get rid of all the white people? it's unthinkable. it's an unthinkable solution, to get rid of the white people. they're too special.

i wish schlitz were here

not itt i mean in my house, fixing my leaky shower head promptly

by Morphismus k

Sell one of your Pateks and get that **** fixed!

my shower head has been steadily leaking so that i can hear a drop of water about every second and a half. at first i was like, "lol this is how the chinese torture people? this doesn't bother me one bit. i'm actually on the verge of legitimately enjoying this."

and on week 2 i'm like

When I was in iraq I think the #1 mistake of the people that I killed was that they left their house. If they had stayed inside and enjoyed the air conditioning and shade and watched TV and played some video games all day, they'd probably still be alive today. Except for the people whose houses I firebombed, they would have been smart to have stayed inside someone else's house, preferably in america where it's generally safer

1. Don't leave the house

2. Have a bunch of weapons inside the house, at the ready. Cause you never know when the enemy will strike. You should have at least one weapon in every room, and they should be somewhat hidden so that the enemy can't just grab your own superior weapons to replace his probably cheap weapons that he brought with him

3. Training. It's not really super important to train yourself to use your weapons. I went to a shooting range and I hit the bullseye from every distance the first time I ever shot a gun, it's mega easy, it's exactly like in video games