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Joined 16 years ago Lact Active: 1 month ago
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Biography: In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said, "you're going to iraq and afghanistan to fight for american freedoms" Location: DO NOT CONGRATULATE Interests: who needs hobbies when you have heroin? Occupation: building and maintaining the intricate web of lies that is my life Games and Stakes:

I've played all the hitman games and I've gotten pretty good at it but I would never want to actually be a hitman without save games and checkpoints and stuff

And it seems like if someone ever developed that kind of technology, they wouldn't hand it over to a hitman who never did any hits because he's too scared of dying or getting arrested

Middle aged man
With the mind of a child

Wouldn't stop a genocide in a hypothetical
A position which strikes me as wild

by rickroll k

those are some pretty watches with elite bands

brands and bands, baby!

by Morphismus k

that's a damn fine [strike]cup of coffee[/strike] representation of what i'm going on about

by ScreaminAsian k

i want to start putting framed photos on my walls in the style of a family photo, but of characters from tv shows and movies i like. like i want laura palmer's portrait from twin peaks on my wall with no explanation. i want nicole kidman in that outfit she wore in practical magic. she was so cute in that role. that was peak nicole kidman

And photoshop myself into framed photos so it looks like I met Obama and like bezos and stuff, but have me in the picture look like absolute ****. Like drooling looking drunk or on heavy drugs

Song of the day literally lasted 1 (one) day smh

by spaceman Bryce k

Yes lets put some annoying little bottom into hypothetical scenarios where he bangs old world leaders for types of solutions that they dont even completely agree with.

do you not think that kinda stuff is fun? sorry

days without song of the day: [strike]0[/strike]

days without song of the day: 1

you're a monster

song of the day baby lfggggg