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For President
Joined 16 years ago Lact Active: 1 month ago
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Biography: In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said, "you're going to iraq and afghanistan to fight for american freedoms" Location: DO NOT CONGRATULATE Interests: who needs hobbies when you have heroin? Occupation: building and maintaining the intricate web of lies that is my life Games and Stakes:

by LuckyLuke01 k

not sure if it's terror-related or he's just a loon. but either way. **** shouldn't have done it.

Wonderful folk wisdom here. I imagine Luke in a flat cap and tweed suit sitting in the pub with his mates saying, "yeah he shouldn't have done that"

one of my favorite parts of Mr Robot was when the swedish guy walked up to that one ultrapowerful executive and was like, "hey great watch! is that [second most prestigious watch brand]?"
and the executive was like, "no, it's [most prestigious watch brand], you peasant. you ****ing moron."

what nationality is latina


All top models are at least part latina

i'm pretty sure she doesn't speak any english but i would 100% marry her

no way. naomi's the only model i unmute or tip

well that's not true, i've occasionally tipped sweetmoon1 to spit on her own boobs. she'll drool all over her boobs if you tip her, she's pretty cool
