ScreaminAsian | User Profile | TwoPlusTwo Poker Forum




For President
Joined 16 years ago Lact Active: 1 month ago
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Biography: In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said, "you're going to iraq and afghanistan to fight for american freedoms" Location: DO NOT CONGRATULATE Interests: who needs hobbies when you have heroin? Occupation: building and maintaining the intricate web of lies that is my life Games and Stakes:

i just realized that amsterdam, the city famous for its prostitutes, is in ho land

i believe that everything that i do and every way that i think and behave is morally correct and that everyone else is corrupted and evil and exists in a state of perpetual inner conflict and instead of resolving that conflict they let it guide them through a life of thoughtless savagery

i think pimping is wrong and consenting adult women should be getting 100% of their tips, forget onlyfans or mfc getting half, they should get the whole thing. so i think i disagree with what is being done there. just another type of parasite that capitalism unfortunately rewards

RoomToAvoid looks like if rebecca ferguson was portraying charlixcx in a movie