Tourettes: Can I have a special don't ban rule for my account please?
I have tourettes and so once in awhile a mod of the day feels my posting style misaligns with 2p2 policy or the associated subforum etc. and I get reprimanded for it.
But I seem to be under a heavy hand here because my punishments are often not justly scoped to my infractions I think.
Yet I don't seek to bypass/evade the restrictions and I think I have shown history of that.
Since its clear I have sincere intention to participate in the forum is there any way instead of continually increasing my ban time for similar infractions that we could instead just change it to cool down periods and a note that says 'don't ban otherwise'?
(also, its a little awkward because this isn't the sub most familiar with my account)
No Trump would say:
You are really going to love the new 2+2. I have made it the best 2+2 ever, better than the horrible decay under Obama and Biden. Some people say I did a better job with 2+2 than Abraham Lincoln, the greatest of our Presidents. And I did this all by myself, through banishing the Tourettes typing of JButton. Everyone can thank me by buying a bible from me and Lee Greenwood for 49.95.
No Trump would say:
You are really going to love the new 2+2. I have made it the best 2+2 ever, better than the horrible decay under Obama and Biden. Some people say I did a better job with 2+2 than Abraham Lincoln, the greatest of our Presidents. And I did this all by myself, through banishing the Tourettes typing of JButton. Everyone can thank me by buying a bible from me and Lee Greenwood for 49.95.
No Trump would say:
You are really going to love the new 2+2. I have made it the best 2+2 ever, better than the horrible decay under Obama and Biden. Some people say I did a better job with 2+2 than Abraham Lincoln, the greatest of our Presidents. And I did this all by myself, through banishing the Tourettes typing of JButton. Everyone can thank me by buying a bible from me and Lee Greenwood for 49.95.
You forgot that new 2p2 is worth 1.7 billion dollars.
i don't work with tourettes. but, we do have kids that cuss. we don't typically do a 'time out' for that.
however, i am trying to understand how tourettes could affect your typing. you don't seem to address that.
if you are a shitty poster, regardless of subforum, you should be infracted or banned. that's how forums work. 'first amendment' arguements aren't valid in a private place.
still in the phase though. this is great.
(I've also discovered meme's can help us better communicate inter-subjective truths etc.)
As I said my therapy for IRL tourette's has put me in a post-tourette's stage.
I'm not trying invoke the American constitution, that would be an incorrect understanding/application. I'm just pointing out the reasoning. The reason that individual states CAN'T over-ride federal limitations. Imagine if deepstate could CHOOSE which states laws apply federally to someone? For the same reason, if this forum allows sub-rules to apply globally, then the owners have no control.
Isn't that a weird scenario?
OP, are you a very early AI experiment gone rogue?
Is there anyone here who both
1) thinks that limitations of the constitutional frameworks of the united states are important...
2) ....that also thinks that that its weird a poster can trip on a newly created subforum rule and then have (long-term) site wide (panoramic) ramifications for their profile (data)?
You probably receive more participation if you create a poll.
[QUOTE=jbouton]Is there anyone here who wants me to explain how tourettes can affect typing, and therefore be grounds for not having to follow rules?
The issue is obvious would have a situation where the moderation could be applied unequally and unfairly to certain accounts. The problem then is amplified by mod/community users that have a duel role. You could then have situations where our support for ukraine is really subverted by such players just trying to stir the pot and create pandamonium (this could be compared for example to a real life conflict type situation etc.):
I could believe that OP has Tourettic OCD. Whatever his condition, I hope he's getting help with it. But that doesn't mean that he gets a free pass to spread his symptoms in a private poker forum. This isn't a therapy group.
I could believe that OP has Tourettic OCD. Whatever his condition, I hope he's getting help with it. But that doesn't mean that he gets a free pass to spread his symptoms in a private poker forum. This isn't a therapy group.
In this/that case I should get a special rule so I can have an equal experience.
Can you put a note on my account please, "DON'T BAN just give 3 day cool down'?
Also do you 1) understand the role of the federal limitations on states and if so 2) do you believe that sub mod rulings should have forum wide application when sub mods are their own legislators (did I say that right)?
Anyone else notice he never answers the question posed to him to provide a direct explanation?
I was lucky, I was grandfathered in under the old dog **** posters act of 2012. Too bad for the new guys.
I could believe that OP has Tourettic OCD. Whatever his condition, I hope he's getting help with it. But that doesn't mean that he gets a free pass to spread his symptoms in a private poker forum. This isn't a therapy group.
No you should not. There is no obligation under the ADA for a private organization to provide "an equal experience."
Can you put a note on my account please, "DON'T BAN just give 3 day cool down'?
Also do you 1) understand the role of the federal limitations on states
This is a red herring. 2+2 is not a state.
and if so 2) do you believe that sub mod rulings should have forum wide application when sub mods are their own legislators (did I say that right)?
Mods are not legislators of any sort.
I have now engaged one post more than I had planned to. I will not engage further.
All you have to do, jbouton, is to learn the words that are filtered by 2+2. Then you type them, when you can't help it. Typing **** ********** ******ed ******* **** you has never got anyone banned
No you should not. There is no obligation under the ADA for a private organization to provide "an equal experience."
I'm not being QUITE that serious nor was that my citation. I'm just pointing out that my history shows that I don't need increasingly longer bans for simple misdemeanors and arbitrary rules that are changed on a whim.
This wasn't a reference to extending the constitutional framework of the US to 2p2. It was a reference to the logic and reason behind the limitation of powers.
In regard to 2p2 its simply an observation that the mods have full power over the owners without limiting their ability to legislate and enforce forum wide executions.
So my `1) understand the role of the federal limitations on states` is a question of logical agreement. You pan-da-ized it.
one that makes rules
Others can fill in thx.
All you have to do, jbouton, is to learn the words that are filtered by 2+2. Then you type them, when you can't help it. Typing **** ********** ******ed ******* **** you has never got anyone banned
I was banned for that in my multiply of bannings iirc.
This place used to be such that your profile would be upheld as long as you stated coherent rational things. I always thought thats what 2 + 2 referenced.
I get modded for saying 2 + 2 = 4 in a sub where the sub deems 2 + 2 = 5
Where are the old school?
One of my special pan-da-nized (panorama datafication cross forum etc) rules was create when I stated bitcoin mining is cost invariant:
There's a moving average that compensates for the total effort being expended so that the total production is a constant. As computers get more powerful, the difficulty increases to compensate.
I can't just try posting, my next banning multiple is like 6 months or something (simply for POST-Tourette's!).
Didace asked the question in post #2 and you asked it again in #22. Button fails to address it in his subsequent 10+ posts.