Tourettes: Can I have a special don't ban rule for my account please?
I have tourettes and so once in awhile a mod of the day feels my posting style misaligns with 2p2 policy or the associated subforum etc. and I get reprimanded for it.
But I seem to be under a heavy hand here because my punishments are often not justly scoped to my infractions I think.
Yet I don't seek to bypass/evade the restrictions and I think I have shown history of that.
Since its clear I have sincere intention to participate in the forum is there any way instead of continually increasing my ban time for similar infractions that we could instead just change it to cool down periods and a note that says 'don't ban otherwise'?
(also, its a little awkward because this isn't the sub most familiar with my account)
Perhaps a permanent ban would give you the free time you need to work on yourself? Win win.
That's the opposite of what I'm looking for. I'm looking to be allowed fair participation.
as long as you can read, which i know you can, you are afforded fair participation. you get to review what you've typed just as everyone else has. the ability to edit and change text before you post, as everyone else has. the ability to scroll right past things that might trigger you, as everyone else has.
i'm still just waiting on the answer to the original question, that hasn't been answered. how does tourettes affect your typing and ability to post? i think pedantic trolls gonna troll pedantically, and there isn't an answer to that. keep avoiding it.
as long as you can read, which i know you can, you are afforded fair participation. you get to review what you've typed just as everyone else has. the ability to edit and change text before you post, as everyone else has. the ability to scroll right past things that might trigger you, as everyone else has.
i'm still just waiting on the answer to the original question, that hasn't been answered. how does tourettes affect your typing and ability to post? i think pedantic trolls gonna troll p
It's POST-tourettes...outbursts etc. But only at times. So cooldowns would obviously suffice.
What's not equal about my account is I get my ban times multiplied by multiples that all reduce down to some distant far away nothingness.
My next ban will be a 6 months or a year! For things most would get a 24h or weekend cooldown.
Thats all.
If Tourette's has no cure, and it doesn't, how can there be a post-Tourette's?
I can't speak to other subforums, but your posting in Politics has been consistently problematic for a couple of reasons. First, as has been widely recognized, you are hopelessly obsessed with John Nash and whatever Ideal Poker is, which leads to off-topic posting on those topics, which is highly annoying to other posters. Second, even when you post on-topic, your posts often don't make sense to others. When other posters criticize what you are saying, you often get defensive, claim that you are being bullied, and then start firing off wild insults.
No matter what your medical conditions may be, it isn't practical imo to have special rules for individual posters.
You are correct to assume that you are on a short rope in the Politics subforum. If this is just a problem in the Politics subforum, which I doubt, then the best solution for preserving your account may be for you to stay away from the Politics subforum. But like everyone else, you are welcome to participate within the rules.
I can't speak to other subforums, but your posting in Politics has been consistently problematic for a couple of reasons. First, as has been widely recognized, you are hopelessly obsessed with John Nash and whatever Ideal Poker is, which leads to off-topic posting on those topics, which is highly annoying to other posters. Second, even when you post on-topic, your posts often don't make sense to others. When other posters criticize what you are saying, you often get defensive, claim th
Am I to assume that if someone follows the forum rules, they will not get banned?
Holy ****, what a concept!
I can't speak to other subforums, but your posting in Politics has been consistently problematic for a couple of reasons. First, as has been widely recognized, you are hopelessly obsessed with John Nash and whatever Ideal Poker is, which leads to off-topic posting on those topics, which is highly annoying to other posters.
That was like 10 years ago.
Second, even when you post on-topic, your posts often don't make sense to others. When other posters criticize what you are saying, you often get defensive, claim that you are being bullied, and then start firing off wild insults.
The mod clique in Politics CLEARLY allows a group to go OFF on me CONSTANTLY berating ANYTHING they can about my profile and ANYTHING they can ABOUT my posts. It's against the rules and spirit and its encouraged by the mods. That's fine.But when I do it back I'm banned for multiples of time longer. Where did that rule come from?
No matter what your medical conditions may be, it isn't practical imo to have special rules for individual posters.
Perfect admission. I have a ton of special rules you claim isn't practical. Lets remove them, and treat me like others 😀
You are correct to assume that you are on a short rope in the Politics subforum. If this is just a problem in the Politics subforum, which I doubt, then the best solution for preserving your account may be for you to stay away from the Politics subforum. But like everyone else, you are welcome to participate within the rules.
What about the other mod, that isn't a mod there, but controls the forum narrative on the ukraine war. It looks like rather than spread news, they are try to continue to stir up conflict between the two sides. Isn't that weird?
Come on. You discussed some combination of Nash, Ideal Money, and Ideal Poker in at least 50 posts in Politics in just the last year. I didn't check, but I'm guessing that you made three times as many posts on these topics in BFI over the same period.
The mod clique in Politics CLEARLY allows a group to go OFF on me CONSTANTLY berating ANYTHING they can about my profile and ANYTHING they can ABOUT my posts. It's against the rules and spirit and its encouraged by the mods. That's fine.But when I do it back I'm banned for multiples of time longer. Where did that rule come from?
Perfect admission. I have a ton of special rules you claim isn't practical. Lets remove them, and treat me like others 😀
This persecution complex is exactly the problem.
Come on. You discussed some combination of Nash, Ideal Money, and Ideal Poker in at least 50 posts in Politics in just the last year. I didn't check, but I'm guessing that you made three times as many posts on these topics in BFI over the same period.
It's a poker forum. I HAD history of spamming the subjects, almost a decade ago. 50 posts in a year on 3 related subjects is not a ban-worthy offence imo. Especially when one is the subject of game theory, one is the subject of making poker better, and one is the subject of the conflict between the west and russia:
Political Evolution
There perhaps will always be “politics”, like also “death and taxes”. But it is sometimes remarkable how political contexts can evolve. And in relation to that I think that it is possible that “the Keynesians” are like a political faction that will become less influential as a result of political evolution. The “Keynesian” view of things did not come into existence until after the time when what we can call “Bolshevik communism” had become established in Russia. And by this label we wish to differentiate between any theoretical or ideal concept of communism and the actual form of governing regime structure that came to exercise state power in Moscow. (All over the world varieties of states make claims to have governments very properly or even ideally devoted to the interests of the citizens or nationals of those states and always an externally located critic can argue that the government is actually a sort of despotism.) The Keynesians implicitly always have the argument that some good managers can do things of beneficial value, operating with the treasury and the central bank, and that it is not needed or appropriate for the citizenry or the “customers” of the currency supplied by the state to actually understand, while the managers are managing, what exactly they are doing and how it will affect the “pocketbook” circumstances of these customers.
I see this as analogous to how the “Bolshevik communists” were claiming to provide something much better than the “bourgeois democracy” that they could not deny existed in some other countries. But in the end the ”dictatorship of the proletariat” seemed to become rather exposed as simply the dictatorship of the regime. So there may be an analogy to this as regards those called ”the Keynesians” in that while they have claimed to be operating for high and noble objectives of general welfare what is clearly true is that they have made it easier for governments to “print money”.
So I see the Keynesians as in a weak sense comparable to the “Bolsheviks” because of the support of both parties for a certain “lack of transparency” relating to the functions of government as seen by the citizenry. And for both of them it can be said that they tend to think in terms of government agencies operating in a benevolent fashion that is, however, beyond the comprehension of the citizens of the state. And this parallel makes it seem not implausible that a process of political evolution might lead to the expectation on the part of citizens in the “great democracies” that they should be better situated to be able to understand whatever will be the monetary policies which, indeed, are typically of great importance to citizens who may have alternative options for where to place their “savings”.
This persecution complex is exactly the problem.
As in I'm doing it to myself? Its a clear pattern. This certain group have special nicknames they purposefully try to rile me up with. They never address my posts they just quote them and say "Oh whats this idiot talking about" etc. Just the few of them. But its fine. Why should I care. But if I say something back I get snap banned, for weeks and now months. Why not just let me respond to them. I'll just use reason I won't even use ad hominems.
Its pan-da-monium .
And if ur gonna make 'new rule's that apply from your sub but forum wide, shouldn't we get proper warnings? Why not just say 'you can't post in this sub for x time'...why would it be a forum wide ban with multiplied punishment time? Isn't that a little bit odd?
edit: in bfi one mod is sick of modding and made a rule that there can be only one bitcoin thread and one crypto thread. The other pan-da-mod made a rule I can't post in the bitcoin thread (can we remove my special rules). It's now widely believed by many that Nash created Bitcoin and I'm the expert on his associated works Ideal Money. It would make sense that I post about the subject in bitcoin and would be weird, and is weird, that its forbidden in the thread. The thread is also constantly circled by a few posters that are intent in injecting misinformation into the thread. I'm the best eye there is for scammers in this regard (this forum has been constantly plagued by scam crypto poker sites as well and I'm the best eye for that as well.).
It's a poker forum. I HAD history of spamming the subjects, almost a decade ago. 50 posts in a year on 3 related subjects is not a ban-worthy offence imo. Especially when one is the subject of game theory, one is the subject of making poker better, and one is the subject of the conflict between the west and russia:
You weren't banned for it. I said that it annoyed people.
As in I'm doing it to myself? Its a clear pattern. This certain group have special nicknames they purposefully try to rile me up with. They never address my posts they just quote them and say "Oh whats this idiot talking about" etc. Just the few of them. But its fine. Why should I care. But if I say something back I get snap banned, for weeks and now months. Why not just let me respond to them. I'll just use reason I won't even use ad hominems.
Its pan-da-monium .
And if ur gonna make 'new rule's that apply from your sub but forum wide, shouldn't we get proper warnings? Why not just say 'you can't post in this sub for x time'...why would it be a forum wide ban with multiplied punishment time? Isn't that a little bit odd?
You have been subject to the same rules as everyone else. I don't want to mod Politics. If anyone wants to take the job and continue this sort of debate with you, they are welcome to it. FWIW, this exchange reinforces my belief that you are incapable of avoiding bans if you resume posting in Politics, but it's obviously up to you to decide whether you want to give it a whirl.
Does it hurt their feelings too?
...this exchange reinforces my belief that you are incapable of avoiding bans if you resume posting in Politics, but it's obviously up to you to decide whether you want to give it a whirl.
No I'm not interested in getting my account banned forum wide so my only chance to participate is via multi-accounting. Not at all. I've shown quite a long-term consistent behavior that reinforces this truth.
I'm asking for the pan-da-ization of my profile to be lifted. That's why I'm here. You pan-das will ban me otherwise. It's pan-da-monium I'm telling you.
so, a couple of things. first, he is saying POST, not as in former, but POST as in what he is doing here. way funnier that way. no ****ing way that is a thing.
second, he has lime greened several posts with the word panda in them. this leads me to believe it really is a, very clever, troll by either the former 4l mod panda, or someone who knows of him. is very interesting that he chose that particular shade of green. it is the same that our beloved sadpanda chose for every edit out of his skin, name, or any detail.
clever really.
It’s not a real thing and this whole thread is intended to be a bit cheeky, I believe. It actually strikes me as one of the more lighthearted thread attempts by OP.
so, a couple of things. first, he is saying POST, not as in former, but POST as in what he is doing here. way funnier that way. no ****ing way that is a thing.
second, he has lime greened several posts with the word panda in them. this leads me to believe it really is a, very clever, troll by either the former 4l mod panda, or someone who knows of him. is very interesting that he chose that particular shade of green. it is the same that our beloved sadpanda chose for every edit out of his sk
I just thought it was fitting as bamboo green. We really need people that can reason about the purpose behind the limitations set out in the constitution (checks and balances etc.). In the meantime I think it would be helpful to think of as a sort of game between red and blue that mean to come to peaceable agreements (purple) but that there is effectively a third party that is making the peaceable agreements difficult. (would this be offensive?).
It’s not a real thing and this whole thread is intended to be a bit cheeky, I believe. It actually strikes me as one of the more lighthearted thread attempts by OP.
You'd be banned from politics for this for sure.
so, a couple of things. first, he is saying POST, not as in former, but POST as in what he is doing here. way funnier that way. no ****ing way that is a thing.
second, he has lime greened several posts with the word panda in them. this leads me to believe it really is a, very clever, troll by either the former 4l mod panda, or someone who knows of him. is very interesting that he chose that particular shade of green. it is the same that our beloved sadpanda chose for every edit out of his sk
No way it's a thing indeed. I was never a 4l person so I can't speak to that, but the entire point of Tourette's is that you have involuntary tics. Impossible to see how that would translate to posts.
So yeah the whole thing must be an elaborate troll.
I'm not asking for special pronouns or for you to bend your beliefs and use of words. Just that if I don't do a big infraction then I only get a small cool down instead of a months long ban based on on 'past of a past of past....' etc.
Consider, for example, a group that participates on a forum for interactive relationship in order to discover inter-subjective truth (a complex phrase referring to the philosophic difference of a group agreement versus individual experience). As we begin with our base cases, ie 2 and 3 players, we quickly run into a maption of the byzantine general's problem (Satoshi Nakamoto is often cited as implementation a solution to this problem called Bitcoin).
I've been generalizing this this problem and decided rather to represent the communication and interaction as a FEILD (rather than just specific 'connections' like a tele-communications network). This gave us the IDEA for the concept of 'spookiness' (strange out of bound interactions) or 'pan-da-nation' (as if the data has been panoramically linked etc.). Also the game Chinese whispers seems relevant:
Chinese whispers (some Commonwealth English), or telephone (American English and Canadian English),[1] is an internationally popular children's game in which messages are whispered from person to person and then the original and final messages are compared.[2] This sequential modification of information is called transmission chaining in the context of cultural evolution research, and is primarily used to identify the type of information that is more easily passed on from one person to another.[3]
Suppose there are parties looking to coordinate on truth (like why certain conflicts are going on etc. and WHY are the conflicts going on) what would it look like if there was a hidden third party who's intent was to prevent such coordination?
For anyone who thinks this is a troll, you obviously haven't seen much of button's posting in politics. He has even single-handedly invented the balanced red-blue count - when a thread is rich in biased (i.e. "red") posts, someone has to take the opposite side and post in blue font until the true count turns purple. It's really quite genius, I suggested he seek to publish it in an academic journal.
The one (and only, IMO) tiny problem with the strategy is that it results in his spamming a bunch of threads with his dogshit multicoloured takes in the interests of "balance".
Also the pan-da-s have forbidden memes and meming which I think is bloody insane!
And also...
since I don't' fit in socially well since the pan-da-nization of our social media platforms I don't get much interaction and relationship and I think I got hit with a Sora campaign. Ever since I have had troubles grounding myself and can't figure out if I'm trans-human or not. I would like to explore whether or not my phenomenon fits under the T in LGBTQ etc but I'm concerned the pan-da-s won't consider trans-humans humans.
OP is not a troll
i HEREBY SUPPORT OP's reasonable request that his temp-bans, when required, be of short duration. OP should feel obliged to not make an alt account when under a temp-ban so as to hold up his end of the bargain!
i think there is a chance that OP will come up with some sort of groundbreaking and brilliant insight, because his ability to focus on a single question or concept to the exclusion of everything else is unmatched. this makes him a highly valuable poster. note that i think the chance is a lot less than 1%, but greater than 0%.
finally, OP once posted this:
drivechains is coming to attack the protocol. the only defense is the nashian orientation via a bip created by me shinobi et al. But shino doesn't want to invoke it, because he will have to admit I am right, and I have been calling him a pedo because I'm mad at him.
which is obviously exceptional posting
In a completely unrelated request, due to my onychomycosis, I will need the words ****er and ****post removed from the profanity filter.