2p2 data breach/security exploit

2p2 data breach/security exploit

Still not sure where the correct place should be but was recommended to post here:

by Videopro k

If it's pertaining an existing thread, otherwise ATF is the better spot.

Are the moderators going to let the players know about what happened, there could be the possibility then of responsible disclosure rather than just a pure data dump.

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28 June 2024 at 08:59 PM

930 Replies


So the introduction of the concept of a 'foreign agent' or 'aliens' etc I think can be useful not just in protocol security consideration but also games of strategy alignment (ie cooperative games or games of consensus or coalition). But then I had the idea of a deeper type of difficulty or more of a problem of 'range'' of consensus among players

I realized that a certain assumption was holding back traditional observations such as what is written as the base case security consideration for telecommunications with regard to untrustworthy protocols. This is the problem people say satoshi solved with bitcoin:

The Byzantine Generals Problem

But Satoshi didn't really add anything he really just implemented this paper:


My point here is that the formalizations for approaching these communication protocols are written from a PHYSCIAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS stand point.

I had some ideas though of real life scenarios where the considerations of trustworthy communication might NOT be limited to the devices. And so I see a generalization here that could be made and be useful (and also again quite mathematically sound!)

And for that I think that its relevant to sometimes consider that there is a player that is as if like a 'ghost'.

You're off topic

by Bluegrassplayer k

You're off topic



by Bluegrassplayer k

If you only care about what your program says, why are you posting on a forum populated with people?


by Bluegrassplayer k





My understanding is that once the players are well defined, the solutions start to present themselves

Its not at all really known but Nash had a 'program' himself. Here I'm referring to something like a research program but it really was also the computational evolution of an algorithm. The basic summary involved the concept of 'grand coalition' as function or expression of cooperative games and game theory:


The computations are far more advanced and developed but you can see how this research problem and model/flowchart would quite obviously be useful, for example, in a game where the players want to agree to work together for bargaining solutions and perhaps TOGETHER with poker sites.

Here instead of trying to 'win' the game, the concept of 'winning' or the payoffs are considered in the cases of agreement or no agreement etc.

OK so after you figure out why you want to post with human beings at all if you only want validation from a program that you've made, you should ask why you want to post on a forum controlled by... "the pandas".

Cooperative Poker.

[QUOTE=Ideal Poker/Money by John Nash and newguy1234]When one studies what are called “cooperative games”, which in economic terms include mergers and acquisitions or cartel formation, it is found to be appropriate and is standard to form two basic classifications:

(1): Games with transferable utility.


(2): Games without transferable utility (or “NTU” games).

In the world of practical realities it is money which typically causes the existence of a game of type (1) rather than of type (2); money is the “lubrication” which enables the efficient “transfer of utility”. And generally if games can be transformed from type (2) to type (1) there is a gain, on average, to all the players in terms of whatever might be expected to be the outcome.[/QUOTE]

Well no one knows what definition you are using, but typically "cooperative" implies cooperation. Claiming that everyone is part of a government conspiracy to keep you down is not going to lead to cooperation.

Insulting people is not going to lead to cooperation.

Posting absolute nonsense and not accepting any criticism to help yourself be understood is not going to lead to cooperation.

Why are you posting on this site if you only care about whether or not your own biased program thinks you can communicate effectively?

Why are you posting on this site if it is controlled by the people who secretly control the world and can shut you down anytime they wish?

by Bluegrassplayer k

Well no one knows what definition you are using

Were using Nash's definitions.

[QUOTE=Nash Program]





These computations are found to be “heavy” so that our research could not have been done in the earlier days of game theory, like in the 50’s, because of the inadequacy of the computing resources then.

Our study has the character of an experiment, but rather than working directly with human subjects we computationally discover the evolutionarily of a triad of bargaining or negotiative players. And these players are, as far as the experimental science is concerned, equivalent to a set of three robots.

Whatever choices we make at first, with regard to how the players are to reactively behave, there is, a priori, the possibility that some other design might have each player (or an individual player) behaving more effectively in terms of effectively inducing desirably cooperative behavior

...the cooperative behavior of the players in a model for cooperation of three players via “agencies” and “acceptances” failed to be continuable when one or two of the coalitions having only two members became too strong in comparison with the “grand coalition” (of all three of the players in the game)).


The Nash program has important strategical considerations and modeling relevant to games with consensus and coalitional agreements...
[QUOTE=Nash Program and Nash's Homepage]A specified game may also have intrinsic characteristics that make it plausible that, even though it is a “cooperative game” in that the players are regarded as free to undertake all sorts of cooperative acts of collaboration (outside of the formal structure of the presentation of the game), they might NATURALLY not act in a simple pattern of cooperation (and the sharing, somehow, of wealth and resources) but rather there might be various differing forms of behavior that might possibly emerge as the observable behavior of the players.

This is analogous to the patterns observed in international politics and warfare, where shifting alliances and patterns of opposition have emerged regularly, for example, in European history.[/QUOTE]

Re‐Mapation of the Nash Program In Synthesis With The Bitcoin Experiment

OK, looks like my post applies to that definition too. It certainly applies to you talking about it with anyone.

Can everyone take a brief pause for the night?

by Crossnerd k

Can everyone take a brief pause for the night?


Think about those questions during your break.

BTW I watched Inside Out 2 last night, solid movie. It's essentially the plot of this thread.

by jbouton k

When philgalfond was telling players he was interested in input from the players....I was blacklisted cross-sites (ie other forum admins such as RIO had already received instruction to disallow it in the public eye ).

How does that work?

Now...the 'ideas' that 2p2 banned, and had a concerted effort behind the scenes to suppress has aged for 10 years.

When I was being 'canceled' or labelled as crazy and having mental illness I realized this would happen. So I wrote in a timelocked fashion.

Why sh

I'm sorry for not having read all the posts in this thread; I don't have time at the moment. Jbouton, if you think your ideas are banned, maybe you can start a blog in Poker Blogs and Goals? I think you mentioned that one of your blogs got deleted by someone. Well, this one will not be deleted.

Also, what is it that you are trying to expose? Just expose it. But don't write any real names because it's private information and it's illegal.

That would be at least the third such thread for him. He doesn't want that, because no one will read his ramblings. He wants to insert himself in a thread that gets traffic so the posters there are held hostage and have to see his rants in order to read the other posts in the thread that they actually want to read.

He took this a step further by illegally hacking the site to blackmail.

oh my god 72off has been reporting my i/p posts. what a ****ing result

my thanks to bouton for blowing this case wide open

by jbouton k

Do believe in the NSA?

Do you believe that the government got caught breaking the constitution during covid as revealed in the twitter files and legal proceedings that followed?

Not really going to answer if you can't serious admit public record right?

What a wackadoodle response. This is all just a ploy to be the center of attention.

by jbouton k


Is Doyle really dead or is he involved too? Did anyone check his ears?

Button, the owner of the site has gracefully decided to talk to you (if I were him I wouldn't have, based on your stance on the war alone). I strongly suggest you take this opportunity to make your case cogently and intelligibly. If you rant at him in the same incoherent manner you've been ranting in this thread, he's probably just going to leave and ignore you like most people do on this site. Also, I'd tone down the paranoid conspiracy talk so you don't come across as completely unhinged. Time to shine, kiddo.


^^My post above should read "graciously", not "gracefully". It's bugging me but too late to edit it now.

by Max k

I'm sorry for not having read all the posts in this thread.

You shouldn't be sorry. You should be glad.

by Max k

I'm sorry for not having read all the posts in this thread; I don't have time at the moment. Jbouton, if you think your ideas are banned, maybe you can start a blog in Poker Blogs and Goals? I think you mentioned that one of your blogs got deleted by someone. Well, this one will not be deleted.

Also, what is it that you are trying to expose? Just expose it. But don't write any real names because it's private information and it's illegal.

Please demod me from Poker Blogs and Goals effective immediately.

Edit: for the record, the mod forum is probably the most boring subforum on the site lest anyone thing there's a shred of truth to the hints that there's some huge conspiracy there.

by Bluegrassplayer k
by jbouton k

You missed the part where the ONLY REASON I'm allowed to post about this stuff and have this thread exist and not get deleted and have me perma-banned is BECAUSE I was leaked the entire history of the hostaging of the integrity of the game.

So this is obviously nonsense, but the fact he thinks this is extremely dangerous. He does not realize he's broken the law. He thinks he was correct to break the law. He is saying this thread is a reward for breaking the law.

I'm not going to be the one to do i

Giving him further rewards is even more dangerous. Not that this is a reward he wants anyways.

Negotiating with him is a horrible idea.

by marknfw k

for the record, the mod forum is probably the most boring subforum on the site lest anyone thing there's a shred of truth to the hints that there's some huge conspiracy there.

That's because you don't know teh codez. You honestly think they're just talking about who is going to do what shift? Button has cracked their cypher, I'm telling you.
