The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition

Bad beats are part of the game. I understand that. But after absorbing more than my fair share on Poker Stars I switched to Full Tilt six months ago. The first few months were much better over on Full Tilt.

Now Full Tilt is worse than Poker Stars ever was. The past month has been brutal. Tonight I've had pocket aces six times. All six times I lost to someone with a lower pocket pair.

I can't tell you how many times (at least 100 times the past thee weeks) where someone needs one card, especially two or three hours into a tournament, and they hit when odds are 90 to 95% in my favor.

You tell yourself that's poker until it happens time after time after time.

I enjoy playing poker online but I'm about ready to give it up. There doesn't seem to be a site to where it plays out like a casino. You see bad beats in a casino but NOTHING like Full Tilt and Poker Stars back when I played over on that site.

Curious as to others observations. Is there a site that's on the up and up or is it time to retire from online poker where you start to get the feeling the deck literally is stacked against you?


Edit/MH: See:

by franxic k

I hereby confirm what Bobo said for the record:

It is possible to rig random number generators. Everyone please refrain from making false statements about what I said and didn't say. I made that exact statement several times itt. Here, i acknowledged it.
It was acknowledged at least a combined 500 times from about every non-riggie posting itt, yet riggies keep repeating that point over and over, because they don't really care about correctness.

Does a single riggie acknowledge that


Edit/MH: An interesting article from 1999:

) 19 Views 19
22 July 2008 at 04:53 AM

328 Replies


by Johnmir k

[heads up game started BB = 20 to 40 chips] no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-[the game goes, I have got a huge stack and going to win soon, BB = 50 to 100 chips already] yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes


by ejames209 k


It's not literally like that, but you can see it's too rare not to inform Gambling supervision authorities.
Once we managed to open hands and to see that we don't see in a normal game (we just fold before a showdown) - it shows pure rigging of the game.

Well, I described all the algorithm of the software, but it will take some time before enough people understand what's going on.
The only way to stop the fraud faster - Curacao/The UK/Russia block iPoker.

In case they decide to "skip" my materials this is a sign of that online-gambling market is totally unregulated. And it's unacceptable. But I did all i could, guys. I can't do more.

by jungmit k

I once had a person who worked for a site I forget which one could have been bovada tell me something. I was complaining that people hit too many flops and he said yes true but if the site did not make that happen the game would be boring and people would play less.
I also used to prop games for one of the site not in business now. When I prop I have to be in touch with site cuz they tell u what tables to go to. The guy who worked at the site said after the stuff he seen working there he would n

I'm a tennis coach (I was an analyst before). And i worked with many business owners (tennis is kinda - ).
When I was preparing the materials in 2022, almost all of them reacted:

"Man, are you trying to prove online-gambling is rigged? Lol, anyone doubt?"

I mean, It's actually funny to "doubt" the game is rigged, but it's hard to prove and to make online-casino's illegal.

There is also a problem, that many players - and i was one of them - believe, that they can win something on a distance (playing 1-2 tables high quality poker). And they keep trying in stead of playing multi-tabling or just quit. Lifetime wasting should be stopped.

Do you think the insurance market is rigged?

Btw what happens when you make online poker illegal. Everyone stops playing, right? £2.7bn -£4.1bn reasons why that's wrong.

by MarkDavis k

Do you think the insurance market is rigged?

Btw what happens when you make online poker illegal. Everyone stops playing, right? £2.3bn reasons why that's wrong.

Well, look.
The insurance market in Russia was rigged, yes ))) They say, huge financial organizations in Russia used insurance companies for money laundering. I don't know what is going on nowadays though.

Regarding online-poker.
People who lose money, will find the way to lose it. Yes, some people will keep playing.
But it's important to save lifetime of that part of players - who could find better ways to live their lifes.

Important : Not Everyone would waste his life and money in online-poker in case he knew the game is rigged.
Me personally - I try to help these people, cause i was one of them. I managed to stop a life waste in time, but i still lost some years of my active life for this.

Save us all! You are saving lives!

by TeflonDawg k

Save us all! You are saving lives!

TeflonDawg... We have already discussed that.

1. We don't need to save regular players, they do win. It's all good. And what's bad in that you win? Nothing. That is why rigging is good for you.
And here, on the forum, it's not forbidden to be agreed with rigging. All the regular players can just type (look, i type what i want btw, it's easy!) - "ONLINE POKER IS RANDOM AND IS FAIR". Sign.

THAT is WHY - I sent it to gambling supervisors. There is no need to discuss with guys, who win money playing rigged game, if they agree with this. It's not reasonable to ask!

2. I do not save lives. I try to save lifetime. It's different 😀

save your breath

by Slugant k

save your breath

Man 😉

Mike can't describe Every topic on the forum to keep it's context.

I will try to explain you. Look at the thread's name - "The great Poker is rigged debate" 😀

What are people supposed to post here?

1. Facts of rigging the game (evidence)
2. Rare cases/hands to draw attention of players to a specific behavior of the software
3. Statistics of the game showing dependencies in card dealing process (proofs, calculations, etc)
4. Methods of rigging the game, and thoughts about the scheme of possible gambling fraud.

Let's check your latest ideas/messages:

a) "poker is not for you, guys, move on"
b) "wait.. if you are 100% sure GG is rigged.. why do you keep playing there? are you delusional?"
c) "if its not possible to win btw, why do you keep on playing?"
d) "but who killed JFK?"
e) "You call yourself an expert level poker player.... how come?"
f) "Its a bunch of incoherent rambling and I suggest you seek help before things spiral out of control."

But, personally, I like reading your posts

See the problem becomes I do not think it's rigged. But when you ask any sight about their dealing they always say it's fair, they never say it's random. And this is how they get around it. So for example if I deal you pocket aces more often than you should get it there's no problem with that as long as I deal everybody else the same amount of times. I mean if one guy is getting pocket aces way more often than everybody else then there could be a problem. So then when their site gets audited they go well it's fair even though everybody's getting pocket aces more often than they should it's still Fair as long as everybody's getting that. And by the way yes insurance is rigged

by Mike Haven k

This has been discussed a few times in this thread since 2017. Search the thread for posts with "issuu" in them.

Look at that, this man shows something that happens once in 100 million hands!

I show something that happens one in 8,5 trillion!

100 000 000 hands vs 8 500 000 000 000 flops (hands)

Lol... You kidding me guys. I though that was serious.
I mean, he made a good job, but i'm talking about PURE rigging of the game. Something simply obvious and seen with eyes, without even calculating!

by jungmit k

See the problem becomes I do not think it's rigged. But when you ask any sight about their dealing they always say it's fair, they never say it's random. And this is how they get around it. So for example if I deal you pocket aces more often than you should get it there's no problem with that as long as I deal everybody else the same amount of times. I mean if one guy is getting pocket aces way more often than everybody else then there could be a problem. So then when their site gets audited the

Yeah, i got your point. It would be fair.

But look at my statistics for Gambling supervisors. It doesn't look like something "equal". Once i opened hidden cards i get this:

Well, once im going to win and the software helps a losing player, man.

And it is confirmed by 0,0000000035% probability of the case.

It's hard to believe we should play the game which is 99,99...999% rigged... And it's not just rigged. It's rigged for PROVEN motive of the rooms profit maximizing:

"In case we play and i win all the games - the room gets (for example we play 1$ Heads-up and my opponent got 20$ bankroll)

2$ (prize poo) * 10% (commission of the room) * 20 games = 4$

But if the software manages to equalize our game and to let us win one by one we lose all the money been melt down to a commission.

200 games of a draw (100-100) = 40$ income as a commission for the room.

10 times more income (40$ and 4$)."

Guys, again, i'm talking about a simple and understandable rigging of the game.

Passing of chips to a losing player on high BBs. And this passing you will never SEE in a poker game, cause you will just fold your hand against bets of your opponent before showdown - his hand will remain HIDDEN.
And even if you decide to watch his hand - you will pay enough for viewing it so that the software would STOP rigging.

Look - if there are pro players between us, you have to understand this phrase above. Did you get me?

Once again.
Once you decided to open your opponent's hand in a real game you will pay for viewing and the software won't keep rigging the game.

But even if you decided not to call your opponent and not to let him take your chips on a showdown - the software will put him into the flop as many times as it needs to recover his stack!

And I SHOW this by opening my opp's hands while he is in a sit-out mode. It's as simple as this.

You can only say: "Well.. John. Yeah, it looks like a pure rigging. Yes, it's crazy. But what if it's still random? Just an accident?".
No way to decline the evidence here!

by Johnmir k

Let's check your latest ideas/messages:

a) "poker is not for you, guys, move on"
b) "wait.. if you are 100% sure GG is rigged.. why do you keep playing there? are you delusional?"
c) "if its not possible to win btw, why do you keep on playing?"
d) "but who killed JFK?"
e) "You call yourself an expert level poker player.... how come?"
f) "Its a bunch of incoherent rambling and I suggest you seek help before things spiral out of control."

But, personally, I like reading your posts

c'mon man, you forgot my best post which still holds up

by Slugant k

Since self-made excel sheets are apparently evidence, how about this shocking stat...

Thats some solid evidence you are actually 100% wrong right there.

Im very thankful that the site operators on the site I play online poker on were gracious enough to allow me to win. I feel bad for everyone they chose to rig poker against

by Johnmir k

TeflonDawg... We have already discussed that.

1. We don't need to save regular players, they do win. It's all good. And what's bad in that you win? Nothing. That is why rigging is good for you.
And here, on the forum, it's not forbidden to be agreed with rigging. All the regular players can just type (look, i type what i want btw, it's easy!) - "ONLINE POKER IS RANDOM AND IS FAIR". Sign.

THAT is WHY - I sent it to gambling supervisors. There is no need to discuss with guys, who win money playing r

Doing yeoman's work! Now go run your robust and compelling experiments on all the other sites plz!

by Slugant k

c'mon man, you forgot my best post which still holds up

They play because gambling is addictive.
Who killed JFK? Not Oswald.

by ejames209 k

Im very thankful that the site operators on the site I play online poker on were gracious enough to allow me to win. I feel bad for everyone they chose to rig poker against

Thank you, man (if you are serious).
I mean this is really good reaction of mentally healthy person to admit that the fraud is really possible.

The best you can say to a player "Man, i'm winning, and the game looks random to me, but in case you got involved to a fraud, it's really pity".
Poker community is simply crazy, lol.

I know the game is rigged and I tell guys, who win rigged game - "Guys, it's cool you win, really. You shouldn't change anything. At least someone wins!"

They answer "You are idiot, you dunno how to play". So awful. Really. In fact it's just disappointing. I mean we won't stop this wars and misunderstandings in the international society since huge part of people behave like that.

by TeflonDawg k

Doing yeoman's work! Now go run your robust and compelling experiments on all the other sites plz!

Too much life waste, man. I think i did my job just describing the software algorithm of 90% online rooms and sent proofs to Supervisors.
Starting from this time more and more people will start to understand how it works. It's hard to find, but very easy to understand the description.

Are you an alter ego of Paisting or just related?

by Slugant k

Are you an alter ego of Paisting or just related?

Guys, can you explain me who is Paisting? Seriously - I don't know this, sorry

Am i right he is some guy, who lost crazy amount of money playing online?

No one can convince me Betonline isn't rigged. Variance is a thing but seeing constant 1 in a million situations every time you play is crazy.

I've been playing for about a week no 10nl boost and the exact same players are constantly seeing these situations.

My AK vs QQ 3x against the same player having flopped nut straight to them hitting runner runner house.

2 hands later QQ v KK same ****ing player.

10 hands later another player AA vs J9 they hit trips.

These are CRAZY situations to see in poker on their own individually. To see them happen CONSISTENTLY over and over every single I play is unfathomable.

by Johnmir k

Guys, can you explain me who is Paisting? Seriously - I don't know this, sorry

cmon John, you're an elite player and analyst. You can figure out how to use the 2+2 search engine or google "paisting"

by Johnmir k

Guys, can you explain me who is Paisting? Seriously - I don't know this, sorry

Am i right he is some guy, who lost crazy amount of money playing online?

To save you a search, read

by Slugant k

cmon John, you're an elite player and analyst. You can figure out how to use the 2+2 search engine or google "paisting"

In fact, i have never read forums. The fun is that, i was reading Sklansky's and Malmuth's books, but i'm really new on ANY forums... I haven't EVER posted anything before 😃
