***Official H&F LC Thread***
A valid strategy for getting ripped imo.
(From http://extrafabulouscomics.com/, kyleb's (RIP) favorite web comic)
So, according to you it's not possible to bias the outcome of questions about anything? No wonder you sheep follow whatever the media tells you. 😃
Sure, anything is possible. But by the Rich Muny standard of prove, you haven't come close to proving it. At best, it's an interesting hypothesis.
However, when we combine a survey like that that with all of the other data (imperfect though it may be) like education levels, self-described low-info voters voting Trump and it all points one way, then a rational person would conclude that that way is likely the right way.
Sure, you can delude yourself in to believing data of any kind showing Harris voters on the whole are dumber is near impossible to find because MAGA folk are too noble to try to prove such a thing and it's most definitely not because they are smarter on average. I can't help you with that.
Yes you did. You do realize that all of these posts still exist right?
I think we'd need to see a lot of studies with a lot of rigor before the claim that adults can increase their IQ by studying more can be even close to proven.
Just because someone conducts a study doesn't mean it's proven. Look at all those now-debunked food studies,, for instance. A study is a starting point.
I'm pretty sure "a lot of studies" qualifies as multiple studies. You also went on to clarify that "a study" is not enough.
Try one study. Or, just say it's your opinion, because that's all it is.
Well, based on the Rich Muny standard of proof nearly all claims are opinions. That would be less crazy if you didn't claim to prove things left and right with out the requisite studies and statistical significance.
Except I wasn't talking about the IQ of Californians. I was talking about their shoplifting issues, which I documented as being a major issue to many there.
Let me get this straight. To prove claims about IQ you need multiple studies showing statistical significance. To prove claims about shoplifting incidence or prosecution rates, you don't need that. Is that right? Hmm, I wonder what the reason for the different standard of proof could possibly be?
based. I wonder if he'll keep getting the women simping for him after all of his right wing tweets are revealed. I hope so.
Dude would have been a in the running for a Golden Loco if he was an H&F bro.
I'm going with natty. I assume you agree.
Kind of reminds me of the photo in your log. You know the one.
No one can outpost Melk, and since 2+2 apparently doesn't move out of context posting anymore, this is likely to go on until the other guys get tired and stop posting.
I can definitely be outposted (you should see some of the sickos in the new 2+2 politard forum). Eventually the entertainment will wear off for me and then it will end. But Rich Muny is an endless font of hilarious takes. This one (which I did spend some time on, but not in proportion to how much I loved it) is probably my favorite:
Rich: You can say that support for Kamala tends to increase with educational level
Melk: Great, so that means that support for Trump will increase as educational level goes down
Rich: No
Where else are you gonna find someone doubling or tripling down on something like that without batting an eye?
Glad you read a dictionary. You can learn something!
posting in the 2+2 politard forum has to be the very definition of masochism. I don't kink shame though, so it's k.
Solid sequence right there.
D'oh, double post
As fascinating as the recent conversation has been, I seem to be a DYEP (particularly online).
Dude would have been a in the running for a Golden Loco if he was an H&F bro.
I'm going with natty. I assume you agree.
Kind of reminds me of the photo in your log. You know the one.
definitely natty and I've been getting messages from my American friends on wechat about the resemblance. Not even just the individual photo but a lot of ideas he presented on his twitter page/short form manifesto/youtube etc. I do not plan on murdering or assassinating now or at any time in the future.
It's kinda funny how a specific mindset and belief set is pretty tightly correlated with a person's physical appearance and presentation... Two guys from radically different upbringings and life circumstances come to (nearly) the same conclusions about how the world works, how it should work, and both end up creating a very similar physical presentation right down to facial expressions.
Melk, Muny.
It's cool you have a lot of commitment and passion. But man... the question you guys are/were debating is incredibly uncompelling. You may as well be debating what the best episode of My Lil' Pony is.
I think it'd be interesting if Melk and Muny debated if they could go back in time to assassinate either Hitler or Stalin which one they would choose and why.
Assassinate Stalin all day baby.
Seriously. My HOA back in the States spent 0 time for months finding a new insurance policy which was about 10-15k a month overpriced (temp policy month to month). However, they did find time to speak to all 80 people to rearrange every parking spot for a couple elderly folks so they didn't have to walk across the parking lot (about 30ft). Then again this is pretty much what every HOA devolves into.
Charities are an even bigger lol.
On the flip side, there is atleast some personal effect in these situations. Debating religion or politics or any other idea that you have literally no control over is the height of mental masturbation. Donating money to my buddy who wants to be sheriff and will hook me up with possibly illegal evictions is politics that matters. Debating who will be President in CA where you vote literally means nothing and there is nothing you can do to affect the outcome is the exact opposite. Then again this changes if you're a billionaire, much like everything else in life.
But as we age, mental masturbation is all we really got. So might as well enjoy it.
I’d prefer to retain traditional masturbation as I age.
Double digits in a day? That's like my teenage years; I wasn't very productive in other areas.
The killer had two major errors.
Obviously smiling and removing the face mask.
But the worse one was giving fake ID to cops. He cracked under pressure and made a donk decision.
He gives real ID, they look him up and maybe let him go or maybe not even search his backpack. Once he gives fakeID, they can search him.
Donk alert. Needed a casino surveillance expert to help him out.
But still shows you the power of face mask and fakeID. I don't use that stuff because casinos are so dumb anyways but I suppose if I wanted to score one last time at Bellagio.
Sure, anything is possible. But by the Rich Muny standard of prove, you haven't come close to proving it. At best, it's an interesting hypothesis.
However, when we combine a survey like that that with all of the other data (imperfect though it may be) like education levels, self-described low-info voters voting Trump and it all points one way, then a rational person would conclude that that way is likely the right way.
Sure, you can delude yourself in to believing data of any kind showing Har
I didn't make up accepted statistical methods of comparing populations. That's just reality.
What you have is an opinion and nothing more. The survey is bogus for the reasons I cited. Education level? There's some correlation to IQ, but not tot the extent you purport. LOL at believing a US Army staff sergeant or the owner of a plumbing company is "dumber" than a purple-haired Starbucks barista with a gender studies degree who can't define what a woman is.
I'm pretty sure "a lot of studies" qualifies as multiple studies. You also went on to clarify that "a study" is not enough.
I voted for Trump and you voted for Kamala. I have a higher IQ than you. So, for this n=2 study, Trump voters are smarter than Kamala voters. See how that works?
One very rigorous study would suffice, but we already know that doesn't exist. That's why, of what does exist, you'd have to piece together lots of stuff to have any hope of proving what you seek to prove. They also generally have lots of biases (just like a Nestle-funded food study would), again necessitating more than one study.
This is just you looking for an argument.
Anyway, the bottom line is that you haven't proven Trump voters are dumber than Kamala voters. You've shown some stuff on education level but keep trying to expand on that in ways that are not backed by the data.
You people ****ing disgust me. Did you ever actually even live? 5? Bunch of low T ******s here.
But seriously, did you guys warp from 14 to 40?