***Official H&F LC Thread***

***Official H&F LC Thread***

A valid strategy for getting ripped imo.

(From http://extrafabulouscomics.com/, kyleb's (RIP) favorite web comic)

) 5 Views 5
02 January 2018 at 09:19 AM

724 Replies


sorry for grossness, but what kind of goo would you be producing when you're getting close to double figures? there'd be nothing but dust and feathers after #3 for me


Round 7 isn't replicating a Peter North 7 roper.

If anyone would like to research this, please feel free to google "Peter North Huge Cumshots"... and umm... do whatever you totally straight guys wanna do!

My record was something like 15 (I'd just bought a new porni mag.) Volume was negligible; it was painful and no longer fun.. However, a man's got to do what he has to do.

15? Jesus

11. I feel pitiful. I could probably save up a week and try to break the record. Take a bit of cabergoline+cialis to get the pr.

At my age, I honestly think more than 4 would kill me.

I am 29. I am from Lithuania. Every year I like to do a health check. I usually do a blood test, have some adds ons, like testosterone level check, then I go to cardiologist, and then I usually go to that same doctor that does screening for baby, well to check my inner organs and see if everything seems well there, and I am not having a fatty liver or anything like that.

Is there's any people in their 20s/30s/40s that currently don't really treat any conditions, but who like to do a regular screening for their health, to potentially detect early cancer and other diseases?

yeah that's not that unusual and generally a good idea

Ive been doing it for about a decade.
I’m 53 currently. All
Major organs, cholesterol, PSA and a variety of other stuff and then I track it every year. It’s very useful

Given I live in Australia, I also get my skin checked every year

by feel wrath k

I also get my skin checked every year

bet you also go to the salon and drink cucumber water while they paint your nails as well soyboy

by rickroll k

bet you also go to the salon and drink cucumber water while they paint your nails as well soyboy

You’re the one who wants to turn gay

I just had a skin cancer cut out so it’s actually very important here with our lack of ozone and with me being outside the whole time

by feel wrath k

You’re the one who wants to turn gay

I just had a skin cancer cut out so it’s actually very important here with our lack of ozone and with me being outside the whole time

you wouldn't go gay for luigi? nothing **** about that imo

but on a serious note, congrats on the cancer dodge, that's some scary stuff and i didn't know that you went through that


maybe it was from soy not sun though?

by rickroll k

you wouldn't go gay for luigi? nothing **** about that imo

I have no idea who luigi is, but strong guess is that it's a no from me

Meet Luigi:

On another note, that has to be the most



Pretty disgusting even for a person like you.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you already need professional skin inspections (I assume for your back), that ain't gonna be the first skin cancer. As you age, you'll probably have a bunch removed and biopsied, and some will be cancerous and they'll melon baller you. On the upside, skin cancer is pretty much a nothing burger.

Tho this does raise a couple interesting questions. If someone had a melanoma removed, do they get to call themselves a cancer survivor? Would you laugh at them? I'd probably say they are technically a cancer survivor, but I'd still 100% laugh at them.

Mine wasn’t melanoma fortunately and was lowest level possible. But I don’t doubt there are gnarlier times ahead.

When you live in Sydney and you are outside and in the surf as much as me, it’s always there.

But even if I’m dying, sorry Luigi but it’s a no from me

what is a trot?


lol you.

by rickroll k

what is a trot?

oh lol, didn't even see the text. The original meme is "he's out of line, but he's right", not "he's a trot".

Have you ever stopped to consider what if someone considered you or your crotch fruit parasites and unilaterally decided they should be removed from society?

by NotThremp k

Have you ever stopped to consider what if someone considered you or your crotch fruit parasites and unilaterally decided they should be removed from society?

I didn't think you could be this dumb, but here we are.

by Soulman k

I didn't think you could be this dumb, but here we are.

Assumed this would cause a brain 404 due to your limited intellect. Didn't fail to disappoint.

by rickroll k

guys, i'm going to buy an apple tomorrow, what should i get?

Depends on where you live. Generally whatever the newest apple varieties that have popped up at your grocery stores.

by Bondurant k

I am 29. I am from Lithuania. Every year I like to do a health check. I usually do a blood test, have some adds ons, like testosterone level check, then I go to cardiologist, and then I usually go to that same doctor that does screening for baby, well to check my inner organs and see if everything seems well there, and I am not having a fatty liver or anything like that.

Is there's any people in their 20s/30s/40s that currently don't really treat any conditions, but who like to do a regular scre

I have no idea how Lithuania screening recommendations work. But in the USA, there are national recommendations, generally based on meta-studies, of what age to screen for what things.

All general doctors *should* know what the current screening recommendations are (or know how to find them in < 5 minutes).

Many people think it is better to do more screenings than what's actually recommended. However, there's a reason more stuff isn't just recommended and done. Some has to do with cost issues - but most is simply because screening for some things would do more harm than good (e.g. false positives outweigh whatever benefit there is from catching whatever it is at that point in someone's life).

Anyway, this is a question to ask your parimary physician and not a somewhat random group of ppl on the internet (none of us are actually qualified to answer this, although I do realize our answers could accidentally be correct).

by rickroll k

yeah that's not that unusual and generally a good idea

If you are saying adding on testing on your own that isn't recommended by a good doctor, then I'd say it is generally NOT a good idea. If you are still really sure it's generally a good idea, still check with your primary physician to figure out what the actual pros and cons of getting that extra testing done.

oh i understood it to be "should i be doing these tests the docs want to do?"

agree that we tend to over test in the usa out of fear of lawsuits and knowing the insurance provider will cover it
