Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs
Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.
This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.
Links to their youtube channels
Andrew Neeme
Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.
This now stands for this thread:
Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.
I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.
Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.
Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.
No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.
Update April 2018
OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.
If exiled and you can't post in thi
Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled
A new update March 2019:
Imagine getting dissed by Diesel because you have disposable income. This dude is much dumber and more far gone than I realized. No matter where you are in life or how successful, Diesel thinks he is far superior to everyone. The arrogance of these bottom 1% vloggers/poker players is really astounding.
The yawning chasm between his perceived brilliance and his actual ability is on another level. I honestly don't think it's possible for someone to think any higher of themselves while being so objectively worse than everyone else around them.
It is quite staggering.... on a Dunning-Kruger graph for life skills Diesel would be right near the bottom for knowledge and off the scale at the top for confidence. It would be very unusual to find anyone so extreme as him!
It is quite staggering.... on a Dunning-Kruger graph for life skills Diesel would be right near the bottom for knowledge and off the scale at the top for confidence. It would be very unusual to find anyone so extreme as him!
I always loved using Dunning-Kruger effect for poker players and dumb people.
People so dumb, they don't have the mental capacity to realize how dumb they actually are.
It's really mind blowing that Diesel graduated from high school much less law school.
I'm surprised El D doesn't stop tracking time after he folds each hand. If he doesn't actually have cards, he's not playing poker.
Just think how high his win rate would be if he did that.
I always loved using Dunning-Kruger effect for poker players and dumb people.
People so dumb, they don't have the mental capacity to realize how dumb they actually are.
It's really mind blowing that Diesel graduated from high school much less law school.
Mind blowing? I assumed everyone here knows people like Diesel that were straight A students and did very well on standardized tests but have less commonsense than a bowl of soup and really struggle outside of the academic world. Also, like Diesel, they usually can’t fathom that anyone less accomplished academically is doing better than them in life.
For anyone doubting Rice's inability to address criticism normally, his smugness and his arrogance this interaction is one for you.....
i'm a doubter. here's my response. so.... what would el deisel's response to being called a joke and cheapwad be to show an "ability to address criticism normally"?
[sits down in chair, sips coffee, leans back, and prepares for a non-smug and non-arrogant answer]
Rice basically sees life as being about survival, nothing more. Life's pleasures and luxuries are wasteful and aren't something he strives for. It's why he has commented that 'net income' to him is what you have left at the year end after all your expenditure. He has no concept of spending money on things that are enjoyable to you or even many of the basics. Either that or he does understand the concept but has to lock it away somewhere to enable him to continue to live the way he does.
i'm a doubter. here's my response. so.... what would el deisel's response to being called a joke and cheapwad be to show an "ability to address criticism normally"?
[sits down in chair, sips coffee, leans back, and prepares for a non-smug and non-arrogant answer]
Laugh at himself and not take himself so seriously all the time. He goes around the strip laughing at people waiting in lines and telling random people on the internet how great he is and how miserable they are to cope with his lifestyle. He also has the thinnest skin imaginable other than Trooper, so maybe develop some thicker skin if he is going to keep putting out vlogs detailing his life.
Can you imagine how this thread and his YouTube comments would look if he would be more self-deprecating and instead of lecturing us on the how he does everything in the best possible way (read:worst) he would laugh, saying I do this but if you aren’t living out of your car you shouldn’t even consider it!
What if he ended his videos saying “All Hail, me, El Diesel the king of nits!” instead of a gross clip of him smacking his lips while he eats rice to point out that the best way to eat rice is with a spoon and he figured it out.
Why would anyone expect a civil response to the initial post?
Sure, disagree with his lifestyle choices, but it's hypocritical for the same people criticizing Rice for being arrogant and obnoxious to post the same repetitive insults here and directly on his social media accounts, and then clutch their pearls when he responds in kind or removes douchebag comments from his YouTube videos.
Why would anyone expect a civil response to the initial post?
Sure, disagree with his lifestyle choices, but it's hypocritical for the same people criticizing Rice for being arrogant and obnoxious to post the same repetitive insults here and directly on his social media accounts, and then clutch their pearls when he responds in kind or removes douchebag comments from his YouTube videos.
The way to handle these types of comments is to 1) Ignore them 2) respond in a light hearted / self deprecating way 3) wash over the insults (don't be so thin skinned) and address the point being made
What not to do is make a strawman that the person who commented is a losing poker player and attack them for that. Then follow it up with a bizarre comment that if the commenter is spending more than the bare minimum on survival he is wasting money
i'm a doubter. here's my response. so.... what would el deisel's response to being called a joke and cheapwad be to show an "ability to address criticism normally"?
[sits down in chair, sips coffee, leans back, and prepares for a non-smug and non-arrogant answer]
When I stopped watching he was able to point to videos where he showed (maybe “claimed” is a better word) he earned significantly more than his expenses and was able to save close to 4 figures every year. Doesn’t seem like he is able to do that anymore. The issue is that the guy commenting is right and Rice will earn less money and respond by trying to decrease his expenses. He isn’t able to address the criticism so he insults the person leveling it.
Why would anyone expect a civil response to the initial post?
Sure, disagree with his lifestyle choices, but it's hypocritical for the same people criticizing Rice for being arrogant and obnoxious to post the same repetitive insults here and directly on his social media accounts, and then clutch their pearls when he responds in kind or removes douchebag comments from his YouTube videos.
No this isn't right. He's the one putting his life on full display via YouTube, in all it's comical glory. As such he has to learn to handle criticism much better. Especially given there is so much about him that is worthy of criticism.
His childish and petulant style of debating with these commenters is pathetic. He assumes that anyone who disagrees with his way of life must automatically be a loser who is going to be working till 95 because they waste too much money... I mean really? Go look at any successful YouTubers and you won't ever see them engaging in such stupidity.
I mean come on, to not use an app because he sees people charging their phones every 5 min?
Diesel says a lot of things that aren't true.
Assuming Diesel wins two hands an hour, the increased rake should cut his earnings by $2/hour.
The rake could be $10 and there will still be plenty of local regs that convince themselves they will still do well in the games. Trooper and El Diesel don’t really care about rake despite being regs that it should hurt the most. They probably worry way more about bad beats.
You do need a membership to use the food court
Sadly, this is no longer true for non-members. Since early 2020, Costco has required a membership card to buy anything at the food court, including chicken bakes, barbecue beef brisket sandwiches, ice cream and churros.
Yep, have to have a membership now. Sad. I'm sure the pharmacy trick would work just fine though. Or go in the membership/return doors.
Why would anyone expect a civil response to the initial post?
Sure, disagree with his lifestyle choices, but it's hypocritical for the same people criticizing Rice for being arrogant and obnoxious to post the same repetitive insults here and directly on his social media accounts, and then clutch their pearls when he responds in kind or removes douchebag comments from his YouTube videos.
Agreed, it was a trollish comment so I’m not surprised he would react.
I wonder when was the last time Rice insulted Herbs and Rye for having a marketable skill and far superior poker skills.
The rake could be $10 and there will still be plenty of local regs that convince themselves they will still do well in the games. Trooper and El Diesel don’t really care about rake despite being regs that it should hurt the most. They probably worry way more about bad beats.
El Diesel doesn't play any hands. Rake increases don't hurt him that much.
Also people like to lol@the more rake is better thing but room with low rake and high hand type promos where the regs end up getting most of the money produce shitty games. Obviously there is a point where more really is extremely detrimental but an extra dollar a hand is fine if it chases off break even miserable promo trashing trash.
Pot rake is already grossly unfair as it is. Not reason guys who play a lot of hands and drive action should be paying the casino more per hour than Uber nits taking up space.
No this isn't right. He's the one putting his life on full display via YouTube, in all it's comical glory. As such he has to learn to handle criticism much better. Especially given there is so much about him that is worthy of criticism.
His childish and petulant style of debating with these commenters is pathetic. He assumes that anyone who disagrees with his way of life must automatically be a loser who is going to be working till 95 because they waste too much money... I mean really? Go look at
It's actually amazing. At about 17 I realized spending the next 40-50 years working a 9-5 with 2-3 weeks vacation a year wasn't for me.
But he thinks the only options for people are work miserable jobs they hate until they're 95 or play poker for min wage and there is no in-between. It's actually mind boggling he hasn't figured out that it doesn't have to be one extreme or the other. He can gasp- make more money and save a lot more in the process. And while a lot of people are terrible with money,there are also a lot of people who make good or great money who would kill themselves if they had to live like a pauper and only save a thousand or two a year.
His response as far as poker goes is also comical. He actually somehow thinks he's crushing poker and they anyone responds to him has to be worse than him.
Diesel says a lot of things that aren't true.
Assuming Diesel wins two hands an hour, the increased rake should cut his earnings by $2/hour.
he will liberate significantly more condiments in 2024 from caesars properties which in addition to his revenue stream from dividend stocks will almost offset his hourly differential from increased rake
His response as far as poker goes is also comical. He actually somehow thinks he's crushing poker and they anyone responds to him has to be worse than him.
Yeah at this point it's pretty clear for all to see that he would never have made it as a courtroom lawyer, despite his claims that he was the best at all the "courtroom stuff" in law school.
Also very clear to see why he didn't win his precious moot court; he can't argue things objectively without getting butt hurt and lashing out at anyone with an opposing view. It had absolutely nothing to do with the judges ignoring the rubric LOL
Yep, have to have a membership now. Sad. I'm sure the pharmacy trick would work just fine though. Or go in the membership/return doors.
I have no trouble getting in. I kept my old card and just flash my pic at the door. The problem is with actually buying the hot dogs. The store I went to most no longer has a line to order. It has order-taking "kiosks". When I try to pay, the system recognizes my name from the credit card apparently, and knows I'm not a member any more. I don't know how it works if you pay cash, but I figured if they are checking my cc for membership, they would just ask for my membership card at the counter if I tried to pay cash.
I figured they didn't care if you were a member when I lived in California because the food counter was outside. You didn't even have to go into the building.
In Diesels latest vlog he compares expenses from 2022 and 2023. He claims inflation isn't a thing, the proof is that all his expenses were lower in 2023 than 2022. His goal is to bring down his expenses further in 2024.
His genius plan is to gradually bring down his total expenses to zero and transition into being a homeless bum sleeping on the street. Then try telling him that inflation is a thing!