Poker Trips 2024 / 2025

Poker Trips 2024 / 2025

This trip report follows on from my WSOP trip report here

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02 August 2024 at 04:40 AM

262 Replies


Great trip report. I am not much of a mixed games player. But you made it look exciting with your reports.

You are not only good with mixed games, but also good with sports picks and betting.

Also a fellow pool enthusiast.

Is it ok to reach out to you for your picks of the day?

by TonySoprano9 k

Pro tip. Line shopping is super important in sports betting.

Yup. In the old days I used to stay at Stardust I could check their book, the Circus Circus book, and across the street for the Riviera book.

It sucked that we were sick which spoiled the trip a little.

It's the Vegas flu, an unidentifiable coughing thing that gets almost everyone that flies and many that don't. Next time load up on the vitamin C before the flight as a prophylaxis.

thanks for the TR. Vegas is a great place for a working getaway.
nice that you got some wins early to take the edge off for the rest of the trip.

Fantastic trip report. Really enjoyed it. I have become really interested in triple draw since watching some of the WSOP broadcasts. I’d like to ,earn the game. Any tips where you can play online for very low stakes to learn the game and its flow? Any good books/study materials you might be able to recommend?

Saw this in another thread.

AZ Mix Series

by BringBackMo k

Fantastic trip report. Really enjoyed it. I have become really interested in triple draw since watching some of the WSOP broadcasts. I’d like to ,earn the game. Any tips where you can play online for very low stakes to learn the game and its flow? Any good books/study materials you might be able to recommend?

Glad you enjoyed it and are looking to get into triple draw.

Pokerstars play money site would be a good place to learn cheaply. You can buy like a million play money chips for only $2.99

Reading materials - Negreanu’s chapter in Super System 2 or Dylan Linde’s book Mastering Mixed Games

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by marknfw k

Saw this in another thread.

AZ Mix Series

Looks like some fun tournaments and never been to Arizona but maybe next time. Taking a non-poker family vacation at the end of April.

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by GolfPro k

Great trip report. I am not much of a mixed games player. But you made it look exciting with your reports.

You are not only good with mixed games, but also good with sports picks and betting.

Also a fellow pool enthusiast.

Is it ok to reach out to you for your picks of the day

Glad you enjoyed it.

Hmmm maybe I should look into selling picks [emoji23]

In all seriousness though my picks outside of these reports would be pretty hard to do.

A lot of the time I’m betting info as I know the market is going to move so you only have a matter of seconds to get down.

I also bet a lot of 2nd halves and live which again doesn’t lend itself to giving out to others as the numbers are constantly changing.

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by TonySoprano9 k

Glad you enjoyed it and are looking to get into triple draw.

Pokerstars play money site would be a good place to learn cheaply. You can buy like a million play money chips for only $2.99

Reading materials - Negreanu’s chapter in Super System 2 or Dylan Linde’s book Mastering Mixed Games

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Great recommendations, thank you! Can’t wait for your next TR.

Okay we’re going to make one last trip before the Series.

Back to Vegas on Wednesday for a week to play 5 WSOP circuit tournaments at the Horseshoe.

And thinking ahead to the series. I want to play quite a big schedule so will be selling some action and wanted to know what people thought of this.

Rather than selling at a 10% mark-up I thought I’d sell at 0 mark-up but take 10% off the top of any cashes up to x amount to cover expenses. (x amount would be just enough to cover flight and hotel)
Good idea or better just to sell at 1.10 straight off the bat?

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Just sell at 10%

I am in for 10 for sure, if you promise to throw in some sports picks 😀

by golddog k


To answer your rugby question, I think it's got a few spots where it's popular. There's enough club matches around Denver that I hear about it.

The NRL (Australia) and RFL (England) are trying to gain a foothold in the States, hence the games at Allegiant that weekend. Think NRL have done it before, this time the RFL joined in with Wigan v Warrington (I think).

Not sure it will catch on but NFL teams could learn a lot from how to tackle properly :p

Also, thanks for another great TR (have started following you on Twitter but don't be alarmed!)
