Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 52 Views 52
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11407 Replies


by iwasbanned k

Would anybody here admit to subscribing to Rice's monthly newsletter ??

You can sub for a free trial and immediately cancel it. Rice currently has 8 paid subscribers for a passive income of $35/month. 1/3 of his food and laundry budget combined is covered by Patreon!

I don't know how to upload the pdfs onto 2+2 but you can free trial sub on Patreon, download them, and cancel your membership. Spoiler: Nothing interesting, Rice really sounding like TBC's blog:

Can you imagine this guy as a junior attorney putting together memos and briefs for your law firm?

Is canned fish, mayo and crackers in the fancy food category?

Does he think that if the temperature is 110 degrees in Las Vegas then it's the same temperature in his car?

edit: Oh, that was when he ate with Herb's.

by Koshka k

This is exactly what I've been telling Pman for years. Basic fundamentals and preflop ranges are the simplest part to learn. It's pretty much a perfect upper left arrow with some variation on any preflop chart out there.

But he doesn't like my aggressive tone cause I'm frustrated with him. This is the absolute easiest thing to nail down. It's been three years on this journey to playing professionally and Pman is still at square one. He just doesn't get it. Hears how bad he's playing truthfu

It doesn't take a genius to figure out preflop ranges.

pman obviously knows he shouldn't have made those plays.

He has plenty of knowledge of the game but implementing it is another story.

In the heat of the moment you either get bored/tired/tilted and everything you know and studied goes out the window in that split second.

It's not about the knowledge, it's about fatigue/tilt issues.

The one thing that's crazy to me is how pman only has a part time job living in Vegas and only puts in like 15 hours a week at poker.

How can you say your dream is to play poker for a living and then play as much as a recreational weekend player?

by prev k

It doesn't take a genius to figure out preflop ranges.

pman obviously knows he shouldn't have made those plays.

He has plenty of knowledge of the game but implementing it is another story.

In the heat of the moment you either get bored/tired/tilted and everything you know and studied goes out the window in that split second.

It's not about the knowledge, it's about fatigue/tilt issues.

He is a gambling addict, so the urge to gamble get the better of him eventually. Thats why he cant play any significant volume either, cause the urge to gamble gets to him and then the tilt issues takes over as you mention. This is the reason he starts defending complete trash and -EV hands from the blinds, or just (lol) shoving with 22 pre in a cashgame. He cant take the boredom of folding anymore, and has to scratch his itch to gamble.

Being a gambling addict, or playing poker because you "have to" gamble is a recipe for disaster. Its extremely difficult to master this combo (gambling addiction and pro pokerplayer), almost impossible.

Yes you have to be willing to take risks to play poker at a professonal level or even winning consistently. It should come from a passion for winning poker though and to make the best +EV decisions in your power.But you just cant be a gambling addict, it will simply not work out long term.

by prev k

The one thing that's crazy to me is how pman only has a part time job living in Vegas and only puts in like 15 hours a week at poker.

How can you say your dream is to play poker for a living and then play as much as a recreational weekend player?

Well, the way i see it Pman is a classic talker and no action type of person. You all know persons that fit this profile, they are very common indeed. The people that always talks about their goals, that they want to lose weight, get in shape or whatever and everytime you see them its the same old story with basically no changes to achieve their goals. They are still just as fat, they are still smoking everyday and they still eat the same junkfood/trash.

Pman think its sounds cool to be a pro pokerplayer, so thats why he throw that term around him basically all the time. It also buys him time, and works as a defensemechanism for him living in Vegas while pretty much doing nothing. When people asks or wonder he just mention he is going to be a professional pokerplayer, but at the same time he is not one step closer to that goal compared to 3 years ago.

Its the same dynamic for lazy people saying they are gonna start going to the gym next month, or they are gonna start eating healthy next week. However its just empty words in 99 percent of cases ,cause no change is taking place.

Of course nearly everytime Pman comes on this board its all big words from him about his goals, he knows the changes he have to make,he knows everything about quitting gambling, responsible bankrollmanagement,he is gonna play more volume+++ and all the big talk yada yada yada- but yet here we are.


by ark_angel k

I knew Rice was gonna start sleeping in his Car more and more.
I'm predicting Rice is gonna sleep in his Car 3 or more times in March.

"I don't have a membership to the Price Club or Costco as you probably call it"

~~El Diesel

Yeah, probably. Since that is the name of the place.

I wonder if in his baseball trivia does he refer to the Baltimore Orioles as the Milwaukee Brewers (that was their name in 1901, after all). Pop Quiz: What year did Jose Canseco play for the Boston Americans?

What a goof ball.

by RidePolaris k

What arrogance one must possess to think that another adult must answer to you or live up to the expectations that you demand of them. That is otherworldly egomania. You address him as if he's your 8 year old son and he is not meeting your parental expectations in 3rd grade.

You have some sort of personality complex disorder.

What are you even talking about?

Challenge: Tally this episode's pop culture references by decade to see which decade wins. Bold prediction: Not the current one.

by angle_shooter k

I'm guessing you have never played any fixed limit games. $2400 is 120 Big Bets in 10/20 FL which is anything but buying in short. The most you can lose in a single hand is 12 big bets and that's only if it's capped on all streets. People most commonly buy-in with 5-20 big bets. Anything above that is unnecessary.

I've played plenty of lhe. You mentioned 40/80, 30 big bets.

20 bigs?? I played with the Baysians in San Jose. 20 bigs and I'd be rebuying every 3 hands.

Diesel is an enigma and a paradox.

Says he loves changing rooms often cause it allows his mind to take a break and reset which I agree. The negative is it impacts the number of hours played, maybe the game quality is worse at the new room or the games break.

This newsletter, he touts the benefit of sleeping in his car is the ability to play more hours cause of less time spent commuting.

He does this constantly. Says one thing then says the complete opposite thing.

I make more than I need as to why I play 1-3 and have no desire to play bigger. But also if I could make this "theoretical" $50/hr at 2-5, I would play even more hours, like 16 hours a day and make as much money as I can as quickly as I can and retire in 1.5 years.

Detail oriented and specific but doesn't refer to businesses like Costco and Horseshoe by their current names.

It's really quite fascinating.

by Koshka k

Classic Diesel vlog. He says he's detail oriented and specific. Gives stats on everything especially laundry costs. So of course he basically lists every hand that went to showdown which are standard hands and just glosses over the hand. Not his holdings. Not the villain's holdings. No board cards. No action taken on any street. No individual result. No overall result for the day.

Just I lost these hands but still ended up winning good but it could have been huge but of course no actual

Someone should point out to Diesel that Trooper often gave out a hand history in a vlog.

by prev k

The one thing that's crazy to me is how pman only has a part time job living in Vegas and only puts in like 15 hours a week at poker.

How can you say your dream is to play poker for a living and then play as much as a recreational weekend player?

Not only that but he should also have the time to hit the gym 4-5 times a week with this part time schedule. He would feel much more relaxed at the poker table after a nice workout and reduce his tilt.

I am almost 40, work 40 hours a week, hit the gym 3-4 times a week and get an estimated 10-15 hours of poker per week as a small side hustle. The difference here is that pman is 27 years old and should have much more energy than a 40 year old. Can’t forget the fact that he does want to be a professional poker player. He definitely needs to put in more work.

I on the other hand have absolutely no desire to go full time pro.

by Koshka k

This is exactly what I've been telling Pman for years. Basic fundamentals and preflop ranges are the simplest part to learn. It's pretty much a perfect upper left arrow with some variation on any preflop chart out there.

But he doesn't like my aggressive tone cause I'm frustrated with him. This is the absolute easiest thing to nail down. It's been three years on this journey to playing professionally and Pman is still at square one. He just doesn't get it. Hears how bad he's playing truthfu

Don't underrate good coaching. The vlogger Pokerface Ash was very mediocre at 1/2 for quite awhile. She got a good coach and has won 2 Circuit rings in the last year or two. I think she also went deep in the Monster Stack last year. A complete turnaround.

by iwasbanned k

Would anybody here admit to subscribing to Rice's monthly newsletter ??

by Petrucci k

Absolutely not, but i would not be surprised of somebody in this thread gets so curious they cant stop themself to do it.

I wonder if that's a stat he would publish. Number of subscribers by month.

by iwasbanned k


I knew Rice was gonna start sleeping in his Car more and more.
I'm predicting Rice is gonna sleep in his Car 3 or more times in March.

Whoa! I thought you guys were just exaggerating abut that.

by pig4bill k

Whoa! I thought you guys were just exaggerating abut that.

We are not prone to exaggerating around here. 🙂

Keeping canned seafood in your car in 110 degree temp! Go Gamble!

Even at 95 degrees it would be 140 degrees after 1 hour in the car. So his numbers are referring to outdoor temps. lol

by DividedWeFall k

Keeping canned seafood in your car in 110 degree temp! Go Gamble!

I think most canned goods state to store at room temperature. But as we know, no one tells Diesel what to do especially those pesky three letter governmental agencies. You know, FDA.

I picture him giddy with excitement when his parents are going to Costco so he can buy hundreds of cans of salmon without having to buy a membership like a SUCKER.


by borg23 k

I picture him giddy with excitement when his parents are going to Price Club so he can buy hundreds of cans of salmon without having to buy a membership like a SUCKER.



by jrjrjr k

Challenge: Tally this episode's pop culture references by decade to see which decade wins. Bold prediction: Not the current one.

First of all, great run!

Second of all, great video! One of your best.

by Koshka k

I think most canned goods state to store at room temperature. But as we know, no one tells Diesel what to do especially those pesky three letter governmental agencies. You know, FDA.

His car is sometimes his bedroom, so technically it is room temperature.
