Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 52 Views 52
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11433 Replies


by pig4bill k

He would be a LOT better off with smoothies, which he can get at Bally's. Not just healthier than shakes,but probably twice as big.

Maybe ELD can try two smoothies in the AM for vitamin content and maybe add caffeine to it and then two shakes at night for higher calorie content.

by pig4bill k

Nah, Herbs and Rye is not only a very good player, he acts like a normal person.

It is pretty clear H&R doesn't want to be on camera.

by borg23 k

Ha my record for fastest back off at El Cortez was six minutes.

Some of you guys are pretty good bj players
what are some of you biggest losses by sessions?

by Langdon k

Some of you guys are pretty good bj players
what are some of you biggest losses by sessions?

My record is $1300 which happened 8 years ago. Had a shoe with a terrific count and pretty much just got smoked the entire night. Even had an 11 against a 6 for an easy double down, not sure what card I received but the dealer pulled a 5 card 21. I swore I would never play blackjack again and that’s when my friend said I should take a shot at poker.

I’ll sometimes play some DD 3/2 blackjack at some local places every 2-3 years just to scratch an itch but now it’s just basically poker for me.

by angle_shooter k

Yeah and now they only have that one lousy double deck game that they watch like a hawk. The golden days when all of downtown and the strip was a counters paradise are well and truly over :(

Back in the golden days around (1995 -2005), Binion's told a friend of mine, who was playing single deck, that he could count the first hand, but was limited on his second hand to wagering no more than 4x his first hand bet. The dealer shuffled before every third hand. We thought that was fair.

OTOH, a small Strip casino simply barred him from blackjack, but gave him comps for the inconvenience and said he could play anything else they offered.

Back in the mid 90's I got involved with the rocket scientists at mit. We were playing to a pretty big roll so our unit was ballpark 1,700. We were running into the 10k max pretty quickly. It was a Nye trip to vegas and my play parter was AB (of FT fame). I was controlling him doing call ins at caesers. He lost around 60k before winning a single hand buying in with fcuking took forever. Pretty sure we lost 80k that shoe

by squid face k

Back in the mid 90's I got involved with the rocket scientists at mit. We were playing to a pretty big roll so our unit was ballpark 1,700. We were running into the 10k max pretty quickly. It was a Nye trip to vegas and my play parter was AB (of FT fame). I was controlling him doing call ins at caesers. He lost around 60k before winning a single hand buying in with fcuking took forever. Pretty sure we lost 80k that shoe

that's amazing

I just spent about 3 weeks in Vegas some Nomad approved some not.

Nomad approved- spent about 300 dollars total on rooms. Mostly comped/free at caesars properties. I also had 3 nights comped at Rio which I used for the most expensive nights during Match Madness.

I did stay 3 nights with a friend for a weekend he came into town and had a comped suited. Nomad would approve of this but not approve of the fact I played 0 hours of poker those 3 days. Instead i hung out with my friend, bouncing all over town, going to bars, playing bullshit stakes blackjack while drinking a **** ton, eating steaks (not approved 300 dollar check for one meal, approved some comp meals.)

I mostly used my diamond drinks at bars but a few days didn't use any of them which would make Nomad sick!

One day I was walking through Resorts World when there he was- the hero The Trooper with his girlfriend. I always knew what a tough guy Trooper was because he's sure to tell everyone but I was quite shocked at how short he was. This makes him even tougher in my eyes. Imagine being able to fight basically anyone at 5 foot 7 or so. Amazing he even had the time to learn how to fight since he spent so much time working on his poker game and crushing Vegas poker players.

And then a few days ago I spotted him- 250 pounds in the flesh right in front of me at Harrah's- dividend expert and general financial guru Nomad. He had a hand cart thing with tons of stuff on it. I was astounded by the amount of crap he was able to pull with him and all for a maybe 2-3 night stay. He clearly in addition to dominating academics has the strongest forearms on Earth!

Now for some poker-

Total hours played :120. Almost all plo.
Total profit: $18,500

Several more trips like this and I will be set for retirement!

But here's where Nomad would not approve- i had several big losing days. One day I lost 6,000 dollars. That's way more than 200. Several other times I lost 2,000-4,000 dollars leaks which much be plugged.

Now what would he approve of? I played at the Horseshoe twice. Both times for some 3-4 game mix double board bomp pot game involving variations of plo I had never played before. One of them , something called ultimate ultimate wasn't totally sure on the rules but in fairness I didn't seem to be the only one and I was very drunk. Now I did lose about 800 dollars across the 2 sessions but the important thing is i earned probably 300 tier credits or so during those sessions. In fact they both took place during a 5x multiplier so fingers crossed I get that multiplier!

Top tier trip report.

by borg23 k

I just spent about 3 weeks in Vegas some Nomad approved some not.

Nomad approved- spent about 300 dollars total on rooms. Mostly comped/free at caesars properties. I also had 3 nights comped at Rio which I used for the most expensive nights during Match Madness.

I did stay 3 nights with a friend for a weekend he came into town and had a comped suited. Nomad would approve of this but not approve of the fact I played 0 hours of poker those 3 days. Instead i hung out with my friend, bouncing all over

Nice report! I played Big O the last time I was at the Horseshoe and we played double board bomb pots every dealer change using the Ultimate-Ultimate rule. It just means that the best high hand between both boards and the best low hand between both boards split the pot. So if the top board is KsQs6c8s3d and the bottom board is 5c4s2d7c10c and someone has nut spades they get the high half of the pot (AKQ8x flush) even if someone else has nut clubs and anyone with A3 (wheel on bottom board) would get the low half of the pot even if someone else has A2.

by FL Pkrdlr k

Nice report! I played Big O the last time I was at the Horseshoe and we played double board bomb pots every dealer change using the Ultimate-Ultimate rule. It just means that the best high hand between both boards and the best low hand between both boards split the pot. So if the top board is KsQs6c8s3d and the bottom board is 5c4s2d7c10c and someone has nut spades they get the high half of the pot (AKQ8x flush) even if someone else has nut clubs and anyone with A3 (wheel on bottom board) wou

yea i screwed myself a few times thinking I had the nut low before I got the hang of it.

by borg23 k

One day I was walking through Resorts World when there he was- the hero The Trooper with his girlfriend. I always knew what a tough guy Trooper was because he's sure to tell everyone but I was quite shocked at how short he was. This makes him even tougher in my eyes. Imagine being able to fight basically anyone at 5 foot 7 or so. Amazing he even had the time to learn how to fight since he spent so much time working on his poker game and crushing Vegas poker players

I always said that Trooper must be a shorty with a Napoleon complex. He just radiates that short guy energy, like he's mad at the world. The tards and white knights here tried arguing that he's "above average height" for an American male LOL

by borg23 k

And then a few days ago I spotted him- 250 pounds in the flesh right in front of me at Harrah's- dividend expert and general financial guru Nomad. He had a hand cart thing with tons of stuff on it. I was astounded by the amount of crap he was able to pull with him and all for a maybe 2-3 night stay. He clearly in addition to dominating academics has the strongest forearms on Earth!

Love it! Such a rare sighting of this wondrous specimen, just blissfully going about his daily routine in his natural habitat. Surely the trip highlight?

by borg23 k

Now what would he approve of? I played at the Horseshoe twice.

But unfortunately you would lose points for not referring to it as Ballys. Super smug nomads like Rice never fail to remind us how it will always be Ballys to them.

by angle_shooter k

Love it! Such a rare sighting of this wondrous specimen, just blissfully going about his daily routine in his natural habitat. Surely the trip highlight?

Trip? It was the highlight of my life.

when you said Diesel was pushing a cart around I was 100% picturing him pushing a shopping cart full of stuff like a true homeless hero he is

A+ TR, was some of the stuff on the hand cart just card board boxes of utensils and canned food? Why does diesel insist on taking so much of his junk with him, just leave it in the car. He said it would usually take him 2 to 3 trips to get all his stuff in the room, so at least he is getting better if he consolidates it into 1 cart trip.

Outstanding trip report - Im curious what coach El D was hauling.

by Lionelhuttz k

A+ TR, was some of the stuff on the hand cart just card board boxes of utensils and canned food? Why does diesel insist on taking so much of his junk with him, just leave it in the car. He said it would usually take him 2 to 3 trips to get all his stuff in the room, so at least he is getting better if he consolidates it into 1 cart trip.

I couldn't tell there was a duffel bag a big cardboard box and some plastic bags.

This also could have just been the first of several trips.

I should have known nothing would be visible. He most likely has dominated the over packing scene for years and would have everything strategically tetris'ed together in duffels or backpacks

by squid face k

I should have known nothing would be visible. He most likely has dominated the over packing scene for years and would have everything strategically tetris'ed together in duffels or backpacks

It was held together with many bungee chords.

by Langdon k

Some of you guys are pretty good bj players
what are some of you biggest losses by sessions?

last week playing a 6 deck with 5.5 deck pen (one dealer just doesn't give a f I remember him and look out for when he's dealing) and a true count of 5 towards the very end of the deck so I was doing my monkey tilt "gotta get it back" schtick and playing 2x 200 on the $25 min table

dealer gets blackjack vs my 2x 20


but the other people all get low cards so the count was still 5 so we go at again

I get 88 and 45, dealer shows a 6

I double the 45 and get a 10, split the 8s and a get a two which I double to get another face card and another face for an 18

dealer flips over a 5 and of course next card is a face card

-1k = -1400

count still good so we repeat

20, 20 dealer blackjack

-400 = -1800

true count now a little over 4 so we do it again

18 & 11, double down and get a 3 for 14, dealer flips over 20 and that's the end of the shoe

-600 = -2400 in about 5 minutes

and I'm pretty new to this and doing low stakes so I can imagine the swings people experience when doing it for real cash

having said that, I am definitely running above expectation during non 3+ TC areas so that's nice

by rickroll k

2400 in about 5 minutes...

...and I'm pretty new to this and doing low stakes so I can imagine the swings people experience when doing it for real cash

having said that, I am definitely running above expectation during non 3+ TC areas so that's nice

Yeah it's brutal but that kind of thing can happen all night long, and some bad runs can last for weeks.

When you encounter a really really bad stretch you start questioning everything. Like are the games crooked, or is the universe just punishing me for something I've done etc. It seems like it should be impossible to keep losing hand after hand and session after session for so long.

A run like that would break most counters if it happened to them early on in their career. The successful counters are usually the ones who had their share of horror downswings later on after they were already seasoned APs with established bankrolls.

by borg23 k

It was held together with many bungee chords.

Lolol I knew there would be a box and multiple bungee cords. I wonder if he ever gets checked by security like how he has been kicked out of casino parking garages for scaring tourists by filming vlogs rambling incoherently in numbers.

by squid face k

Outstanding trip report - Im curious what coach El D was hauling.

You won't be surprised to learn that Rice had a video showing exactly how he packed up his trolley. #Pokerlife

by squid face k

I should have known nothing would be visible. He most likely has dominated the over packing scene for years and would have everything strategically tetris'ed together in duffels or backpacks

If I go for a week, it takes me two trips. First trip is laptop bag w/two laptops and carry-on duffel. Second trip has fold-up cart with water, soda, and other drinks, and another duffel with more clothes.

No rice cooker or sardines.

by angle_shooter k

A run like that would break most counters if it happened to them early on in their career. The successful counters are usually the ones who had their share of horror downswings later on after they were already seasoned APs with established bankrolls.

Funny enough the thing that really broke me was when I had to deviate from basic strategy due to the count, act like an idiot to justify doing it, and then when it backfired immensely the dealer and rest of table are like “are you sure, remember what happened last time you didn’t listen to us”

It’s funny because that’s genuinely ideal to be perceived as the clueless button clicker but I’m so used to be given so much respect at the poker tables that I guess this is something that’ll take a while to get used to (but I got a lot of practice here with you folks 😉
