Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs
Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.
This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.
Links to their youtube channels
Andrew Neeme
Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.
This now stands for this thread:
Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.
I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.
Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.
Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.
No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.
Update April 2018
OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.
If exiled and you can't post in thi
Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled
A new update March 2019:
Why would diesel be a dealer when it’s very easy with a little work to make 50 an hour from 2-5 games? Why would he decide to make 8-12$ an hour playing 1-2 (1/10th of what luvdavlogs makes in the lowest stakes games he plays who is dumb and sometimes 1/40th of what he makes sometimes like today at the Wynn) for so many hours if he had the ability to day trade his massive portfolio? Why would he not pay a tax professional and instead not have any write offs, pay taxes in NY and also pay significantly more in taxes than he should? Why would he only invest in stocks that pay dividends based on an old wives tale understanding of how stocks work? Does he not understand that when a stock pays a dividend it comes out of the price of the stock and whether a company pays a dividend or not has no effect on how much money you make as an investor it just effects how returns are delivered, either in a higher stock price or in more shares with a lower price?
I think you’ll find there are lots of inconsistencies in things he does or says and he doesn’t usually take the highest ev decision
But it always hurts my brain when people from the northeast choose there vs Vegas bc of weather. Dig deeper!
to each his/her own. i don't judge differing opinions or preferences. and i noted family as my #1 for a reason. but yeah, i like the change of seasons this area brings. plus, i'm extremely grateful to look out the window every morning and see the water. there's nothing more enjoyable than being able to sit on the beach/boards any given day sipping a drink and watching/listening to the waves roll in. and the sound of rushing water has also been known to be extremely beneficial to one's mental health. but that's me. you do you
to each his/her own. i don't judge differing opinions or preferences. and i noted family as my #1 for a reason. but yeah, i like the change of seasons this area brings. plus, i'm extremely grateful to look out the window every morning and see the water. there's nothing more enjoyable than being able to sit on the beach/boards any given day sipping a drink and watching/listening to the waves roll in. and the sound of rushing water has also been known to be extremely beneficial to one's mental hea
Like I said…Im happy for you. But Ive done the Boston thing. 46 degrees in March. Slush, damp, cold. Vs. 60 degrees dry and blue skies. Keep an open mind. Peace!
come to North Dakota
105 in the summer, -30 in the winter, windy year round
my initial post was to merely provide an example as to how a minimalist can live frugally but with more stability as to residential options in a region outside of vegas but with similar gambling options. i dont't really know how or why this has derailed into a national weather conversation but boston's weather pattern is infinitely different than coastal south jersey
this sounds horrible my friend. don't know what would be worse, that heat/cold or having to listen to all those canadian accents. i wish you well with your plans to someday relocate - and hopefully soon
Like I said…Im happy for you. But Ive done the Boston thing. 46 degrees in March. Slush, damp, cold. Vs. 60 degrees dry and blue skies. Keep an open mind. Peace!
You're choosing excessive heat over the cold. That's fine. Personally I'd take the cold over the Vegas heat 3-4 months a year.
You're choosing excessive heat over the cold. That's fine. Personally I'd take the cold over the Vegas heat 3-4 months a year.
Choosing excessive heat for 3-4 months over excessive cold for 6 months. Just sayin. To each their own. Live a year in Boston, New York, Florida, Vegas. Almost everyone chooses the warmer climate once they have done their time. Snowbirds exist for a reason.
Enough weather talk.
Does Rice know how to deal PLO, Stud, Hi-Low?
Rice can convince himself of anything. According to him the difference in gas would be more than $2500. Not only is that an absurd exaggeration but he's also conveniently forgetting that a lot of the trips he does are specifically to avoid higher room rates. If he had a van to live in then he would probably have to do less than half the amount of driving each year as he would be able to stay in Vegas a higher % of the time.
I love how he said he would prefer to just sleep in a car on expensive weekends. That is what it boils down to. He simply doesn't value having a bed/shower/kitchen enough to justify the cost. Has literally nothing to do with anything else that he rambled on about. He prefers his strategy of doing a bunch of 48 hour homeless "challenges" each year. After all you can't get any cheaper solution than that.
Wait a minute wait a minute, i dont understand. So youre saying that el diesel isnt being completely honest and transparent in the things he says? And he is using reasoning that doesnt really add up or make sense?
This is a new development
years ago, i had the choice of residing anywhere i wanted. i narrowed it down to ac and vegas but ultimately chose ac bcz like rice, i have family in the northeast so i wanted to be in close proximity. i also didn't want to deal with 100+ degrees 5 months/year and i can get to vegas whenever i want for <$300 round trip out of ac int'l. if he needed to go to council bluffs, spirit doesn't fly to iowa so prob gotta go to kc and rent/drive but the dude's driving across country anyway so that should
PA is the way to go for him, can rent a studio with utilities included in Philly for under $1K
close proximity to both Live and Rivers where low limit games are miles better than AC and Vegas
promo values are insane, he can easily average $10/hr+ there from HH promos alone
will fit right in at Kensington open air drug markets and his youtube clicks would skyrocket as well
my initial post was to merely provide an example as to how a minimalist can live frugally but with more stability as to residential options in a region outside of vegas but with similar gambling options. i dont't really know how or why this has derailed into a national weather conversation but boston's weather pattern is infinitely different than coastal south jersey
this sounds horrible my friend. don't know what would be worse, that heat/cold or having to listen to all those canadian accents. i
Yes, Joisey accents are so much better, if the clanking of the chains doesn't drown them out.
are ppl really arguing its better to live in a van than a hotel room?
People would be right to argue that sleeping in a van beats living like a homeless bum for 48hrs every time hotel prices get too high. And sleeping in a van sure beats sleeping in a car, which is exactly what Rice wants to do because it wouldn't cost him any more in gas lol
I could watch Diesel read grocery labels and reconstitute random buffet items in a rice cooker every day. It’s like he was poured into those mesh shorts!
Rice's rationales for not having a Van/RV/Camper gives insight to "on the spectrum" problem solving very similar to the logic used by TBC when faced with a dilemma.
The increased use of gas. The additional cost of a vehicle getting 20mpg versus 30mpg on a 1000 mile journey with gas at $3.50 is about $59. To save this $59, on the spectrum thinkers will sleep in a car on the way and pay hundreds for hotels at the destination.
Then, on the spectrum thinkers will always set up artificial constraints. In Rice's case, he would only use a van on weekends in Vegas. Not when he is on the road, or at other destinations, but only in Vegas. On weekends.
Of course, he wouldn't be able to use his rice cooker. Apparently his rice cooker only works in hotel rooms, no way a camper, RV, or converted van could power a rice cooker in on the spectrum world.
Besides, he much prefers having a kitchen. On the spectrum thinkers will ignore the great kitchen setups converted vans/RV/campers have, and they will forget all the time they spend in hotel rooms that don't have kitchens, anyways they have a rice cooker.
The list of silly excuses continues, and so you find Rice sleeping in a car with smug satisfaction that this is the best way to do things
Nah a van wouldn’t help diesel at all, remember he has all that pocket butter he swiped from the mgm buffet to hold him over. Van life ain’t nearly as good as pocket food life. One day I hope to be less miserable and own that much butter at one time.
Choosing excessive heat for 3-4 months over excessive cold for 6 months. Just sayin. To each their own. Live a year in Boston, New York, Florida, Vegas. Almost everyone chooses the warmer climate once they have done their time. Snowbirds exist for a reason.
Agreed to each their own. People also handle the cold a lot worse as they age. When I'm old I might feel differently especially when slipping on snow/ice can be a real problem.
The Philly area would be great for him. Way better games than AC.
Diesel mouth breathing while bathroom cooking then slurping up grits is peak troll. Truly disgusting.
I don't watch Rice's videos, but I do see the thumbnails.
Please tell that isn't dog s**t on top the grits.
Agreed to each their own. People also handle the cold a lot worse as they age. When I'm old I might feel differently especially when slipping on snow/ice can be a real problem.
The Philly area would be great for him. Way better games than AC.
Be like Rice and enjoy the best of both worlds.
Winter in NY and summer in LV.