Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11592 Replies


The $200 60k guarantee is today. Three times the guarantee means 6 bullets?

by pig4bill k

Yeah, but he could only review documents for the state he's licensed in. So he would probably want to get licensed in NY. I suppose he could take the exam in December, and study between now and then.

Crap, now I have to go watch that video...

Back in the day, when I was doing doc review....I was NOT licensed in the state that I was doing it in.

I still subscribe to the "Posse List" and see document review job postings from time to time. SOMETIMES you have to be licensed in the state for the review, but I would say 75% of the time, you only need to licensed & in good standing in the USA.

Also, 90% of doc review these days is remote through the interwebs. No more going into a central office. So ELD could review them docs from his comped hotel room OR in his van down by the river (if he has a good interweb connection!).

That's weird, someone reviewing your docs might not know the law in your state? I guess you trust them to learn your state's law.

From what El Diesel has seen so far, he thinks you can go to the EDR (Employee Dining Room) an unlimited amount of times per shift.
Rice said some dealers go to the EDR every break to get a drink.
Rice said the EDR has Gatorade, and you know how Rice likes his free Gatorade.

Does Gatorade taste better -

  • When obtained via voucher
  • From the EDR Fountain Drink Machine

by parisron k

How many coaches does Pman have these days?

I love how Pman is able to shake off dusting two bullets in less than two hours like it’s standard to do so. This was a super turbo event, correct???

All those potential backers are probably kicking themselves for missing out on the opportunity to buy a piece of his WSOP action.

Speaking of which, where’s his WSOP Main Event package listed at? You know the 80% at 1.25 he posted earlier.

by Koshka k

I love how Pman is able to shake off dusting two bullets in less than two hours like it’s standard to do so. This was a super turbo event, correct???

All those potential backers are probably kicking themselves for missing out on the opportunity to buy a piece of his WSOP action.

Speaking of which, where’s his WSOP Main Event package listed at? You know the 80% at 1.25 he posted earlier.

This shows he's willing to go for it. main event markup increased to 1.5.

25k chips and 20-minute blinds, not a great structure overall but it was for the first 90 minutes anyway. lol

Even after 1 hour 20 minutes the BB was on 600 so, still 40bb's.

If Trooper listed a WSOP Main Event package at a 2.0 mark-up, would he still be able to sell it out ??

by iwasbanned k

If Trooper listed a WSOP Main Event package at a 2.0 mark-up, would he still be able to sell it out ??

Good question. My guess is many of his tribal followers have moved on to another underperforming grifter.

by iwasbanned k

If Trooper listed a WSOP Main Event package at a 2.0 mark-up, would he still be able to sell it out ??

At this point, Trooper will list a GoFundMe for commercial kitchen equipment and the related licensing fees.

Might as well have your fans pay for your next hobby.

by parisron k

25k chips and 20-minute blinds, not a great structure overall but it was for the first 90 minutes anyway. lol

Even after 1 hour 20 minutes the BB was on 600 so, still 40bb's.

There's a reason why during last year's WSOP all of Pman's coaches/backers were pushing for him to max late reg every tourney he played. He can't play poker. His only shot to cash is to play a simplified push/fold strategy when the blinds get big enough.

Much easier to have him memorize a shove chart, lol.

Millennial as well, there is nuance in all things, in my experience having accomplished multiple degrees and worked since 15 y/o in hourly and salaried capacities, I agree with many things stated in the thread from both sides.

The unsaid thing, imo, is that Gen X (if I am correct, being between Boomers and Millennials), saw this squeeze coming, strapped in, and made sure that they weren't going to "lose" in this weird monopoly game at the employee level, such as mid-management etc. Almost all of them have essentially overstayed their "time" in mid-level positions that boomers usually did for 5-10 years and were promoted within or moved to larger companies, became consultants etc. With those opportunities upward becoming more scarce due to corporate greed and technology. The Gen X people in these positions do everything they can to get to that retirement finish line without having to uproot the families/children/spouse. Now we see a % of people that are 50+ in Assistant manager positions, that we may not have seen 30 years ago, that position was usually reserved for the mentee or the "next up". There is no longer any "next up." I am also noticing many of these assist. managers getting passed up for the promotion and the promotion is going to the 1%'er that has the Ivy League degree and the wall street experience for instance. From my assessments working in multiple states across the country, anyone with more degrees, and more technological familiarity is a threat to these middle managers who are not even proficient in Windows, they are not taking on a mentee to replace them, because the company has no problem paying a younger person less if they can see that this mentee is better. So why would the manager even allow the skills to be highlighted, lets not pretend like self-interest is not always at play.

This is felt by the young graduates who then say to themselves, "So I have to work 30 years to have Sally's job?!?!? I practically do Sally's job now!"

EDIT: I will say, in fairness, the use of phones, computers, did stunt the "interpersonal" abilities of some Millennials and many of Gen Z, so one common argument is that these generations, "don't have what it takes to manage people of different walks of life and personalities." Which may hold some truth, but I don't think this is ever not present in the generational differences.

I don't know if there is a solution that will please anyone that isn't profiting off of the automation of most jobs. +1 to the poster who said public education dumbed down the masses to vote against their interest, this happened long ago, these voters are the Sally's more so than the Gen Z'ers.

Poker wise, Orleans Sunday Tourney is $200 with $100 add on, 60k GTD, 30 min blinds until level 13, then 40 min blinds. Lol

Pman is making a run in the $100 Sunday Major tournament online.

66/1407 with 35bb's which is a little over Average stack. $17,600 up top.

by Hell2Heaven k

Poker wise, Orleans Sunday Tourney is $200 with $100 add on, 60k GTD, 30 min blinds until level 13, then 40 min blinds. Lol

I don't know if you were referring to the tournament Pman played in the yesterday, but this wasn't it, This Sunday Tournament is pretty good as you get 50k with the add on and 30m blinds, he played the one yesterday that was only 25k chips and 20 min. blinds.

Dammit I looked away at the 50k on PokerGo and he is gone in 45th. It was probably epic.

by parisron k

Dammit I looked away at the 50k on PokerGo and he is gone in 45th. It was probably epic.

CO opens 2bb off 20bb, i'm sb with JJ 25bb i jam, bb rejams, CO folds, bb had AA

I hate when that happens. lol

You were playing good from the hands I saw, you won several with no showdown also.

I'm not a fan of your A9o open from EP but it worked out for you.

by parisron k

I hate when that happens. lol

You were playing good from the hands I saw, you won several with no showdown also.

I'm not a fan of your A9o open from EP but it worked out for you.

Thank you. Yeah, tournament poker is brutal. I love it haha. A9o open from EP...I don't remember that hand. Prob not a great open from EP unless there were unique table dynamics going on.

I think the flop came something like 7 9 T and you check called then a T on turn, you ended up winning.

by parisron k

I think the flop came something like 7 9 T and you check called then a T on turn, you ended up winning.

hmm. maybe i had like 40bb+ and was loosening up my range slightly. o well. GG us, first tourney cash on the new client

This is the reasoning behind the future of most people now not able to own a home and will be permanent apartment renters and many will start taking the bus since soon cars will not be affordable either or only used cars will be affordable for most people. And hopefully the Ivy League people will be passed over for top jobs as well based on their support of terrorists and many business should refuse the Ivy League graduates that support terror which will help to open jobs up for people who graduated from state schools.

by Hell2Heaven k

Millennial as well, there is nuance in all things, in my experience having accomplished multiple degrees and worked since 15 y/o in hourly and salaried capacities, I agree with many things stated in the thread from both sides.

The unsaid thing, imo, is that Gen X (if I am correct, being between Boomers and Millennials), saw this squeeze coming, strapped in, and made sure that they weren't going to "lose" in this weird monopoly game at the employee level, such as mid-management etc. Almost all of

Diesel explaining how split pot games work as far when you don't have to worry about stacking chips in preparation for a split is another example of Diesel talking to his audience like they're 8 years old.

Diesel - "You need at least three low cards for a low to be possible. If the flop has three high cards, no low is possible. If there's only one low card on the turn, no low is possible. If on the river, there was two high cards and two low cards on the turn and the river is another high card or pairs the board, you don't have to worry about splitting the pot."

It's another example of Diesel overexplaining a simple concept three different ways.

I wonder what he thinks the average IQ is of his vlog watchers are.

I can't speak for general corporate America; and perhaps social media distorts the reality of young people today. But I do get the sense that there is an undue sense of entitlement and a priority of "work' life" balance . . . and those two things don't go together.

I've been in private practice since 2000 . . . 12 years at "big law" before our practice group broke off and founded a smaller firm. I spent countless weekends working to meet deadlines . . . late hours every day . . . a handful of all-nighters a year . . . and usually, the deadlines I was trying to meet were not even real. If I left before 6:30 or so, I would literally sneak out to not be seen leaving by partners. Now, the young associate in the office next to me leaves nearly every day at 5 to 5:30 and f*cken WAVES to people on her way out. Apparently, she has social obligations to attend to. No concept that if the partners are ALL still working, perhaps it's not yet time for her to leave. Half the time, I don't even delegate work because I can just do it better and faster myself. And these are 25 year olds that have "succeeded" in life and graduated top law schools. So, while young people in general complain about how the system is rigged and why bother, etc.... I have to assume that many, many, many of them or just lazy and have no concept of the effort it takes to succeed. And don;t even get me started with "work from home . . ." And, of course, everyone nowadays expects the newest iPhone, a decent car, and their own apartment/house, and time/money for vacation, etc. Have things gotten harder? I don't know. Do I feel like this generation is going to kill our society. Kinda. I guess we'll see.
