Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 45 Views 45
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11084 Replies


Wait, he actually says at the beginning of the video that he checked Bravo, so he is actually using an app on his phone. This is groundbreaking.

Maybe instead of trying for 7 states in 1 day of poker while playing just 30 minutes each sometimes and even 3/6 limit or whatever he can get into, all to get a few extra views and make an extra $1.50 on YT and spending extra gas money to boot, he should just play 2 or 3 rooms while playing a couple hours each in a NL game and actually make a few $100 for the day.

He played 5/10 for 1 round of blinds and lost $15 at one of the stops. lol

by Horsey McHorseface k

Meh, idk. Yea she makes the candy, but who would she sell it to without T97? Do they even have customers outside of his viewers? How do they even market this stuff outside of his vlog? I have so many questions. The whole thing seems unsustainable if his view counts are trending downwards.

Trooper spent months creating what would later revolutionize Las Vegas with his 2005 style website go gamble world. After that he created the go gamble podcast, and you can see the time and craftsmanship he put into that, with its mismatched episodes, out of order episodes, no continuity with naming of episodes.

Of course he’ll have this under control and he’s ready for a bigger business.

Didn’t Drew’s daughter say they are outsourcing the production of the candy? Seems like the appeal is that she makes the candy, so that sounds like a bad idea to me. Trying to scale your business when the farmers market is the big time, does not seem like something that should happen yet. I’d think you’d want to grow your customer base before that, unless I’m wrong, and I’ve never been wrong about anything in my life, their customer base is just mainly people that are sycophant fans of his, and people who are just trying to help him out, now isn’t the time to scale anything, so I don’t get it at all. I think they’ll screw stuff up, and it’ll all be low quality stuff like all of his endeavors. He’s really very consistent in that he does all these things, sells coffee, sells shirts, but they’re always low quality garbage.

There was at one time this super lunatic comedian in Vegas, and he started an open mic at ocha thai restaurant around the strat, he called it “the kill Tony of Vegas” he’s actually been on kill Tony btw, which is so unbelievably funny if you know anything about him. There was this kinda small podcast that used to be huge but now is smaller, they were covering him because they also are a comedian in Vegas and saw how insane he was, I asked the host if we should just pay the ocha thai people to not have the open mic as a goof because the one guy was carrying on so much about it. His response is a lot like what I think will happen with the trooper here, “no, the guy will mess it up being insane like he always does and it’ll more fun to watch him self destruct” which he inevitably did and it was wonderful fun along the way.

So I say all that to say this, I think it’s going to be great fun watching the troopers do this and fail.

Without knowing Christina lady trooper, it is kindve sad to see because I think she’s super excited about this from my watching snippets of his vlog so I’m very in the know, and that picture on their new video, and I feel like it just has 0 chance of succeeding because its the trooper, people who are screw ups, screw up. That’s their thing, that’s what he does just like how birds fly and fish swim

by prairiebreeze k

Our journey LOL. She should slap the crap out of him.

Hamster 97 is the Uber Eats delivery guy for her company. That's his contribution.

The rest is her work. She's succeeding in spite of him, not because of him. Best part is he KNOWS IT. Must be consuming him from the inside out that she's a legitimate entrepreneur and he's a Hamster who can't ever get off the 1/2 wheel hosting the shittiest game in Vegas once a week.

I'm not watching their crappy videos so please inform if there's a standard Cost

listen, if you are going to be part of this HaTeRz crew, we need more from you. our job is to personally attack tim with as much insidiousness and core negativity as possible.

you need to attack tim with as much ferocity as possible. make it personal, go after his family, go after his friends. launch a full-scale, nuclear war against that man.

you really need to step up your game.

your commentary is too soft and light and positive and --- forgive me for saying this --- it sounds you might be on the borderline of nice towards tim. and if there is anything we as HaTeRz do not do, it is be nice or helpful towards him.

step it up.

by parisron k

He played 5/10 for 1 round of blinds and lost $15 at one of the stops. lol

Yup, just more BS from ELD. He supposedly played in a 5/10 game for half an hour and admittedly never won a single pot, yet somehow only lost $15? More like he played one round of blinds, probably 15 minutes at most.

All he is doing is sitting at the table and folding and then moving on to the next state. Everything this guy does is a clown show.

by angle_shooter k

Yup, just more BS from ELD. He supposedly played in a 5/10 game for half an hour and admittedly never won a single pot, yet somehow only lost $15? More like he played one round of blinds, probably 15 minutes at most.

All he is doing is sitting at the table and folding and then moving on to the next state. Everything this guy does is a clown show.

Furthermore, it was also hilarious when he said the games at couple of casinos where amazing and he would love to be able to play longer so sad to leave those super juicy games. Yeah, very sad that you are comitted to 9-5 office work everyday+ having family with 3 kids to take care of. Woudnt it be amazing if Diesel didnt had any commitments at all,but was a pokernomad and could go anywhere he want playing as long hours as he wants?

Oh, i forgot he had this super duper important vlog to make about playing cards in all these states during 24 hours. Ive said it before and it doesent change, Diesel is the biggest clown ever probably cant be beaten.

Come on dude,if you come across an above average game just play until it breaks or you literally falling asleep in the chair. Thats what i do if i find myself in an amazing game, and what every semi serious pokerplayer would do that have the option to do so.

by angle_shooter k

More like he played one round of blinds, probably 15 minutes at most.

All he is doing is sitting at the table and folding and then moving on to the next state. Everything this guy does is a clown show.

More likely he came in 'behind the button' when he joined the game.
That way he skips the blinds for the first round. Diesel got dealt 15 hands for just one set of blinds.
But yeah, he's just sitting there waiting to rake up.
And yeah, everything this guy does is a clown show.
I don't think I know a cowardly poker player as bad as Diesel.

This is pretty much like a ten year old kid with a lemonade stand

El diesel not admitting he was wrong in his sandwich short he posted but instead saying that the included sides were tiny and no one would want those anyways is classic Diesel.

Dude cannot admit when he's wrong or he always thinks he's right. No wonder he can't get a job.

by prev k

El diesel not admitting he was wrong in his sandwich short he posted but instead saying that the included sides were tiny and no one would want those anyways is classic Diesel.

Dude cannot admit when he's wrong or he always thinks he's right. No wonder he can't get a job.

Welcome to the team

So, he wears no Go Gamble wear? He is a Sprkli company man now.

So, are they actually collecting sales tax now, that is required I am guessing?

by parisron k

So, he wears no Go Gamble wear? He is a Sprkli company man now.

Go Gamble was always an oxymoron with Trooper. He is a No Gamble type of guy.

by iwasbanned k

More likely he came in 'behind the button' when he joined the game.
That way he skips the blinds for the first round. Diesel got dealt 15 hands for just one set of blinds.
But yeah, he's just sitting there waiting to rake up.
And yeah, everything this guy does is a clown show.
I don't think I know a cowardly poker player as bad as Diesel.

most places will make new players post in time raked games, and there's no way in hell Rice is wasting his annual laundry budget to play a few more hands

it was 100% one orbit of folds looking to play AA exactly

by Horsey McHorseface k

Meh, idk. Yea she makes the candy, but who would she sell it to without T97? Do they even have customers outside of his viewers? How do they even market this stuff outside of his vlog? I have so many questions. The whole thing seems unsustainable if his view counts are trending downwards.

She has over 6k subscribers. I wonder how many she would have if it wasn’t for him.

I remember him just getting past 5k and then Neeme showed up and helped him get that number much higher.

But he should have gotten over 50k subscribers a few years ago. When the names of poker vloggers come up, some people don’t even know who he is or if they do know, they forget to mention him.

by Steve00007 k

She has over 6k subscribers. I wonder how many she would have if it wasn’t for him.

I remember him just getting past 5k and then Neeme showed up and helped him get that number much higher.

But he should have gotten over 50k subscribers a few years ago. When the names of poker vloggers come up, some people don’t even know who he is or if they do know, they forget to mention him.

He is no longer relevant..... some are aware of the footnote.... some aren't. Obviously in this thread we only look at the losers for comedy purposes so he is always high on the agenda here

by Same_again k

Let me start by saying 'good luck' to them.
That said: I don't see them selling many items at those prices.
I suppose they'll sell a few lollipops if they display them front and center.

I saw this notice on their website:
[highlight]"Shipping is on hold for the moment while SPRKLi Sweets evolves".[/highlight]

Are you freaking serious !!

I love how Boski’s handle is NOGAMBLE

by iwasbanned k

More likely he came in 'behind the button' when he joined the game.
That way he skips the blinds for the first round. Diesel got dealt 15 hands for just one set of blinds.
But yeah, he's just sitting there waiting to rake up.
And yeah, everything this guy does is a clown show.
I don't think I know a cowardly poker player as bad as Diesel.

unless he happened to sit in the cutoff he probably waited however many hands for the button to pass to come in for free.

by borg23 k

unless he happened to sit in the cutoff he probably waited however many hands for the button to pass to come in for free.

Or he sat and waited for his big blind and counted that time towards his half hour of "playing"

He probably thought he was a genius for doing so because it's zero variance involved when you're not dealt in.

by Steve00007 k

But he should have gotten over 50k subscribers a few years ago. When the names of poker vloggers come up, some people don’t even know who he is or if they do know, they forget to mention him.

I might have mentioned this before, but I played in Vegas with two guys from Greenville, SC, and they had no idea who he was. A wasted opportunity for sure.

by iwasbanned k

Let me start by saying 'good luck' to them.
That said: I don't see them selling many items at those prices.
I suppose they'll sell a few lollipops if they display them front and center.

I saw this notice on their website:
[highlight]"Shipping is on hold for the moment while SPRKLi Sweets evolves".[/highlight]

Are you freaking serious !!

This is a Christina`s dream she was always Troopers SUPERFAN lets just hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare for her.

by angle_shooter k

Yup, just more BS from ELD. He supposedly played in a 5/10 game for half an hour and admittedly never won a single pot, yet somehow only lost $15? More like he played one round of blinds, probably 15 minutes at most.

All he is doing is sitting at the table and folding and then moving on to the next state. Everything this guy does is a clown show.

That is actually a good idea for Diesel, become a 5/10nl+ short stacker in the Northeast, but you know he needs to actually shove when he is supposed to. He could join other such infamous players like those commerce 10/20nl short stackers that always got trashed on here before this thread or poker vlogging existed. Riley, Cliff, JJ, and now Diesel. Plus, his hourly would go way up.

The white knight window lickers on here definitely shouldn’t do a forum search on old 2p2 threads where everyone constantly ridiculed short stackers live and online. There was even an acronym for telling someone to consider suicide, because it was said so often. It’s almost like this forum always had constant trolling for over 20 years and is actually more civilized now but don’t tell them that, commenting anything other than platitudes about people who put their lives on YouTube is bad, so very bad.

by Lionelhuttz k

Plus, his (Diesel's) hourly would go way up.

[highlight]Diesel would say:[/highlight]
Why would I want to do that? I have more than enough money as it is.

by iwasbanned k

Let me start by saying 'good luck' to them.
That said: I don't see them selling many items at those prices.
I suppose they'll sell a few lollipops if they display them front and center.

I saw this notice on their website:
[highlight]"Shipping is on hold for the moment while SPRKLi Sweets evolves".[/highlight]

Are you freaking serious !!

those are actually very reasonable prices for the farmer's market organic/handmade/nongmo crowd and imagine they'll probably start raising them soon now that it's no longer being sold online only

I doubt they make much money selling at those costs that booth spot alone is probably costing them $50 so they need to sell a few pounds of their stuff just to pay for the table

it's really hard to rake in serious money doing what they are doing because the volume isn't there - the people selling stuff at those things are usually hobbyist just doing what they love and looking to get a little extra cash

i remember a few years back when you guys first started getting obsessed with sprkli and someone shared a video where trooper got her a bunch of fancy ingredients as a gift or something for her to experiment with and she was all happy about it but concluded that it would just be for fun to make candy with those because the costs were too high for them to use them as ingredients

at which point i wanted to yell at the screen "then raise your prices for the items you make with those ingredients you dummy"

that's how slim their margins are, that they can't even consider using some of the pricier ingredients out there
