Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11577 Replies


by agamblerthen k

This guy seems desperate to validate himself by @ssociation.

pman is trying to be an influencer, he's just playing the game.

Has pman played any wsop events this year?

I think pman's $1,000 to $100,000 challenge is just him being close to busto.

My theory is he waits for his monthly allowance to come in for him to take a shot and when he loses he only has enough to play microstakes online.

That's the only thing that makes sense to me why he doesn't play more live poker.

by prev k

pman is trying to be an influencer, he's just playing the game.

Has pman played any wsop events this year?

I think pman's $1,000 to $100,000 challenge is just him being close to busto.

My theory is he waits for his monthly allowance to come in for him to take a shot and when he loses he only has enough to play microstakes online.

That's the only thing that makes sense to me why he doesn't play more live poker.

I mean if he was ever going to capitalize on anything it would have been when he got 2nd in the employees event.

by angle_shooter k

Its hilarious but he has a decent amount of viewers who genuinely look up to him for advice and motivation. The people in the comments seem to be very complimentary of his every move/decision. I shudder to think what kind of lives these people must be living that they actually aspire to be like Rice.

The remainder of his views are probably from people who just can't look away from the unmitigated trainwreck that is his life, being chronicled in such hilarious and arrogant fashion

I think there are just a lot of supportive people out there who may not necessarily believe or follow the advice or ideologies that content makers put out there. Basically, there are 2 factions of humans: those who support others and maintain a positive outlook on life, and those who kind of take a more offensive posture against others and have a more negative view toward the world. Of course there is a whole spectrum that people may fall on in regard to those two extremes, but it's basically just like anything else in life, where things are almost never binary, but among a range on a spectrum.

You all should take a college course on sociology and/or philosophy if you haven't had the chance earlier in your educational endeavors. It's fascinating to learn various concepts that everyone can relate to within their own lives. It may not help you land a well-paying job, but it certainly is worth the interesting factor.

by Nbuc84 k

This is what losing poker players do. They try to ride someone else’s coattails because they cannot make it in the streets of 1-3. If he were a long term winner, he would not worry about anyone else’s WSOP journey and focus grinding as much as possible.

I thought Pman had banned himself from prop/sports betting, I guess since he’s betting on poker and he considers himself a poker player, this is an allowable bet in his mind. Poor Pman he’s just a gambling addict that is forced to play poker, a game he absolutely hates, to legitimize his addiction.

The reason Pman plays more online than live is because live poker is super slow and boring for someone with a crippling gambling addiction. I mean the guy has played less than 1000 hours of live cash in 3 years and is down 5 figures. Based on his loss rate he’s an elite level llsnl whale.

Pman released a live cash vlog where he plays poker for less than two hours and ends with him open shoving 22, he gets snapped off, loses, and leaves presumably to do drugs and/or gamble on more fun games in the pits.

ED wants a job where he can work when he wants, and not work when he doesn't. I think he's on to something. That sounds good to me.

by Lionelhuttz k

I thought Pman had banned himself from prop/sports betting, I guess since he’s betting on poker and he considers himself a poker player, this is an allowable bet in his mind. Poor Pman he’s just a gambling addict that is forced to play poker, a game he absolutely hates, to legitimize his addiction.

The reason Pman plays more online than live is because live poker is super slow and boring for someone with a crippling gambling addiction. I mean the guy has played less than 1000 hours of live cash i

Wow, 5 figures in less than 1000 hours. Guess he can afford that lifestyle with pdad funding him. Anyone else would have quit a long time ago but with him we get the same video telling us I played well, I know I’m a winner I’ve just been running bad and we will get them next time. Then proceeds to get McDonald’s.

by Nbuc84 k

Wow, 5 figures in less than 1000 hours. Guess he can afford that lifestyle with pdad funding him. Anyone else would have quit a long time ago but with him we get the same video telling us I played well, I know I’m a winner I’ve just been running bad and we will get them next time. Then proceeds to get McDonald’s.

PMan has talked to people and knows what he has to do. Now the grind begins.

by arcdog k

PMan has talked to people and knows what he has to do. Now the grind begins.

Hopefully it was Tony Big Charles.

by borg23 k

He already knows this and is still choosing to play 1/2 nl and make dirt.

now that he's flush with cash maybe he will finally splurge on those $89 weekend rooms and not fly out for 6 innings of mediocre baseball

by Alpha Fish k

now that he's flush with cash maybe he will finally splurge on those $89 weekend rooms and not fly out for 6 innings of mediocre baseball

imagine going out of state for a baseball game and seeing all 9 innings. such luxery!

by Alpha Fish k

now that he's flush with cash maybe he will finally splurge on those $89 weekend rooms and not fly out for 6 innings of mediocre baseball

All together, an $89 room will probably be cheaper than flying to watch crappy baseball.

If the A's follow though and move to Vegas, he'll be able to watch crappy baseball every day.

Imagine a long term crusher like Bencb defending Kristen Foxen’s big bluff and here comes Pman disagreeing with him and calling the hand badly played.

I don’t know Bencb at all but I’ll side with him on this hand. Just gonna go out on a limb.

by Koshka k

Imagine a long term crusher like Bencb defending Kristen Foxen’s big bluff and here comes Pman disagreeing with him and calling the hand badly played.

I don’t know Bencb at all but I’ll side with him on this hand. Just gonna go out on a limb.

Pmans right though. Bad play. The irony is pman would have played it exactly the same.

I love a bunch of results oriented clowns calling it a punt bc it didn't work. Meanwhile Polk and Lamb defend it.

Today (Monday) was ElD/Rice's first day of unemployment from being a dealer at the Orleans Summer Poker Open.

I wonder what he did with himself?

There's no way Rice went to a $1/3 Poker table and spent 8 hours folding cards, all to make $5/hr.

by borg23 k

I love a bunch of results oriented clowns calling it a punt bc it didn't work. Meanwhile Polk and Lamb defend it.

I wouldn't call it a punt but it was definitely a misplay.

It is such a weird line to take there and she had not much info on the guy's hand, she is pretty much hoping to sell a turned 2 pair and to blast the guy off of top pair gut shot kinda hand which is just hoping and praying he has the bottom of his range or somehow finding a fold on other 2 pair hands. Considering the stack sizes it was a mistake as well since even if the guy made the wrong call he would still be in a fine position so that kinda bet isn't as intimidating. Any hand she is repping at the top of her range is check raising on the flop.

It was a poor bluff imo.

I actually had no idea who she was, she's an absolute beast.

It's probably just a fatigue split second mistake, happens to everyone. Unfortunately it was a mistake at the worst time.

by borg23 k

I love a bunch of results oriented clowns calling it a punt bc it didn't work. Meanwhile Polk and Lamb defend it.

I mean, yeah sort of. To be clear Polk said he thought it was a mistake, but not a huge punt-at least strictly for chip EV. He didnt want to discuss the ICM implications in his last video.

My personal opinion is that it was not neccesary to take that risk. She is very deep in the main, good/solid stack, and Serock had been playing pretty snugged not being out of line at all. Considering he has her covered by a landslide, i am not sure how many bet/folds he actually have on this board when he barrells big on the turn after raising it up from UTG preflop. I feel like the spot is pretty marginal for her to bluffshove,i would think she would get a better spot to get her chips in with her experience especially playing live a ton both cash and tournies. It just felt like she was forcing it here,from my own gut feeling when i saw the hand the first time.

So if we take ICM into consideration i think this is a big mistake by her, and i have been a huge fan of her for years. Brilliant player. Its okay to make mistakes, its just kind of sad for her that it happend at this point-would absolutely love to see her on the final table battling against Astedt for example.

by borg23 k

I love a bunch of results oriented clowns calling it a punt bc it didn't work. Meanwhile Polk and Lamb defend it.

The only way to see this as a punt is to be a results-oriented clown? Disagree.

My first thought was that it wasn’t a punt.
My second thought was that it might be an ICM punt.

I don’t think the play was bad at all, I think it’s all actually pretty close. But this is the main and preserving your stack matters in that spot with half a dozen guys with shorter stacks than you.

Boski makes that move 8 days a week

by Langdon k

Boski makes that move 8 days a week

“We got 2nd pair, we got a gut shot, we block the nuts, we’re grippin it and rippin it!!”

by Petrucci k

I mean, yeah sort of. To be clear Polk said he thought it was a mistake, but not a huge punt-at least strictly for chip EV. He didnt want to discuss the ICM implications in his last video.

My personal opinion is that it was not neccesary to take that risk. She is very deep in the main, good/solid stack, and Serock had been playing pretty snugged not being out of line at all. Considering he has her covered by a landslide, i am not sure how many bet/folds he actually have on this board when he barr

there's a difference b/w a small mistake which Polk called it and an epic punt like people are making it out to be purely bc they have perfect information.
Serock snapped with AK. If she had Q10 everyone would be calling him an idiot for snap calling with 2 pair, not even thinking about it, it's so obvious she has the straight blah blah blah. If he folded Aq, a10, kj or maybe even AJ people would say what an amazing bluff it is.

It's fine calling it a mistake. But people see the hole cards and think they're geniuses as though she saw he had AK and shipped it in anyway.

by prev k

she's an absolute beast.

I didn't think she was that bad looking.

by iwasbanned k

I didn't think she was that bad looking.

that's not what I meanttttr
