Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11578 Replies


by rickroll k

you have an account less than a year old but often reference things that happened many years earlier in this thread so this is your burner account

59/382 posts you've made have "pman" in it and it's safe to say the real count of your pman content is 3-4x more than that since you're obviously not going to name him in every post about him - nobody else cares about that but you repeatedly try to bring it up and make it part of the conversation

this appears to be the only thread you post in

you're also

So if you're wrong then that makes you the bigger weirdo making baseless accusations. Maybe you're a paranoid schizophrenic or just a really weird person that believes in every conspiracy theory out there connecting dots to fit your paranoid delusions.

59/382 posts about pman, we talk about 3-4 vloggers in here, youd figure my % would be higher no? If that's your smoking gun, you really need to reconsider how flawed your logic is.

When I first started posting people accused me of being Diesel's burner account too.

Tbh you look like the bigger weirdo here.

I assure you I'm not the person behind that twitter account. You can put your tinfoil hat away.

Have given (loaned) money to a degenerate gambler in the past. She owes me $80k. I'll never see it. I've written it off as a very expensive lesson in thinking with the wrong head.

Don't make the same mistake I have made.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

by Turdzilla k

It is the address on their candy site.

New construction N of downtown LV.

Appears to be a residence, not zoned for commercial according to records.

the real reason why I brought up if it's possible pman is a scammer:

I went on pman's twitter and saw that there was an account that only posts that pman is a scammer.

Was curious about it so posted about it in here to see if there was some scandal that I didn't know about.

That's the end.

And recently:

Pman releases his video today with his results showing his terrible results.

Pman discusses in previous vids about him having issues with pit games and just in general shows degen tendencies. Example, him playing in 2/5 games 2 weeks before announcing he is busto.

Pman posted previously about having backers that backed out last minute for this year's WSOP.

Pman often talks about how he has sold pieces of himself, example, when he binked 2nd place in that wsop tourney

So seeing today's videos where he finally shiws us proof of what most of us suspected, that he's a terrible player and the fact that he's had previous backing makes me think that pman must have been selling himself as a winning player in order to try to get backing.

Mixing in degen gambler, financial problems and misleading people about your results. Then mix in a random twitter account obsessively posting that he's a scammer, there is potentially something there.

Why haven’t you put ol’ Prev on your ignore list…

Poker has taught me that sometimes your gut feeling is just wrong and you might just be bad at poker.

Think of all the "feel" players that make huge hero calls because they're convinced the other guy must be bluffing. They're right some of the time but most times they are wrong and just a fish.

Rickroll is the feel player here, so convinced he's right, even when he's wrong over and over he remembers the one time his hero call was right.

You are way off rickroll. Your detective skills and intuition are seriously off here.

I'm not behind that twitter account. I'm just here to talk about las vegas vloggers.

You guys just wait. The grind begins soon and you will be sorry you didn't back pman. I guarantee it

Those graphs are brutal, he is going to grind further down? Oh wait, Pman says only place to go is up. He has found the bottom or is he trying to catch the falling knife. lol

lying thrugh omission, presenting as a winnar when ackshually sucking worse than any one could possibly fathom seems more than just a little scammy to me.

by prev k

i've been accurately called out and now lashing out


by prev k

Example, him playing in 2/5 games 2 weeks before announcing he is busto.

more of your attempts at citogenesis as you were the one who started the "he must have been playing lots of 2/5 rumor and now just a few days later are pretending that the rumor you started is a genuine fact

by prev k

there is probably a sizable chunk of play at 2/5 since we know he's a degen and will play with less than $2,000 in his bankroll/gambling budget.

Even then, it's pretty remarkable how bad he is even after studying the game, having coaches and dedicating his life to becoming a poker player.

He really should give up gambling altogether and focus on being a dealer.

He's a terrible player and I doubt he can ever be a winning player, dude has such thin skin the moment anything goes wrong he will go on

you need serious help

rickroll go back on your meds

It was literallly on his last video before he announced he was broke where he said he was playing 2/5 bomb pots.

Broken YouTube Link


I think you need more help than I do.

by squid face k

lying thrugh omission, presenting as a winnar when ackshually sucking worse than any one could possibly fathom seems more than just a little scammy to me.

yeah i'm onboard with that, i could be mistaken though but i don't think he ever presented himself as a winner, but rather someone who believes he could win - which frankly i do believe he honestly felt

i remember when i staked him for like $50 for the tourney series he was going to do - not any amount i cared about at all - but just did it for fun because he was vlogging and posting in the thread and i kind of enjoyed the early pman videos just seeing a kid chase his dream

but i had a few exchanges with him during the info exchange when i sent funds and just giving out some basic pointers like that he should focus on knowing his exact short stack shoving range as he didn't have much time before the tournies began and that was probably the most efficient use of limited study time

he then does like a 24 hour video game streaming challenge before the series - which is a bit concerning but hey perhaps he'd been studying non-stop previously and this was how he was decompressing for the series ahead

he then makes vids about the tournies and it's clear he did not studying as he talks about things like (i'm paraphrasing obv) "I had A3o with 17bb on the btn facing an utg open and had no idea whether to fold, call or shove" which clearly showed he did no such study

he did also not play the majority of the package and promptly refunded me the prorated amount - ended up losing maybe 8-12 dollars out of the 50 or something like that

as someone who's staked people a lot in the past, that's something you really appreciate to just see you've been sent money right away without needing to ask - most of my life i'm in the process of asking people for payment, right now i'm owed well into 5 figures by 3 different individuals combined - i know they'll pay, but if i don't pursue it, it'll never happen and that just really sucks

would i stake him again, no, it was very clear that he thought he could just casually win at this using intuition and instinct

do i think he scammed me - no, not at all

do i think he was wrong to not put in that video game streaming time towards studying - absolutely, and that's why even if i were in the business of staking people today, i'll still never stake him again despite that it was for a meaningless amount to begin with

my posts are not so much to defend pman's work ethic - i just feel like for some here (obv not you skwid i know you too initially tried to help him and he blew that too) like prev are going to insane lengths that are downright unhealthy and obsessive

for a lot of people here it feels like copium - "awesome i found someone who's doing worse than i am so i can feel better about myself" - also why there seems to be so much nonsense about him family supporting him - i'm sure it mostly comes down to jealousy they never had that lifeline which he has

and frankly, i honestly don't think he's a bad person, just his ambition is not matched by his work ethic - this obviously will ensure he'll never be a crusher at poker, but that's not exactly how i choose the judge the character of people - jury is still out - i do not have enough of a sample to make a real informed decision - but that's true for most people posting about him here as well

by rickroll k

yeah i'm onboard with that, i could be mistaken though but i don't think he ever presented himself as a winner, but rather someone who believes he could win - which frankly i do believe he honestly felt...

and frankly, i honestly don't think he's a bad person, just his ambition is not matched by his work ethic - this obviously will ensure he'll never be a crusher at poker, but that's not exactly how i choose the judge the character of people - jury is still out - i do not have enough of a sample

A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for ?

Robert Browning

The dude IS Pman, as in Pman prays. Maybe he seeks divine intervention in lieu of studying and gaining skill ?

Divine intervention is frequently sought by poker players. See, Jerry Yang. Cf. "One time !!!"

What's the difference between a poker player who prays and someone in Sunday church ? The poker player really means it.

by rickroll k

yeah i'm onboard with that, i could be mistaken though but i don't think he ever presented himself as a winner, but rather someone who believes he could win - which frankly i do believe he honestly felt

Do a poast history search. I asked very pointed questions regarding win rate and past playing history. He evaded these questions and presented himself as a historically winning player. After this I knew he was full of crap and stopped interacting. I have been a pro gambler/staker my entire adult life. I have seen this type b4. They present as a winner, they think that they are special cuz they know some buzzwords and think they will become good via osmosis. I have made a shitload bad gambools in my career. I do my best to learn from them.

There are an absolute ton of scumbags in this biz. I have been ripped off plenty but I have made great gambles as well. I think its important to call people who act in bad faith out. This is clearly with out question a bad faith operator imo.

by squid face k

Do a poast history search. I asked very pointed questions regarding win rate and past playing history. He evaded these questions and presented himself as a historically winning player. After this I knew he was full of crap and stopped interacting. I have been a pro gambler/staker my entire adult life. I have seen this type b4. They present as a winner, they think that they are special cuz they know some buzzwords and think they will become good via osmosis. I have made a shitload bad gamb

gotcha, i do vaguely recall that now, at the time i chalked it up to "he probably only played home games and didn't have much a of sample or anything tracked"

perhaps i gave him too much credit thinking there's no way i would personally move to vegas to play poker if i wasn't already doing somewhat well at it back home so didn't think anyone else would do something as irrational as to move to vegas to pursue poker as a career if they were an overall loser in the game

you would see that a lot in macau with indian players, they would sit down with extreme confidence, talking about how they absolutely crush their weekly game back in bangalore and it's a really tough game because it's all doctors and engineers and they just lose 2-3 stacks in a few hours while their personal assistant stands behind them watching

i never doubted those people were smart, nor that their opponents were smart, nor that they did indeed crush in their home games, they just didn't understand that they were playing in much softer lineups and despite that the iq level was now much lower in macau, he was up against trained professionals who dedicated their lives to beating the game instead of a wealthy doctor who knows very little of it and can't fold a straight on a 4 to a flush board

i just figured that was the kind of player pman was, someone who did well in his home games and figured it would translate without any work

Pman missed such a huge opportunity when he ****ed off his chance to be coached by The Squid.

by rickroll k

he did also not play the majority of the package and promptly refunded me the prorated amount - ended up losing maybe 8-12 dollars out of the 50 or something like that

I'll say this much for Pman. It's pretty obvious he sucks at poker and is delusional about his abilities. He also seems to think that by saying positive expressions that sound almost cult like he can manifest wins.

But he deserves credit for something like this. It's a meaningless amount of money but way too many people don't do this and it's exactly what should be done. People borrow money and have to be asked to pay it back and when they do act like they're doing you a favor and do the same with returning/paying out stakes.

I still wouldn't stake him though and he's never going to be winning player let alone a pro.

by iwasbanned k

I'm hoping we can get a verified picture of the exact location of Trooper’s physical location.

Does anyone know how many miles away this is from Trooper’s apt ??

If this is more than a half hour away (no traffic) and from where he lives, that's a big mistake.
I take it, this is not a retail location?

809 N Main St #15
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Troop should have rented a house with a nice kitchen instead of two rent payments and a commute.

The map says 15-minute walk from Circa.

Pman is a nice person that has become a full blown gambling addict. Many addicts that were good people do some really bad stuff when they've fallen into addiction.

We don't have any proof that pman is a scammer other than an anonymous twitter user that seems to really dislike pman and circumstantial evidence that would make it seem plausible he could be a scammer.

If that dude on twitter is a troll and making it up then that dude is unhinged, but if there's any truth to it then pman knows exactly who it is.

IF pman has scammed there will probably be multiple people coming out so we will probably know eventually.

He was so quick to say he's an alcoholic and is swearing off alcohol forever.

He needs to do the same for poker and all other gambling, some people are just not cut out for poker.

In conclusion, I am not the person that created that twitter account and I'm being slandered by rickroll.

by Turdzilla k

809 N Main St #15
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Timmy opened a Thai restaurant? Didn’t see that coming!

by Turdzilla k

809 N Main St #15
Las Vegas, NV 89101

It looks like it's the green building that was in the picture I posted yesterday.

Trooper is probably just renting out the kitchen. I highly doubt he's opening a full blown retail store.

Now he will play them good games and show them what's up, and no BJ to play there, unless he still has some Bitcoin on that online casino. lol
