Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11587 Replies


by brianr k

And called off a 50 hours of poker in a week challenge!

I would rather be staked out in the desert and covered in scorpians than play 50 hours

by FL Pkrdlr k

His best response to one of the comments was “Anyone else would’ve quit for life in May of last year”. I guess referring to his epic run bad of 2023 that he somehow overcame and didn’t quit poker for life.

then this

he's a total wacko

When you are such a LOL Nit that you always brag about how you never lose more than a buyin, of course you aren't going to be able to handle losing 60BB in one hand without having an emotional breakdown.

I am now actively rooting for CET to eliminate the waived resorts fee for the poker playing segment of Diamond level.

Nomad loves it when people "appreciate" his witty remarks...

by Langdon k

then this

he's a total wacko

Here's some more gold!

According to Nomad it was a "massive pot"
I mean he lost a total of 60 BBs in a 1/3 game, with Aces. Most other less resilient players would have surely quit the game for life!

by Steve00007 k

He was only at the table for 30 minutes and thought there was no way this villain ever had AQ or KQ?

How does he know this villain so well that an $85 raise is more than enough to get him to fold a set?

Because he would. He's projecting.

all I have left to say is this is the best video Nomad has ever put out

thanks for alerting me about it

by Langdon k

... this is the best video Nomad has ever put out

Lot of insight into Nomad in this short video.

wow what a meltdown by Diesel lol

I guess he is mad because his one bluff of the year didn't go through.

Anyone that plays poker regularly knows that OMC's hang on for dearlife with any set, overpairs and stacks off, there is no chance that an OMC would ever fold there.

This is just more of the same as his entire life, he thinks he made a genius move and how dare someone not fold to his amazing great play, this is the mock trial all over again, and all the times he's been wronged at his previous jobs. He is amazing and the best and how dare people not recognize his greatness.

His logic is so flawed here, he thinks the opponent is so stupid that they don't have a clue what's going on yet thinks they'll fold a set.

People usually get tilted by bad beats, not failed bluffs, shows he is a very entitled person. It's amazing how you can make the wrong play, lose the hand and still think you're the genius and the other guy is an idiot.

One good thing he does is he quit immediately while tilted, he does have good discipline.

24 hours later, El D is still crying.

by prev k

wow what a meltdown by Diesel lol

I guess he is mad because his one bluff of the year didn't go through.

Anyone that plays poker regularly knows that OMC's hang on for dearlife with any set, overpairs and stacks off, there is no chance that an OMC would ever fold there.

This is just more of the same as his entire life, he thinks he made a genius move and how dare someone not fold to his amazing great play, this is the mock trial all over again, and all the times he's been wronged at his previous

You would think that after the hand, he would consider the possibility that this villain is not as tight (at least with his big hands) as El Diesel thought.

Instead he concludes that it’s a miracle his opponent called because of course his opponent folds there every other time in his life.

The Gross Domestic Product of Italy is 2.3 trillion USD according to Wikipedia:

by topg2024 k

The Gross Domestic Product of Italy is 2.3 trillion USD according to Wikipedia:

I fold

by Old Man Coffee k

24 hours later, El D is still whining.

El D/Rice/Nomad vastly overestimates his poker acumen.
Even with being on a 2 year downswing, Rice's ego is still out of control.

by prev k

wow what a meltdown by Diesel lol

I guess he is mad because his one bluff of the year didn't go through.

Anyone that plays poker regularly knows that OMC's hang on for dearlife with any set, overpairs and stacks off, there is no chance that an OMC would ever fold there.

This is just more of the same as his entire life, he thinks he made a genius move and how dare someone not fold to his amazing great play, this is the mock trial all over again, and all the times he's been wronged at his previous

Yea quitting when tilted is obviously the right move. But being so fragile you're tilted this easily is a serious problem.

One of my favorite things in poker is when someone makes a transparent bluff,I pick them off with a snap call and they yammer on and on about how I should have folded. They think their bluff is brilliant and how dare I thwart their brilliance. However I've never had someone storm off like a child for it . That would be even better.

Wow just saw the video and he's still melting down a day later over this "massive hand".

It's also hilarious he lists hands he could have when the truth is the only hand he can really have is maybe AK or Ace/Broadway (pair flush draw with whatever high card wasnt a spade)of spades. He's obviously raising the turn with AK and not raising the river with it,he basically never has a 9 and if he somehow got frisky and 3 bet with it and called the turn with the ass open ended he's never raising the river when the flush hits as he hits his 1 card straight.

He's scared to bet AA on Q10X but he's gonna pretend his 3 betting some low suited hand? Hilarious.

The few times he's mentioned his "well thought out" bluffs he reps hands he can't possibly ever have and he's either bluffing with the best hand or his opponent is folding something like 4th pair. Guys like this are so easy to play.

by iwasbanned k

El D/Rice/Nomad vastly overestimates his poker acumen.
Even with being on a 2 year downswing, Rice's ego is still out of control.

Yep. Today's vlog rant is a perfect encapsulation of how bad he is at poker. He has zero self awareness of how his style of super nit tight play stands out to everyone with even a moderate amount of a clue. Of course people are folding strong hands when he even touches his chips and setting up for a raise.

However one thing he doesn't understand is that the player pool at Red Rock is vastly different than Horseshoe. While the locals there are mostly recs and play for fun, there's a lot there that are serious, in that they are trying to play their best and pay attention to action at the table. It's still 1-3 so "their best" is still pretty bad in the overall scheme of things but they definitely aren't playing level one poker.

It's funny how he talks about what level the other players are at and doesn't realize he is actually one level behind a lot more often than even a few years ago. I mean it's not hard to play against someone like Diesel.

Wow, today's video is even better. Cry harder. lol

His bluff on that river was just so so bad.

He 3b pre after UTG raise, who called. Pot $61

Flop QT2 one spade, unclear but probably the Q. X,X
Turn Js. He flats a $30 bet. Pot $121.
River 8s
UTG $30; Rice makes it $125. UTG calls and wins with QQ

literally the only hand in his pre 3b range that UTG loses to is AKss, which definitely would have raised turn given the made straight and the fd there. He has no 9’s in his range. He doesn’t have AQss because the Q seems to be on the board. There’s no way he 3b AJss or any other suited A pre.

today's video...

'after 24 hours of reflection, I have come to the conclusion that I completely mucked up my AA hand and ended up value pwning myself'.

that seems like a REASONABLE assessment Rice... it happens to everyone at times.

Mr and Mrs Trooper... welcome to the 'Industrial Age'.

by brianr k

His bluff on that river was just so so bad.

He 3b pre after UTG raise, who called. Pot $61

Flop QT2 one spade, unclear but probably the Q. X,X
Turn Js. He flats a $30 bet. Pot $121.
River 8s
UTG $30; Rice makes it $125. UTG calls and wins with QQ

literally the only hand in his pre 3b range that UTG loses to is AKss, which definitely would have raised turn given the made straight and the fd there. He has no 9’s in his range. He doesn’t have AQss because the Q seems to be on the board. There’s

Ya he doesn't understand that just cause someone may be scared to put money into the pot themselves, doesn't mean they won't call off big bets if they are strong.

Another flaw Diesel has is putting a lot of people into the same box. He assumes everyone that watches his vlogs has never played poker in Vegas cause otherwise they wouldn't question him on the adjustments he makes here. Everyone that questions him on anything is miserable.

It's amazing the ego he has and how much better he thinks he is than everyone else in life.

The way things are going we may be able to get an entire series out of Rice whining about this hand. It's incredible given how standard a beat it is. The only remarkable thing about it is how badly he played it and his terrible reads. Talks about how nitty a player is but doesn't somehow understand that a player who is nitty isn't folding his top set there once he's hit. He also talks about how big his bet was when it was nothing of the sort.

Someone in the comments said those spaces cost $2500/month, plus they are buying expensive equipment. 1 year lease.
