Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11576 Replies


by ibelieveyouoweme$80k k

Haven't been following this. Are they really making any money? I mean it's dime store candy. Is it even any good?

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

They haven't had an issue selling the candy itself but the business model was pretty flawed considering they could only make so much candy per hour while having to spend a bunch of time selling it as well.

Their problem was always the lack of volume and amount of time it takes to make the candy. You can't make money if you can only make $40 worth of product in 1 hour.

Being able to greatly increase their volume is going to take care of alot of problems they had with being able to make this into an actual business.

They have a chance to now make some money with this depending how efficiently they can make the candy with a full kitchen and commercial equipment.

Time will tell but this was the right move if they want to make a go at this.

l don't agree that they should open up a retail location though which seems to be their ultimate goal which would be a huge mistake imo.

I'm sure their candy tastes amazing too, i predict they will focus on the brittle which is the easiest one to scale, other things they make are just too labour intensive.

maybe he didn't block me (yet)

this guy still wacko

Why does he constantly repeat this thing like it's so revelatory?

it means nothing. and if he thinks it means something, then he's a fool for losing $175 or whatever it was

Their problem was always the lack of volume and amount of time it takes to make the candy. You can't make money if you can only make $40 worth of product in 1 hour.


Are they going to work twice as long, plus the commute, to make twice as much?

Production is so labor intensive I don't understand how they will increase sales.

Making peanut brittle at home is quite simple and only requires a few basic ingredients. Here’s a classic recipe to help you make delicious peanut brittle:

1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup water
1 cup raw peanuts (unsalted)
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
A pinch of salt
Candy thermometer
Baking sheet, lightly greased or lined with parchment paper
Wooden spoon
Prepare the Baking Sheet: Lightly grease a baking sheet or line it with parchment paper. Set it aside.

Mix Sugar, Corn Syrup, and Water: In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup, and water. Stir them together until well mixed. Attach a candy thermometer to the side of the saucepan, ensuring the bulb does not touch the bottom of the pan.

Cook the Mixture: Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Continue to cook, without stirring, until the temperature reaches 240°F (115°C).

Add Peanuts: Once the mixture reaches 240°F, add the peanuts. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until the temperature reaches 300°F (149°C). The mixture will turn golden brown.

Add Butter and Vanilla: Remove the saucepan from heat. Quickly stir in the butter and vanilla extract until well combined.

Add Baking Soda and Salt: Stir in the baking soda and salt. The mixture will bubble and foam. Stir quickly to combine.

Spread the Mixture: Immediately pour the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet. Use a wooden spoon to spread it into an even layer. Work quickly, as the brittle will begin to set fast.

Cool and Break into Pieces: Allow the peanut brittle to cool completely at room temperature (about 30-45 minutes). Once it’s cool and hardened, break it into pieces.

Store: Store the peanut brittle in an airtight container to keep it fresh and crispy.

by parisron k

Yea, but you underestimate how much easier it will be to make big batches now, also he said Lady T did so many 1000's of I can't remember which kind by hand and now it will be more automated as he will show in upcoming videos.

The only issue I see is, you can't be in 2 places at once. Unless maybe they can make huge amounts in 48 hours or something, (Jesse and Walt in a Winnebago) and then do markets, etc. the other days.

I can't wait to see whatever this big equipment is that takes 2 weeks to g

They would be dumb to keep doing farmer's markets, at least not to the degree they do now. They should keep attending 1 or 2, but mostly to get the word out that they are open for online ordering. Then Trooper needs to get back into the poker room. Youtube was the primary method of advertising, and all it cost was his nightly loss rate.

by Langdon k

maybe he didn't block me (yet)

this guy still wacko

In his mind he is the only thinking player at the table. Anyone who ever beats him in a pot is a drooler who just got insanely lucky.

The only person that Nomad is outsmarting is himself. He can't figure out why players won't just co-operate and fold when he is bluffing and call when he is value betting. How can he repeatedly get so unlucky? It's enough to cause a meltdown.

He took coaching lessons from the trooper.

by Steve00007 k

He wasn’t exactly playing at stakes normally played by poker geniuses.

He isn’t that wrong actually. He does normally play 1-3 NL.

I actually disagree with some comments here. Even an obvious nit should be able to get some action in a 1-3 game. Maybe his winrate isn’t higher because of bluffs (and other mistakes) that he makes like this one.

He's not even your typical nit. He plays hours on end and rarely wins or loses more than even 1 buy in. He's playing so incredibly tight it's absurd. And to top it off he thinks these microscopic swings are a brag.

In the middle of this meltdown he was crying how for months on end people fold strong hands when he has them beat and call when he's bluffing. Sounds like he isn't as clever as he thinks he is. Just from hearing him discuss a few hands it's also obvious he has massive bet sizing tells. People who play with him often must have picked up a ton on him by now.

by borg23 k

He's not even your typical nit. He plays hours on end and rarely wins or loses more than even 1 buy in. He's playing so incredibly tight it's absurd. And to top it off he thinks these microscopic swings are a brag.

In the middle of this meltdown he was crying how for months on end people fold strong hands when he has them beat and call when he's bluffing. Sounds like he isn't as clever as he thinks he is. Just from hearing him discuss a few hands it's also obvious he has massive bet sizing tells.

ELD lost nearly a month of weekday rent at Harrahs thus as a regular player would be equivalent to about $2,000 loss and this possibly explains why ELD is making a huge deal out of it. ELD is not a poker player at its basic meaning he is a poker player using means to an end for housing and food comps.

by Turdzilla k

and Pole Rider.

Oh I'm an unemployable now, aye?

Ride Polaris, not poles.

by Turdzilla k

Their problem was always the lack of volume and amount of time it takes to make the candy. You can't make money if you can only make $40 worth of product in 1 hour.


Are they going to work twice as long, plus the commute, to make twice as much?

Production is so labor intensive I don't understand how they will increase sales.

They'll work the same but make 3-5 times more. They probably need to make 5 times what they're doing now to make it all worth it. It depends on how efficient they can get with commercial equipment and more space.

That's why I think they'll just focus on the brittle as they can churn it out where as their other stuff although presumably very tasty, is way too labor intensive.

The OG sprkli pops would have the highest profit margin by a landslide. I'd be gobsmacked if each pop had more than 5 cents worth of ingredients and they are selling them for $1.25 a pop, minimal packaging as well.

I wonder if the whole concept will lose some of its appeal with customers now that it's being mass produced in a factory rather than lovingly hand crafted in the Troopers cottage.

In the comments for his 2nd crying video, El D mentions his tilt level has been building up for some time, but "something new is on the horizon."

Could he have landed employment with Sprkli Candy Inc? Will he move into the cook kitchen and start pumping out the treats? I'd imagine they'd want to keep LT as the public sales face, and keep her out of the kitchen.

Just think of the new flavors!

1) Sardine/Andouille/pocket mayo
2) Beard hair
3) For the health conscious among you - for a limited time - the nomad salad pop - black olives, iceberg lettuce, ranch, and cheddar cheese!

by angle_shooter k

In his mind he is the only thinking player at the table. Anyone who ever beats him in a pot is a drooler who just got insanely lucky.

The only person that Nomad is outsmarting is himself. He can't figure out why players won't just co-operate and fold when he is bluffing and call when he is value betting. How can he repeatedly get so unlucky? It's enough to cause a meltdown.

They don't understand the rubric.

In todays video Rice completely contradicts what he said when previously discussing his AA hand. He's just spoken about how in 1-2 for the past couple of years he isn't confident he'll win a big pot with his big hands as the games are so tight. However he then says the pots in 2-5 are much larger in general (in terms of BB's) and he has no worries about winning a big pot with his strong hands. So how does this tie in with him running home after losing 60BB and then complaining there was no way to win it back?

Diesel the definitive expert on Vegas 1-3 poker and all the inner workings.

Once again mined some more gold from the comments sections of today's video...

"I play a lot. It can't all be nights and weekends. Also, nights and weekends are busiest, but not necessarily best. All the weekend warriors show up on weekends. I much prefer Tuesday 11pm to Friday 11pm in Vegas."

by Husker k

In todays video Rice completely contradicts what he said when previously discussing his AA hand. He's just spoken about how in 1-2 for the past couple of years he isn't confident he'll win a big pot with his big hands as the games are so tight. However he then says the pots in 2-5 are much larger in general (in terms of BB's) and he has no worries about winning a big pot with his strong hands. So how does this tie in with him running home after losing 60BB and then complaining there was no way t

It's not just that the Vegas games in general is tighter. It's that anyone with any modicum of focus and attention at the table will easily tag Diesel as a super nit. It's the real reason Diesel changes rooms so much rather than table change. Few people will pay off his big bets. He's stated that when he bluffs, he tries to bet the bare minimum needed to get the bluff through.

by Koshka k

Diesel the definitive expert on Vegas 1-3 poker and all the inner workings.

Once again mined some more gold from the comments sections of today's video...

"I play a lot. It can't all be nights and weekends. Also, nights and weekends are busiest, but not necessarily best. All the weekend warriors show up on weekends. I much prefer Tuesday 11pm to Friday 11pm in Vegas."

Of course he prefers Tuesdays. So he can steal blinds from old people with $7 raises. How could any sane poker pro prefer a Saturday night with players drinking, having fun and throwing money around. That sounds scary!

the thing is I'm pretty sure this Red Rock abbreviated session was on a weekday morning (or early afternoon at the latest).

so nothing he says makes sense. just talks in circles

I like to play at Mandalay Bay, which is likely one of the nittiest rooms on the Strip.

ya know what, I often see big stacks, big pots, big chip movement, even in that nitty room.

to say "there are no big pots at 1/2 or 1/3 in Vegas" is completely ignorant. I have won lots of money in sessions even at nitty Mandalay Bay on a weekday afternoon.

by brianr k

Just think of the new flavors!

1) Sardine/Andouille/pocket mayo
2) Beard hair
3) For the health conscious among you - for a limited time - the nomad salad pop - black olives, iceberg lettuce, ranch, and cheddar cheese!

Trooper may not be Einstein, but he's smart enough not to let Diesel anywhere near a kitchen.

One thing Trooper and Diesel have/had in common - for "pros" they played awful hours. They started at noon and quit at midnight, Trooper usually earlier. They play the hours that are convenient for them, not the hours that would net the best results.

by pig4bill k

Trooper may not be Einstein, but he's smart enough not to let Diesel anywhere near a kitchen.

You sure about that? T had a video of him handling candy with no gloves as skin was peeling off his hand.
