Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11573 Replies


by borg23 k

Your last Vegas trip was 7 years ago.
Games are way worse there now.

because players are less bad?

by borg23 k

The other day I saw som total random. Blinged out in all kinds of jewelry. He later said it was his first time at Parx.
Guy puts on headphones and waits 4 hands for the big blind ,and doesn't straddle when everyone else is. Thanks for the free info.

Hey, the other day I found a dream Cats run play at Parx. Great games up there but not enough AP machines and all the buttons were so greasy, it was hard to check. Diesel would do ok in Philly/Bensalem.

by Langdon k

el oh el at "5 hours commuting" in Vegas one day just to fill an 8 hour session

Why doesn't Rice play on line and avoid the commute?

by DividedWeFall k

$30/hour at 1/3 in Vegas? Um. No!

I shoot 69 at Augusta while doing meth.

Not a thing!

Harder for Rice to get on Augusta than shot 69.

My goodness, has no one played $1/2/3?

There is always one or two AHs that are so unpleasant that you wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

How can an adult spend time in that environment?

Room rates are super high for the next three weeks no $8 deals at all until October. This could explain why ELD left town.

by Turdzilla k

Why doesn't Rice play on line and avoid the commute?

How the hell is he gonna win online in 2024?

Besides online is all 6 max.

by Langdon k

because players are less bad?

Players are less bad, lots of pros used to move to Vegas bc of the cheap cost of living pre covid at least which lead to shittier games than other places. The harder games are the more miserable they are since a lot of them are barely squeaking by. It's actually amazing how bad Vegas pros are at cultivating good environments for their games.

I haven't played NL in ages but seeing the NL tables near me or sometimes even watching them for a few mins while waiting to cash out make me want to stab myself in the eye. Just pure torture. And even in PLO the Vegas regs are almost all intolerable human beings. Just a bunch of entitled anti social people who can't give up an ounce of short term ev ever even to very fishy players. Some of them might as well have a seat change button tattooed on their arms ready to seat hop fish and headphones surgically implanted in their ears. .These types of players exist elsewhere as well obviously, but the percentage in Vegas is so high. If just doesn't dawn on them people have a million different things to do in Vegas- they don't have to **** in their poker game.

I've played in some plo games where there or 4-5 players I know are better than me with 1 or 2 really bad players. The good players almost all play super fast, are social and the game flies by. In Vegas even with say 4-5 guys I'm a little better than/a little worse than and 1 or 2 really bad players the game seems to crawl by and I don't play nearly as long.

by iwasbanned k

Trooper said a lot of things, and look where he is now.

by Petrucci k

Trooper is saying alot of really dumb shyt, so i woudnt put much weight on the stuff he used to barf up on a regular basis.

But that type of talk is common. I’ve seen a lot of people confidently say that it is easy to crush low stakes games. I’ve seen a lot of people make other claims (especially on the internet) about how easy it is to do things successfully in other things in life that have nothing to do with poker.

by iwasbanned k

No there isn't.

What percentage of the adult population do you think is less intelligent than Trooper? Please don’t tell me that the women he dated are all smarter than him.

I’m gonna play 1-2 this week for an hour or two just to see about it. Last time I played 1-2 it was at Santa Fe station with one of my friends who isn’t really a poker player and game was amazing

by Lionelhuttz k

Diesel also started to go to sleep at an earlier hour that coincided with his lowered hourly. When he first started the vlog, he’d have videos where he’d be up at like 3-6am and say he just had a good session and will sleep in his car before checking into his Harrahs room. Over time he stopped playing graveyard and started bragging about checking into rooms super early and bragging about getting extra hours in the room for free.

He's not 25 any more.

by Turdzilla k

Why doesn't Rice play on line and avoid the commute?

Because he likes to appear clever by telling bad jokes and stories.

by LuvDaVlogs k

I’m gonna play 1-2 this week for an hour or two just to see about it. Last time I played 1-2 it was at Santa Fe station with one of my friends who isn’t really a poker player and game was amazing

i find the 1-2 games i'm in hilariously bad - by far the worst poker i've ever seen in my life 10x worse than the games in macau which was famous for being an easy game (why i never took my winrates there too seriously)

having said that, of a sample of only about 100 hours over last two years i'm only winning a little under 5bb an hour, which is really depressing at $10 an hour

first year playing professionally mid stakes i made 17bb/hour but that was back in 2006

from 2007-2013 (much it part time for fun as I left poker for a real job after seeing anyone over 30 was miserable in late 2007) i was about 12bb/hour mostly mid stakes with a couple 1/2 sessions in korea mixed in

part of it is that I'm rusty and unstudied and still making mistakes

another part is definitely my "play when i have time and am passing through a casino" only gets me a few sessions a year so sample size is terrible

but a big reason imo is that the people just giving their money away are usually buying in for $100 and then by the time it's your turn to felt them they only have $60 left - usually when those guys build a stack they start telling the table "oh i got to get home my wife will kill me" doing the old rayz hit n run

i'm sure i can beat it over 10bb/hour over a larger sample where i really study - i'll probably have the opportunity to put that to the test this fall on my cross country trip

by LuvDaVlogs k

I’m gonna play 1-2 this week for an hour or two just to see about it. Last time I played 1-2 it was at Santa Fe station with one of my friends who isn’t really a poker player and game was amazing

You're going to do this in Vegas?

Just for sh*ts and giggles, stop by some of Diesel's favorite haunts - Horseshoe (you might call it Bally's), promo grinder central. And somewhere else he played - He played at Bellagio but he doesn't like it. I can't think of anywhere else. I watched only about half of his videos.

by pig4bill k

You're going to do this in Vegas?

Just for sh*ts and giggles, stop by some of Diesel's favorite haunts - Horseshoe (you might call it Bally's), promo grinder central. And somewhere else he played - He played at Bellagio but he doesn't like it. I can't think of anywhere else. I watched only about half of his videos.

Mainly Bally's some call Horseshoe to get the promos and tier points for Diamond if he can get to the Diamond level this year.
If ELD doesn't earn Diamond he will have to go Atlantic City Harrah's which allows every other year tier match.

ELD teaches how to deal however ELD states the last cut should come from the bottom of the deck which then the remaining cards maintain the same order thereby rendering the last cut from the bottom of the deck useless in changing card order:

by LuvDaVlogs k

I’m gonna play 1-2 this week for an hour or two just to see about it. Last time I played 1-2 it was at Santa Fe station with one of my friends who isn’t really a poker player and game was amazing

Don’t go on tilt if you lose with AA.

I did notice that Sklansky in his book said he was shocked at how badly many of the players played. He wasn’t used to playing against weak players at the lowest stakes.

by rickroll k

i have ptsd from spending so much time in asia where everyone jumps up the second the plane lands to secure their stuff and then i just sit there while they stand for another 15 minutes

I still remember working in China 20 years ago and taking domestic flights, as soon as the wheels TOUCH THE GROUND people start standing up taking their luggage from the overhead compartments while the plane is barreling down the runway, with flight attendants yelling "Sit down! Sit down!"

Fun times.

by pig4bill k

He who waits to board better not have a carry-on, as bin space will be full.

Seriously there is noting worse than having to put your luggage 4 or 5 rows behind where you sit, and then not sitting in an aisle seat which means you basically have to wait for the entire plane to deboard before you can retrieve your luggage.

by topg2024 k

ELD teaches how to deal however ELD states the last cut should come from the bottom of the deck which then the remaining cards maintain the same order thereby rendering the last cut from the bottom of the deck useless in changing card order:

Please don't watch this video if you want to learn to deal.

First of all it is shuffle, shuffle, BOX, shuffle not CUT, shuffle. Cutting is something different.

Second his actual cut at the end is wrong.

Third. There are people who actually get trained to deal. There are schools. There are also good YouTube videos.

Also, not a fan but let's stop insulting Trooper's intelligence. He may not be the smartest guy out there but there is a difference between dumb and what you perceive as dumb. Yeah. You don't want to live his life and you don't agree with his playing style. That doesn't make a person dumb. He was smart enough to get ahead of the game and be a leader in the poker vlogging industry. He has been his own boss since, what, 2017? Now he is helping his GF run her business, possibly in part because he realizes playing poker for a living is no longer the smartest option for himself.


Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

by ibelieveyouoweme$80k k

Please don't watch this video if you want to learn to deal.

don't have to tell me twice

by Steve00007 k

I did notice that Sklansky in his book said he was shocked at how badly many of the players played. He wasn’t used to playing against weak players at the lowest stakes.

That means he got spanked.

by 18000rpm k

Seriously there is noting worse than having to put your luggage 4 or 5 rows behind where you sit, and then not sitting in an aisle seat which means you basically have to wait for the entire plane to deboard before you can retrieve your luggage.

Don't forget to keep an eagle eye out while you wait. Your bag may be walking out without you.
