Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11573 Replies


by Old Man Coffee k

How would he track add-ons? When I play, I add-on after every hand to get back up to the table max. It's not something I make an announcement about.

it's just pointless crap for him to track for filler videos.

by borg23 k

it's just pointless crap for him to track for filler videos.

Remember, he doesn't want to share day to day session results cause that's not what he wants the focus on for his vlog. Every vlogger does that. He wants to be unique and track add ons and rebuys in cash games cause that's what viewers tune in for. The "other stuff" that professional poker players deal with.

Thank you Diesel.

by Koshka k

Remember, he doesn't want to share day to day session results cause that's not what he wants the focus on for his vlog. Every vlogger does that. He wants to be unique and track add ons and rebuys in cash games cause that's what viewers tune in for. The "other stuff" that professional poker players deal with.

Thank you Diesel.

He's claimed multiple times (when asked why he doesn't give daily results) that when he has done results videos in the past they were "wildly unpopular"

Apparently what his viewers really want to hear about is all these irrelevant stats that he keeps track of to pass the hours as he folds his way to riches one comp dollar at a time.

What subset of his viewers actually care how many hands per hour he's getting in Council Bluffs, or how many rebuys or add-ons there are? Not only is the information of zero interest, that's the reason no one else tracks or reports it, but it's also entirely useless due to the infinitesimal sample size.

by angle_shooter k

He's claimed multiple times (when asked why he doesn't give daily results) that when he has done results videos in the past they were "wildly unpopular"

Apparently what his viewers really want to hear about is all these irrelevant stats that he keeps track of to pass the hours as he folds his way to riches one comp dollar at a time.

What subset of his viewers actually care how many hands per hour he's getting in Council Bluffs, or how many rebuys or add-ons there are? Not only is the information

Not only is it a small 5 hour sample size, the stats are skewed with Diesel and his super nit play at the table.

by brianr k

I dont know how old he is but 35 seems like a decent assumption.

$25k in bar mitzvah money in 2002 is about $230k today if invested in S&P 500 and reinvest the dividends. I make the market on his net worth $165,000 - $250,000.

Holy crap, is that how much they get? Do they give you anything if you convert?

by parisron k


by Koshka k

Probably the most useless "Keep Track" ever for Diesel. The autism must be raging in Council Bluffs. The title is "I counted rebuy and add on money at the poker table"

Of all the stats I could possibly think of at the table to keep track of or be interested in someone tracking, this is one that never crossed my mind and never will. Actually the only time I've done something like this, it was just for a whale going off for infinite buy ins but that's about it. Who cares what the whole table is

He could keep track of how many times the dealer gets a fill.

We're overdue for another Trooper trivia video imo

by prev k

wtf does this mean 😃

he's looking at it from the perspective of how much he'd love not to pay for a hotel for a few nights and have a nice cat to cuddle with ldo

The Stratosphere Nomad reports that risk factors for homelessness are mainly not being tall enough, not having a big enough unit, which causes lizards not to take said nomad in for free housing and further that college degrees mean nothing and kiosks and artificial intelligence will replace employees:

thought you guys would appreciate this 😀

In today's video Rice discusses doing an activity for hours and hours for little or no reward causes one to lose motivation.

Also you'll notice that after 5 minutes of a leisurely stroll causes him to start breathing hard.

by IQofTwoPlusTwo k

In today's video Rice discusses doing an activity for hours and hours for little or no reward causes one to lose motivation.

Also you'll notice that after 5 minutes of a leisurely stroll causes him to start breathing hard.

He really misunderstands burn out

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

Great to see Rice mixing it up, taking his stroll through a beautiful cemetery. So much nicer than the usual parking garage backdrop that we are so accustomed to...

Of course he feel burnt out from poker, he never challenges himself within the poker space. Not sitting deeper, not playing bigger games, not opening up his own game or his own ranges just the same insane nutpeddling for like 4 bucks pr hour in the 1/2 streets. Try something new, play couple of donkaments or try dip your toes into some PLO games come on dude.

Like yeah, of course you get tired of it if you never challenge yourself.

by Petrucci k

Of course he feel burnt out from poker, he never challenges himself within the poker space. Not sitting deeper, not playing bigger games, not opening up his own game or his own ranges just the same insane nutpeddling for like 4 bucks pr hour in the 1/2 streets. Try something new, play couple of donkaments or try dip your toes into some PLO games come on dude.

Like yeah, of course you get tired of it if you never challenge yourself.

The way he talks about these sessions where he was "grinding" makes my head want to explode. He treats himself like a fisherman rather than a poker player. He's literally just waiting for coolers to stack normal players and praying to get in a game with a maniac who will just gift him a stack all-in-pre with his AA vs the whale's any two.

The dynamics and mental challenges of poker keep it interesting to me after many hours, if you're just mindlessly bumhunting the dregs of society at the Iowa 1-2 tables obviously you are going to get burnt out.

by ark_angel k

The way he talks about these sessions where he was "grinding" makes my head want to explode. He treats himself like a fisherman rather than a poker player. He's literally just waiting for coolers to stack normal players and praying to get in a game with a maniac who will just gift him a stack all-in-pre with his AA vs the whale's any two.

The dynamics and mental challenges of poker keep it interesting to me after many hours, if you're just mindlessly bumhunting the dregs of society at the Iowa 1-

Same for me as well. I have well above 8000+ livehours at this point and i could not bring myself to play every week if i wasnt challenging myself along the way. Starting to play PLO regurarly for like 4 years ago was a big one.

Poker for me is also a battle against myself and my own fears in life as well. Being comfortable stacking off lighter in maniac games, buying in deeper and working to get comfortable,working on tailored exploits over time and see them succeed++ There is alot of stuff that i feel gives back to a person when playing poker, but you got to be willing to challenge yourself moving forward constantly. Ive found that most players is not.

Rice's grooming has now resulted in a beard that covers most of his face and wrings his neck.

He reminds me of Bigfoot, without the fashion sense, from the Tulsa King show.

by Turdzilla k

Rice's lack of grooming has now resulted in a beard that covers most of his face and wrings his neck.

He reminds me of Bigfoot, without the fashion sense, from the Tulsa King show.


by Turdzilla k

Rice's grooming has now resulted in a beard that covers most of his face and wrings his neck.

He reminds me of Bigfoot, without the fashion sense, from the Tulsa King show.

He must have zero interest in pursuing anything in the romance department. Whether its ladies, dudes or other. He’s given up it seems.

Maybe he's banging H&R.

by Petrucci k

Same for me as well. I have well above 8000+ livehours at this point and i could not bring myself to play every week if i wasnt challenging myself along the way. Starting to play PLO regurarly for like 4 years ago was a big one.

Poker for me is also a battle against myself and my own fears in life as well. Being comfortable stacking off lighter in maniac games, buying in deeper and working to get comfortable,working on tailored exploits over time and see them succeed++ There is alot of stuff that

Rice needs to head down to texas, get an Airbnb and get in those juicy texas games. He won’t because he would freak out being down $200.

However I think he would lose money just on the hourly fees of just being there and nut peddling.

by DividedWeFall k

He must have zero interest in pursuing anything in the romance department. Whether its ladies, dudes or other. He’s given up it seems.

he's one shave away from everyone in this thread saying he's hot stuff

by prev k

he's one shave away from everyone in this thread saying he's hot stuff

Even if he did shave, I would give up. Women these days want the Chad Thundercocks of the world. If I were him I would stick to H&R.

his beard is so repulsive
