Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 54 Views 54
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11501 Replies


by angle_shooter k

The backbone of his system is winning as few pots as possible so that rake and promo contribution is kept to a bare minimum. In a perfect world Rice wins 1 huge pot per hour with AA or KK while making bank on the comps and promo gravy train. Anyone that doesn't grasp this is just a miserable loser!

until that time when the other guy hits a flush and your aces go up in smoke and you lose $160 and have a complete meltdown causing you to end your weeklong hours challenge prematurely #RedRockMassacre #neverforget

Pman reads tweets as well as he reads poker hands.

by Langdon k

until that time when the other guy hits a flush and your aces go up in smoke and you lose $160 and have a complete meltdown causing you to end your weeklong hours challenge prematurely #RedRockMassacre #neverforget

Red Rock Massacre! Lol

Rivals D-Day, Hiroshima, 911 and the Fall of the Roman Empire.

ELD explains in his new youtube short video, like only ELD can, CET do not distrub signs in order to maintain room privacy:

by AreYouQualified k

You’re a nit too ;

The guy is dumb / nice enough to show you his cards and you couldn’t just stfu and muck

You had to throw in the borderline angle-shoot to max your EV

Maybe he thinks a little harder about what he’s doing next time ..


He wasn't being nice he was scared to lose.

"Borderline angle shoot" hhahahah

Nice try.

by topg2024 k

ELD explains in his new youtube short video, like only ELD can, CET do not distrub signs in order to maintain room privacy:

He should do a video on how to lock a hotel door. Do I turn the lock left or right? Also how to use the secondary security lock that's above the door knob.

by Koshka k

He should do a video on how to lock a hotel door. Do I turn the lock left or right? Also how to use the secondary security lock that's above the door knob.

hahha next video- how to use the elevator.

At Ocean in AC they have a button inside to hit for do not disturb which makes a light go on outside the room so they know not to come in. Way better than a sign which sometimes other people take for their room.

by AreYouQualified k

You’re a nit too ;

The guy is dumb / nice enough to show you his cards and you couldn’t just stfu and muck

You had to throw in the borderline angle-shoot to max your EV

Maybe he thinks a little harder about what he’s doing next time ..

Poker players are generally all 8===D's, this includes Borg, you, me, and the guy who showed his Aces to Borg. Yea, thems the facts. Some aren't just 8===D's but egomaniacs as well.

by topg2024 k

ELD explains in his new youtube short video, like only ELD can, CET do not distrub signs in order to maintain room privacy:

Classic Rice

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

by bobw525 k

Classic Rice

I'm just surprised he didn't draw up several diagrams and graphs plus make a model simulation in order to illustrate his point for all the dummies who just can't comprehend his genius.

Wild thought: Either Rice had the idea of doing this instructional video on do not disturb signs and carefully collected clips which he later spliced together,


Rice swipes the do not disturb signs from the various properties he stays at because they are "free" and carries them around everywhere as part of his huge bungee corded together collection of boxes.

ELD reports he washed his hat in the dishwasher and reads mean comments. ELD corrects grammer of miserable viewers and presents argument on why they are incorrect. ELD has objective statistics which show he is a winning player and opinions of the viewers are considered and disposed of based on ELD's perspective.

It appears ELD is outside the exit of a movie theater consistent with attempting to enter a possible free movie. Later he reports on a future trip to CVS.

by topg2024 k

ELD reports he washed his hat in the dishwasher and reads mean comments. ELD corrects grammer of miserable viewers and presents argument on why they are incorrect. ELD has objective statistics which show he is a winning player and opinions of the viewers are considered and disposed of based on ELD's perspective.

It appears ELD is outside the exit of a movie theater consistent with attempting to enter a possible free movie. Later he reports on a future trip to CVS.

I love how Diesel doesn't try to attack the substance of the comments cause they are indefensible. He just explains away how everyone is wrong and how he is right. Pokes fun at grammar and an incorrect word usage to proof how smart he is.

We know his win rate is under his lifetime hourly of $14. We know he couldn't make enough last year to cover his expenses. We know he had to deal this year to supplement his income and likely will deal every year forward. In Diesel's eyes, people saying he makes $8/hr now is laughable cause he doesn't make exactly $8.00/hr. He could make $7/hr and laugh away cause the commenters are wrong.

Diesel also doesn't understand we aren't necessarily hate watching him but watching for the train wreck and the idiocy of how his brain works. People watch cause he's such an outlier in poker and in life.

Also funny how again he brings up net income as the most important factor for poker. It's only a factor for each person and no one else cause that person can control their expenses and everyone's different. Does anyone care what Jaman, Brad Owen, Neeme, Rampage or Mariano net from poker? Very few if any, probably just Diesel. Do regular jobs announce their pay rate by what you can net? The copium is so strong to avoid announcing his poker win rate cause he knows people can point that out to him and how little he makes compared to others at 1-3, even semi-pros and recs and he won't be able to make a mean, wrong and stupid comments videos.

I would also guess more of Rice's hours are at $1/2 and not $1/3.

I think a medical professional would have a field day with videos such as this one. As a former newspaper editor, I can tell you I pay little attention to proper grammar and sentence structure and anything else on a YouTube comment or a 2plus2 comment. I don't proofread what I type. I'm also typing on a 5 inch phone which has a keyboard of about 2 inches by 2 inches. Would I use such equipment when working for the paper? Of course not. I have a big monitor that I can zoom in on and a full keyboard.

I don't know if it is autism or Asperger's or something similar but if he was really smart he would get diagnosed and perhaps start supplementing with disability payments.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

by ark_angel k

The guy who has this fake sparklisweets YouTube account and full fake website is a far bigger loser than Trooper or El Disel. Imagine spending hours making a fake website and posting troll comments like this. Serious brain damaged behavior.

You can bet he's right here in this little group. Say hi.

by macktyson k

Founders Card also stopped giving Diamond as a member benefit as well. I have it until 2/25 and then it goes away. Cancelled my Founders membership because of this.

Where did this info come from? They still have Caesars benefit on their website. If you have credible info I'd like to know as unfortunately my FC always renews just before the Diamond benefit renews every year. Kinda sucks.

by bobw525 k

I would also guess more of Rice's hours are at $1/2 and not $1/3.

I think a medical professional would have a field day with videos such as this one. As a former newspaper editor.

Sent from my moto g play - 2023 using Tapatalk

What is a newspaper?

by Turdzilla k

What is a newspaper?

Good for lining bird cages, wrapping fish, or handy when you get a new puppy. Also good for catching drips on small paint jobs. Little known use: Polishes and cleans windshields like a miracle.

by Koshka k

Pman reads tweets as well as he reads poker hands.

If only this clown spent half as much time working on improving his game as he did on twitter pretending to be a poker pro in order to get staked/freerolled into events he has no business playing.

by bobw525 k

I would also guess more of Rice's hours are at $1/2 and not $1/3.

I think a medical professional would have a field day with videos such as this one. As a former newspaper editor, I can tell you I pay little attention to proper grammar and sentence structure and anything else on a YouTube comment or a 2plus2 comment. I don't proofread what I type. I'm also typing on a 5 inch phone which has a keyboard of about 2 inches by 2 inches. Would I use such equipment when working for the paper? Of course

Judging on what we know about Rice i would guess he has kind of severe autism or Asbergers. Like, i have worked with several people that have Aspbergers (diagnosis under the autism umbrella) and you almost coudnt tell by their behaviour-they were functioning close to normal in the society on many levels.

Rice seems to be pretty far out there on many levels,thinks he is amongst the worlds elite in everything he does, lives homeless over long period of time, letting his personal hygiene go out of hand over long periods of time, gets absolutely obsessed over totally meaningless stuff such as sandwich promos at Wawa or drink vouchers in Vegas, also totally out of touch with all kind of social codes+++.

Damn, our boy gott'em good in today's comments video.

It's remarkable that he puts his Ivy League education and law degree to use critiquing random internet comments for grammar without any hint of self-awareness that on a comparative level, he's the biggest loser of the lot and has likely fallen the farthest short of their life potential.... But, he seems smugly happy, so cool for him.

by Pete_Peters k

Damn, our boy gott'em good in today's comments video.

It's remarkable that he puts his Ivy League education and law degree to use critiquing random internet comments for grammar without any hint of self-awareness that on a comparative level, he's the biggest loser of the lot and has likely fallen the farthest short of their life potential.... But, he seems smugly happy, so cool for him.

Zero self awareness, like zero and zero self reflection as well. I cannot recall experiencing that before with any other person ive encountered in my life.

by prev k

pman is a crypto millionaire, he owns his own house, he's independently wealthy and he takes care of his dad.

Not sure where all the hate for pman is coming from, he is killing it!

Bitcoin is up $9,200 the past 5 days, and up $24,200 the past month. I'm going to guess pman's unrealized gains at somewhere around $500.

by Petrucci k

Zero self awareness, like zero and zero self reflection as well. I cannot recall experiencing that before with any other person ive encountered in my life.

Diesel is quite amazing. It's so hilarious that he thinks he has all these haters when it's actually and truthfully people calling him out and watching his vlogs to be in awe at what stupid and meaningless thing he does next.

Normally, blasting him would be seen as rude or mean but if there was ever someone that truly deserved being called out for all the dumb stuff he does, it's Diesel. Then you get to watch him defend himself in some obscure convoluted way that only Diesel can get to and then declare himself the winner, again.

by IQofTwoPlusTwo k

Bitcoin is up $9,200 the past 5 days, and up $24,200 the past month. I'm going to guess pman's unrealized gains at somewhere around $500.

I'll take the under. He has negative income from playing poker. How's that $1000 to $100k challenge going for him lately?

Yeah I refuse to give Rice a view on his latest video. Critiquing internet comments for grammar is among the lowest of the low.

TYTY to whoever recommended the rigged podcast, tons of content, makes me rethink my relationship with blackjack!

Also, regarding the fake SPRKLISWEETS commenter - he also got me good when he said something along the lines of "sugar is healthy - look it up!"

Anyone calling the fake spkrli a loser is ignoring the quality trolling of its comments. Look in the mirror, much?
