Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

Gobbo other Thread got closed by the mod said it doesn't belong in the House of Blogs, hoping we can have this one without Trooper talk.

This thread is to discuss local professional poker players on their journey. Please refrain from mentioning the local youtube celebrity who plays poker.

Links to their youtube channels

Andrew Neeme



Rules of this thread and an excerpt from About The Forums Trooper97 discussion thread.

This now stands for this thread:

by R*R k

Trooper97 vlogs, discussions etc. will be allowed to continue in the new thread. That thread will not be unchained and I will work with the other LVL mods to keep it civil.

I personally am not going to allow a lot of the horrible posting that went on in the original thread to take place and I will be very generous with post deletions and bans if needed.

Posts the are overly derogatory, mean spirited, name calling (including using rude derivatives of names) , and demeaning posts towards any of the vloggers or posters in the thread will be deleted at the mods discretion. If any accounts persistently do this they will be banned or exiled from posting in this thread. In these cases we may issue a warning first.

Accounts that are used only to or substantially to troll post in this thread will be banned.

No personal family information or situations allowed in the thread.

Update April 2018

by 27offsuit k

OK Vlogger Thread, we are going with some new parameters to try to make this the POSITIVE vlogger thread that it is supposed to be, not the AIDS vlogger thread where a few loonies ruin it for the rest. Note that 'positive' does not equal 'only positive', it means anything negative being said CAN'T be namecalling or wild, unsubstantiated speculation regarding any and all vloggers. Personal lives and anything aside from poker is OFF THE TABLE.

If exiled and you can't post in thi

Exiled posters:
Registered 2018
Alex Trebek's Cat
Stormtrooper97 - unexiled

A new update March 2019:


) 50 Views 50
03 November 2016 at 01:53 AM

11355 Replies


by iwasbanned k

Rice is genuinely shook from 'run bad' after seven years of 'run good'.

Rice said previously he's been in a 'run bad' cycle for the better part of a year now.

I'm pretty sure Rice's $14/hr is down to scraps for the last year.

He was also asked in the commentary section in a video lately about how long he can go on with running bad and keep playing. Rice said it would be more crucial in the earlier years, but now he has other income streams like youtube and dividend portfolio.

I guess we have to see about that. If this running bad continues i would not be surprised if 2024 will be the year Rice have to go get a job to get by, at least something parttime. His biggest hero the Trooper did get a parttime job couple of times when he went broke, for example dealing gig at the Linq, so Rice isnt below his hero if he too have to bite the dust.

Maybe he will suddenly change his mind about dealing WSOP, unless there was something specific stopping him from dealing there vs some other series.

by Petrucci k

He was also asked in the commentary section in a video lately about how long he can go on with running bad and keep playing. Rice said it would be more crucial in the earlier years, but now he has other income streams like youtube and dividend portfolio.

Rice is the ultimate clown. Has 2.3k subscribers and he's already counting on the all important "revenue stream" from YouTube. He probably classifies his 4 free voucher drinks as a revenue stream too because that would add up to much more than whatever pittance he is getting from YouTube.

This guy will literally do anything other than get a job. He's confirmed that he won't be dealing the WSOP this year like he had planned to. It's a shame because that would have made for some hilarious content, hearing about his interactions and altercations with customers and floor staff who all know nothing compared to him.

by RidePolaris k

to say you would respect him a lot more implies you hold some respect for him to start with, albeit a little. that is obviously not a true statement. you want him to admit he failed at poker for your own self-gratification and to feel like you won as an internet troll. come on man, be intellectually honest. walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk.

Good post, for years and years and years this forum has been saying that trooper is wasting his life trying to make it in poker/gambling and if he ever wants to be successful he needs to move on with his life and do something else. Now that he is finally doing that it is still not good enough, now he also has to admit that being a bad gambler is the reason why he is moving on, as if he owes anything to some random posters on the internet lol.

Being a good gambler is a really dumb thing to take pride in anyways. The overwhelming majority of “good gamblers” would be much better off if they had never been introduced to gambling in the first place.

by Petrucci k

I would not be surprised if 2024 will be the year Rice has to go get a job, at least something parttime.

by angle_shooter k

This guy Rice will literally do anything other than get a job.

I doubt Rice can last 5 minutes in a job interview without the interviewer realizing 'this guy is crazy'.

by foatie k

One or 2 suckouts and that challenge ending early.


by parisron k

I guess he just had a vigorous workout right before the first half of that video right? He was sucking wind.

These defenders of him act like he's crushing poker. Granted he absolutely refuses to post his 2023 total winnings and swears he's just running bad blah blah blah but even going off of the prior year where he didn't "run bad" he didn't make much money. It's really bizare. I mean are these all tunnel people who think he's a success?

I could even understand it more if he had some big tournament score a few years ago and he could convince himself and his defenders another one was just around the corner but even his best year is garbage.

But yea people on here are miserable for staring facts instead of mindlessly waving pom poms for the guy. He learned that one from his hero the Trooper.

by Hellmuth was right k

Good post, for years and years and years this forum has been saying that trooper is wasting his life trying to make it in poker/gambling and if he ever wants to be successful he needs to move on with his life and do something else. Now that he is finally doing that it is still not good enough, now he also has to admit that being a bad gambler is the reason why he is moving on, as if he owes anything to some random posters on the internet lol.

Being a good gambler is a really dumb thing to ta

To be fair he owes us nothing. But it is amazing that for years he called everyone who was 100 percent right about him and his poker dream haters and still can't be honest and admit he failed at poker.

He's absolutely doing what he should have done years ago. And to be clear I have zero respect for him as a person. But after years at lashing out at people who were right and even using these "haters" to scam his viewers for a main event seat I actually would have a little respect for him if he actually admitted he failed.

The thing is he's not hurting the "haters" by refusing to admit failure. He's hurt himself. It's been obvious for years he was never going to make it in poker and it took him this long to finally admit it (even though he won't actually say it out loud.)

Failing is a part of life. Smart people learn from failure. Egotistical morons bury their head in the sand and act like things are fine when things are a disaster.

You're absolutely right about taking pride in being a good gambler being a silly thing. I don't think being a poker pro is an accomplishment and most people would be better off if they never tried to be one. But 100 times sillier than that is being bad at it and wasting years of your life pretending you're good at it.

His pride is what stopped him from taking actual good advice and good coaching from successful poker players that at the time were genuinely trying to help. And he told them they were jealous of him while he was playing small stakes games most of them hadn't played in many years. As silly as it is to take pride in gambling, being 40 something years old trying to grind 1/2 nl and thinking you know it all is really something special.

I recently started buying some property with my brother. We're going to make mistakes. I know a couple of people that have been successful in real estate locally for a long time and have asked them a lot of questions. Id be an idiot to think I know more than them in an area they've been very successful in and I've done nothing in.

I mean seriously imagine we buy one house to fix up and I tell someone who owns a bunch of buildings he is a jealous hater of mine. It would be comical.

Pride/ego can be very costly.

by RidePolaris k

to say you would respect him a lot more implies you hold some respect for him to start with, albeit a little. that is obviously not a true statement. you want him to admit he failed at poker for your own self-gratification and to feel like you won as an internet troll. come on man, be intellectually honest. walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk.

He is never going to admit to failing at anything so it’s pointless hoping he admits to that. For years he would tell his audience that he is there to “punish” people at the poker table, say that he “knows what is going on” at the table, and speak like he has so much confidence that it gets people to believe he must be a serious threat if you see him at your table.

Of course people would feel better if he admits he fails at something. It would show some humility, and if he was the type of person willing to admit that, it would mean he is more willing to try to get better. It would give people hope that he can improve his situation.

But that’s not going to happen so its no use hoping it does.

by borg23 k

To be fair he owes us nothing. But it is amazing that for years he called everyone who was 100 percent right about him and his poker dream haters and still can't be honest and admit he failed at poker.

He's absolutely doing what he should have done years ago. And to be clear I have zero respect for him as a person. But after years at lashing out at people who were right and even using these "haters" to scam his viewers for a main event seat I actually would have a little respect for him if he a

Good luck in the real estate venture. Be careful taking advice from people on Internet forums. Most will just parrot info they’ve read elsewhere and are not speaking from experience. Get your advice from people you are close to and have actual experience in that area.

Definitely don’t take advice from the comment section on YouTube

by borg23 k

To be fair he owes us nothing. But it is amazing that for years he called everyone who was 100 percent right about him and his poker dream haters and still can't be honest and admit he failed at poker.

The thing is he's not hurting the "haters" by refusing to admit failure. He's hurt himself. It's been obvious for years he was never going to make it in poker and it took him this long to finally admit it (even though he won't actually say it out loud.)

Failing is a part of life. Smart people lear

Are you talking about Trooper, Bikeking, Diesel or Pman cause this all applies to them?

by borg23 k

These defenders of him act like he's crushing poker. Granted he absolutely refuses to post his 2023 total winnings and swears he's just running bad blah blah blah but even going off of the prior year where he didn't "run bad" he didn't make much money. It's really bizare. I mean are these all tunnel people who think he's a success?

I could even understand it more if he had some big tournament score a few years ago and he could convince himself and his defenders another one was just around the cor

For one, never underestimate how low the IQ can be of the average person with an internet connection. For all we know, these staunch supporters could be very similar to Rice in a mental capacity, watching his vlog on their 30-minute break from gathering carts in the Walmart parking lot.

When I look back on my life, the worst jobs I ever had after college (cook, Target, various retail positions), all had adults in their 30s-40s making the same $8-10/hr who would boast their intelligence, grossly overestimate their capacity as a functioning adult, and flat out lie about their wealth and status as cope for where they are in life.

It was a regular thing to hear your co-worker, making $9/hr talk about how they're "getting $8,000 back from tax returns," quitting the job and opening their own business. Or how they're actually rich and just working this job to "have something to do" despite taking public transportation to and from work. I've even worked with a guy who boasted about living at a homeless shelter to save money on rent and meals.

These are the minds of the people you're talking about.

The wild thing about Rice is his mental capacity, and neurodivergent thinking wouldn't allow him to live a normal life even if he had endless money to support it. He would look at rent, electricity, gas, water, trash, internet, phone, renters insurance, and grocery shopping bills every month as a scam and wasteful spend of his money because he figured out the hack to attain it all for as cheaply as possible with the lifestyle he's living now.

It's a real dead end the way he lives his life, and it’s not the road to glory he frames it as. People claim to be his friends and support his ventures, but it's the behavior of enabling. Encouraging people living out a documented death spiral into homelessness. It's quite sad, and I can't bring myself to watch the vlogs, even in a humorous sense. It just feels bad.

There's functioning drug addicts and alcoholics living a much better quality of life with better hope for the future. Besides self-awareness, he needs a legitimate support system of people that he'll listen to.

While it's easy to say "he seems happy living his life like this," ask anyone who's had a close friend or family member die of suicide and they'll say the same thing...

"He/She seemed so happy.... we never saw it coming." You can never really tell where someone is on the inside, but their habits tell the story.

by foatie k

For one, never underestimate how low the IQ can be of the average person with an internet connection. For all we know, these staunch supporters could be very similar to Rice in a mental capacity, watching his vlog on their 30-minute break from gathering carts in the Walmart parking lot.

When I look back on my life, the worst jobs I ever had after college (cook, Target, various retail positions), all had adults in their 30s-40s making the same $8-10/hr who would boast their intelligence, grossly o

Diesel on suicide watch now? Most people can’t see it coming, but you have the eye for stuff like that? I’ve known a couple people who committed suicide and neither were cheap or anything like diesel. Both were very erratic and had extreme highs and lows. Both also used drugs. I think not using drugs or drinking would make you a lot less likely to commit suicide

And as far as people being miserable who dont make a lot of money? That’s very relative. To some 50k a year is a lot, to some 500k a year is broke. So before you look down on someone making less money a year than you, remember there’s someone out there judging you for what you make. If your always trying to keep up with the Jones’s you’ll never have enough because someone always has more

by domgio7 k

Diesel on suicide watch now? Most people can’t see it coming, but you have the eye for stuff like that? I’ve known a couple people who committed suicide and neither were cheap or anything like diesel. Both were very erratic and had extreme highs and lows. Both also used drugs. I think not using drugs or drinking would make you a lot less likely to commit suicide

And as far as people being miserable who dont make a lot of money? That’s very relative. To some 50k a year is a lot, to some 500k a y

Never once said Rice was or is suicidal. It's a reference of how you never know what someone is going through by what they project.

Mistakes happen, so I won't say you have a block on comprehension or anything. I thought I was clear but I can understand how you assumed that was the point I was making.

Feels like you totally ignored the last statement in my wall of text, but maybe you were in a rush to defend your buddy. I dunno. I made my point and won't dwell on it.

by domgio7 k

Diesel on suicide watch now? Most people can’t see it coming, but you have the eye for stuff like that? I’ve known a couple people who committed suicide and neither were cheap or anything like diesel. Both were very erratic and had extreme highs and lows. Both also used drugs. I think not using drugs or drinking would make you a lot less likely to commit suicide

And as far as people being miserable who dont make a lot of money? That’s very relative. To some 50k a year is a lot, to some 500k a y

Keeping up with the Jones's is stupid. But that's just buying a bunch of materialistic crap you don't need.

He's making sub minimum wage while being petrified of the variance of poker. While his actual swings are a joke for 1/2 nl ,he's still swinging (something he hates) while making less than he could make doing anything else in life.

There's a big difference b/w trying to keep up with the Jones's and acting successful while being on the verge of homelessness.

Unless his family will just give him money I don't know how much longer he can keep the charade up for.

by foatie k

For one, never underestimate how low the IQ can be of the average person with an internet connection. For all we know, these staunch supporters could be very similar to Rice in a mental capacity, watching his vlog on their 30-minute break from gathering carts in the Walmart parking lot.

Especially people who are maybe interested in gambling, but only play slots or table games for fun, lose money, and think that taking any money out of a casino is a rare and wonderful occurrence that only super lucky or very intelligent people can accomplish.

This is a OMFG great reply by Rice in today's YouTube vlog.

Rice: "I prefer to enjoy my life. -- You also seem to underestimate the hiring process. I applied for about 100 law positions. For each one I was the best candidate. I got zero offers."

100 law positions and of course he was the best candidate. I can't believe all those law firms passed him up. lol

My ex had a friend who swore she had "remote viewing capabilities," so maybe Rice was able to listen in on those interviews to make such an assessment.

by parisron k

100 law positions and of course he was the best candidate. I can't believe all those law firms passed him up. lol

I'm the most qualified pitcher in the world and applied to all 30 MLB teams for a job and not one of them will let me pitch for them. Morons!

by iwasbanned k

This is a OMFG great reply by Rice in today's YouTube vlog.

Rice: "I prefer to enjoy my life. -- You also seem to underestimate the hiring process. I applied for about 100 law positions. For each one I was the best candidate. I got zero offers."

Who were the white knights here arguing that Rice is not smug or arrogant? He legit thinks he's the best at everything he's ever done, even when the opposite is usually true.

Also his exaggerations seem to be getting wilder and wilder. To listen to his rants you would think every single hand he gets dealt is a cooler or a bad beat, except for when his opponents have $50 or less in front of them.

by angle_shooter k

Who were the white knights here arguing that Rice is not smug or arrogant? He legit thinks he's the best at everything he's ever done, even when the opposite is usually true.

Also his exaggerations seem to be getting wilder and wilder. To listen to his rants you would think every single hand he gets dealt is a cooler or a bad beat, except for when his opponents have $50 or less in front of them.

I was one. He definitely sounds deluded here to say the least

by bigdave2304 k

I was one. He definitely sounds deluded here to say the least

Respect for admitting this!

by iwasbanned k

This is a OMFG great reply by Rice in today's YouTube vlog.

Rice: "I prefer to enjoy my life. -- You also seem to underestimate the hiring process. I applied for about 100 law positions. For each one I was the best candidate. I got zero offers."

Thats just sad! Maybe we all back off a bit. Dude is struggling.

by Koshka k

Diesel with the horrible self awareness again. Horseshoe gets almost double the entries for the freeroll tourney and he attributes it to people grinding the tier multipier. Definitely not because there's some huge event this week like some random football game. Yep, people are grinding hard for 85 tier per hour at 1-3 instead of the normal 17 tier per hour. Pure comedy.

Just another example of Diesel the world revolves around him. He's grinding the tier multiplier so everyone else must be to

Plus, playing poker to grind a 5x promo is a terrible way to get tier credits. Just about any slots are better. Unlikely anyone is playing poker for the promo besides diesel.
