Caption This

Caption This

take the below pic and caption it. once we have decided that someone nailed it and we can't do better, that person gets

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10 June 2013 at 12:05 PM

714 Replies


by bip! k

Woah - Different reaction than I get for bare trenchcoat outfits

Running unopposed makes you the winner

I remember in high school, in the mid 1970's, the hottest girl in my underclass, dressed up for Halloween in a plain tans full length trench coat with a body suit underneath. Strapped around her was a huge cucumber slung on a piece of twine tied around her waste.

true story

that shyte wouldn't go over well in this modern delusional society.


Pironi's Cucumber...

Has a reason to smile.

I had no idea 4H could be the gateway to a successful Onlyfans career.

Coming up on HGTV After Dark

These are all good entries [emoji848]

by krunic k

Coming up on HGTV After Dark


Hey! I'm down here.

Doing some light reading


This is where they get Starbucks coffee from.

Ladies and gentlemen - The shite latte

The coffee enema with style.

that is an awfully aggressive b*tt plug...

Two baristas, one cafe

Where this shows up is the difference between Starbucks and Taco Bell.

someone go...

Sorry - you look so similar from behind. I didn’t know mom was in front.

The horn works!
