QQ facing Check raise shove

QQ facing Check raise shove

1/3 NL. No good reads here as V in this hand has only been at the table about 20 mins. Hasn't really been involved in anything yet. Older Asian male with about $350. 2 black chips and a mix of green and red so possibly someone that just came from the pit games. Hero has V covered.

V UTG raises to $10. Folds to hero who 3 bets to $30. V calls. Heads up

Flop ( $60) 7c 5s 3c. V checks. Hero bets $40. V raises all in.


24 January 2024 at 03:06 PM

27 Replies


by maromb78 k

This definitely is true. I think it was my talking that made him chime in. As I was eliminating hands he didn’t have I think he felt he needed to do something to sway me as I was getting closer to what he did have. It was the way he spoke as well as his demeanor. He sat up straight and faced me directly. I felt it was an act to show confidence when he wasn’t confident at all. I don’t know, I wish I could point to a specific physical tell and share it with everyone here. But I guess it was more j

I think most useful "tells" are things we pick up subconsciously - a slight eye movement or posture change, something minor in voice inflection

The lesson here for me is there's potentially a lot of info in talking to your HU opponent when their action is done. And he definitely should not have responded

by maromb78 k

This definitely is true. I think it was my talking that made him chime in. As I was eliminating hands he didn’t have I think he felt he needed to do something to sway me as I was getting closer to what he did have. It was the way he spoke as well as his demeanor. He sat up straight and faced me directly. I felt it was an act to show confidence when he wasn’t confident at all. I don’t know, I wish I could point to a specific physical tell and share it with everyone here. But I guess it was more j

Yeah I feel like our instincts are very powerful in situations like this. Just all the minutiae of data our brains have gathered over the years and stored away somewhere all combine to give us this gut feeling that can't really be articulated.

Totally agree. That was the point of "Blink", by Malcolm Gladwell. Our sub-conscious minds tend to be more efficient at processing lots of little data inputs, connecting dots, and pattern recognition.

Very often, when we make a play, but we're not able to logically defend it, because we "just had a feeling", that's the sub-conscious mind trying to cut through what our conscious mind is trying to think through rationally.
