"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4534 Replies


by miamicheats k


You got to fold pre the first time

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He didn’t fly all that way to fold mate


by gobbledygeek k

Yeah, resetting to that above link is what did the trick for me.

New version seems completely unusable to me? I literally wasn't even able to figure out how to post in this thread (I did my above post by quoting another post, lol). But I do have a massive case of the olds.


that's alright gg, we're all human..

Sometimes I'll be doing stuff with my phone, like internet/app stuff. Put it down --- think "Okay I need to make a call now"

and a good 15-20 seconds goes by and I realize "Ohhhhh with this thing right here, I can make a call... Yep."

:: massive facepalm ::

by RoadtoPro k

tapatalk seems to be working as normal for those who use that. maybe just premature and run good

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A few years back I frequently used tapatalk but then it started making my phone so freaking hot due to the ads (and often freezing due to the ads, which caused me to re-open tapatalk), and I refused to give them McMuffin's hard earned cash. So I just use the website on my phone if I'm on mobile.

isn’t the sub the price of a McMuffin :p

I just use the free version and deal with 1 ad upon loading and 1 every 10 posts that I can just scroll past.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So after 30 years at this job I'm working my last full day today. Starting in the New Year, I'll be going down to 2/3rds of my normal hours (so down to a 25 hour work week). We'll see how that goes, I could see me wanting to go down to a 20 hour work week maybe in another year (getting home for lunch at noon would be awesome). Plan is to probably ditch the job in 5 years, but we'll see if I can make it that long.


by gobbledygeek k

So after 30 years at this job I'm working my last full day today. Starting in the New Year, I'll be going down to 2/3rds of my normal hours (so down to a 25 hour work week). We'll see how that goes, I could see me wanting to go down to a 20 hour work week maybe in another year (getting home for lunch at noon would be awesome). Plan is to probably ditch the job in 5 years, but we'll see if I can make it that long.


I hope that this is your choice. In other work related news, a BBV.

Brag: Got a good sized promotion today.
Beat: Probably the last one I'll accept.
Variance: The next two levels up actually involve a pay cut.

by venice10 k

I hope that this is your choice. In other work related news, a BBV.

Brag: Got a good sized promotion today.
Beat: Probably the last one I'll accept.
Variance: The next two levels up actually involve a pay cut.

Congrats gg and congrats Venice

Pay cut because more remuneration in bonus/shares?

That’s what my brother in law is dealing with. He’s at an investment bank and over half his annual remuneration is share based retained bonus that he can’t access for 3 years and which he loses if he leaves.
So not only does his salary not rise, but his company has a greater hold on him than ever

Variance is that he’s 7 figures per year so…

by RoadtoPro k

isn’t the sub the price of a McMuffin :p

It's the principle of the matter RTP. They literally try to make my phone go on fire? **** them to all hell.

Also there's a small caveat of me not trusting them (enough) to share my CC details with them.

by TJ Eckleburg12 k

This guy knows what's up. RTP you can learn something from this guy TJ! :wink:

Congratulations gg and venice. Now take the next step to, "not have job" status.

by venice10 k

I hope that this is your choice. In other work related news, a BBV.

Brag: Got a good sized promotion today.
Beat: Probably the last one I'll accept.
Variance: The next two levels up actually involve a pay cut.

Congrats, venice. I'm getting to the point in my career where I don't know if I'd accept another promotion. Might be closer to the GG plan, tbh.

by Garick k

Congrats, venice. I'm getting to the point in my career where I don't know if I'd accept another promotion. Might be closer to the GG plan, tbh.

isn't the pension a percentage of your last year's salary - ie it'd be better to retire officially and then come back to work part time after?

by rickroll k

isn't the pension a percentage of your last year's salary - ie it'd be better to retire officially and then come back to work part time after?

or get some sweet security job with a key chain and a stun gun

by rickroll k

isn't the pension a percentage of your last year's salary - ie it'd be better to retire officially and then come back to work part time after?

Close. It's a percentage of the average of my last three years' salaries, so they hook you into staying for three more years if you get promoted. But every year, that percentage goes up by 2.5%, so there is still some advantage in staying, even if not promoted.

There is no part time in the military, though, nor do we have any part time civilian professors here (though the Air Force Academy does). My closest thing to the GG plan if I stay with the company would be to just stop doing all the extra stuff and become what we call ROAD (Retired on Active Duty). That's not my style.

or get some sweet security job with a key chain and a stun gun

That's not my style either, but I often wish it was.

Book manuscript is turned in, contract is signed. 18yo Scotch is being consumed.

by Garick k

Book manuscript is turned in, contract is signed. 18yo Scotch is being consumed.

Congratulations and enjoy.

by Garick k

Book manuscript is turned in, contract is signed. 18yo Scotch is being consumed.

Hell yeah. Congrats!

by Garick k

Book manuscript is turned in, contract is signed. 18yo Scotch is being consumed.

Super proud of and happy for you Garick!

I've always been meaning to write a chess book (I'm about halfway done for a Chessable platform course for beginners/novices) and have a few other ideas for books that I've taken notes for / made outlines.

congrats gman!

Going through all the process of vision/revision/more revision and finishing a book for publication --- and getting it published! is a terrific accomplishment!

Yeah, for an academic book, the waiting for comments from peer reviewers and then revising to make them happy is by far the longest part. So glad to finally be done with that.

by Garick k

Yeah, for an academic book, the waiting for comments from peer reviewers and then revising to make them happy is by far the longest part. So glad to finally be done with that.

Been there - our last book involved reviewers from Harvard, World Bank and WHO and it was a long process - congratulations on getting through it. Congratulations for sure.

Sure seems like those last two would take forever.

I had really bad reviewer 2 luck. The first person the press asked said he'd do it and then ghosted them. Not just never got it done, but literally stopped answering the editor's emails. She eventually gave up and sent it to someone else, who was a stereotypical reviewer 2. He took a good long time and then sent back a brutal review. It took me months to make the revisions I thought might mollify him. Then when I hadn't heard anything after six months, a I pinged my editor who pinged him. He said he hadn't read the revised version yet and was really busy and didn't know when he might be able to get to it. Fortunately, the third reviewer 2 only took a couple of months and only wanted mild revisions.

if you want to put out a children's edition and would like the input of a simpleton who can tell you whenever he doesn't understand something feel free to pm me any sections and i'll give the old college try at trying to understand it
