"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4679 Replies


Yeah, you have to go to the forumserver version. https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/
I wonder if this will end up being the real end of 2p2? I'm pretty sure if the vbulletin version goes away or becomes somehow tainted by the new version I'll be done. Just think of all the things I will get done that I've been putting off!

Yeah, resetting to that above link is what did the trick for me.

New version seems completely unusable to me? I literally wasn't even able to figure out how to post in this thread (I did my above post by quoting another post, lol). But I do have a massive case of the olds.


I think my problem with the "old" is with using a VPN. Turn it off and I can access the old again.

It's working fine with my vpn. Seems to slow the load time down a bit, but otherwise fine.

Interesting in that now my load time is way faster.


by marknfw k

I wonder if this will end up being the real end of 2p2? I'm pretty sure if the vbulletin version goes away or becomes somehow tainted by the new version I'll be done. !

Yeah, I share that fear. So far, almost nobody seems to be using it, so hopefully they will take that as a hint. We're already tainted with "posts on the new site show up on top and take you to the new site to read them," though they promised a max of ten such threads effectively stickied.

What proportion of people access it via the desktop anyway?

I do both tbh and go in via the forumserver address which seems totally normal - I’m assuming this was in response to an earlier web redesign that I can’t remember

I'm sure I'm in the very small minority that is almost strictly desktop. Occasionally I'll phone it in for the NFL threads while watching football.

I use both, but mostly desktop, and when phone, I use the desktop site. This is about the current new platform that launched 30 November and about which there is an announcement at the top of each forum.

I'm laptop only for this forum. But I agree that if they take this format away I'm probably done with it.

tapatalk seems to be working as normal for those who use that. maybe just premature and run good

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Tapatalk phone app only for me

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Desktop only.

Desktop/laptop mostly, tapatalk for posting pics from phone only, or if I happen to be traveling w/out laptop (very rare).

desktop/phone desktop only. Tapatalk was obnoxious with the ads

desktop only with rare ventures from the phone in a pinch

do not like tapatalk as it's hard to stay current as it just opens the subbed thread not go to oldest unread post

have an 8 hour layover in vegas today, kind of wild that this will be my first time there as an adult old enough to enter a casino despite over a decade of being a professional gambler

finally going to pop that cherry

flight back has same layover in early january

and will probably get a short term rental for a month or so in feb or march and test it out

you can't do dfs there, which was a deal breaker before, but it's such a small amount of my total revenue now that it's something i'm open to now

I think it’s pretty thread dependent. This thread which is not that active anymore usually opens at/around the last read post. Some of the more active threads that I lurk are usually opening to the last post in the thread or 10 or so posts before the last read.

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I got an "indoor" electric smoker (looks like a crockpot) for my birthday. Herein, a trip report. This thing is absolutely fantastic for pre-smoking something you're going to cook further. The smoked wings I've made by cold smoking them and then grilling have been absolutely incredible. I would not recommend using it in the kitchen, though. It doesn't seal 100%, and while it doesn't let out enough smoke to set off the alarm, or anything, it definitely smelled like I'd cooked over a campfire in my kitchen. It is now a back porch smoker. Half an hour at cold smoke is plenty for wings, maybe an hour for a whole chicken?

Hot smoking is less impressive. It runs a bit hot, and it burns through wood chips in about an hour. Since the smoke box is under the food, that makes smoking a pork butt, for instance, a logistical PITA. I'll likely stick to smaller items in the future. Still, a hand thing to have around, and has upped my wing game greatly.

vegas poker is lol tight

limping kings, ak, aq, TT, JJ etc lololololol

by rickroll k

vegas poker is lol tight

limping kings, ak, aq, TT, JJ etc lololololol

Same as it ever was. You didn't miss EV by staying away.

I’m doing my first trip to Vegas since pre-Covid in a few months. It’s mostly business and I’ll probably play 1-2 sessions while I’m there. Those games sound awful. I know some people who play private so hopefully someone can get me in a game that doesn’t suck and isn’t gigantic.

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by rickroll k

vegas poker is lol tight

limping kings, ak, aq, TT, JJ etc lololololol

GG clones IMO

Safari browser on phone for this site. Only tapatalk if I’m posting a pic. Tapatalk and their subscription is the dumb.

Four days of riding scheduled for next week with Jr. Please say a prayer for my legs and back. Keystone x 2, Breck x 1, and Vail x 1. A few inches of freshies is in the forecast, so should be a decent time.

by rickroll k

vegas poker is lol tight

limping kings, ak, aq, TT, JJ etc lololololol

Last year I remember opening AQo utg at 2:5, getting 3 bet by MP and just folding without much thought. At home it would most likely be a 4 bet but would never be a fold

by feel wrath k

Last year I remember opening AQo utg at 2:5, getting 3 bet by MP and just folding without much thought. At home it would most likely be a 4 bet but would never be a fold


You got to fold pre the first time

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