"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

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29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4688 Replies


Okay FTR - not laid off. Just work is such a cluster **** due to all of this that I feel like I should have taken the out. Sorry for the confusion.

I am so entrenched that eliminating me means nuking my agency, which isn't on the agenda. But we lost so many key people to the Fork offer that I am going to be buried trying support my current staff along with a team now down to 1/3 of its staffing in another region.

We are also being micromanaged to an extreme - and not by managers trying to be buttholes, just they are taking extreme interpretations of rules to protect everyone. Example: when returning from a trip, I can no longer long into my laptop at home to check email or complete anything that occurred while in travel status, as that could now be construed as (illegally) teleworking. Throw that in with what feels like a surveillance state in the office from those outside my agency, and I am over this ****.

by golddog k

Skip, sorry to hear incompetent, egotistical buffoons are costing you your job. IIRC, you were close to retirement. I sincerely hope you are "close enough".

My *worst* case scenario is likely an early retirement. I can afford to go but I would just rather work a few more years. But in case my annoyance level increases greatly, I am checking into some of my backup plans to see what I can line up near term.

by feel wrath k

Really surprised the bears hand doesn't drop to cup my ass at the end.

You need to pay extra for that.

(Or so I’m told)

by Garick k

Someone who always shows up if you mention his name, due to constant self-googling. Sort of a combination of lemon and lime.

People basically beg me to interact with them and I make their dreams come true. Is that so wrong ?

by BigSkip k

Okay FTR - not laid off. Just work is such a cluster **** due to all of this that I feel like I should have taken the out. Sorry for the confusion.

I am so entrenched that eliminating me means nuking my agency, which isn't on the agenda. But we lost so many key people to the Fork offer that I am going to be buried trying support my current staff along with a team now down to 1/3 of its staffing in another region.

We are also being micromanaged to an extreme - and not by managers trying to be but

I mean, that's kind of the plan here. The architects of this effort have to know that most of their active measures will be found illegal. But if they make life miserable enough to get lots of folks to quit...

by BigSkip k

Really surprised the bears hand doesn't drop to cup my ass at the end.

Ass, balls, whichever.

by BigSkip k

My *worst* case scenario is likely an early retirement. I can afford to go but I would just rather work a few more years. But in case my annoyance level increases greatly, I am checking into some of my backup plans to see what I can line up near term.

Don't keep going to a job you hate just to accumulate more wealth. The misery it puts into your life isn't worth the extra $.

Best of luck, hope it works out well for you, whatever that outcome ends up being.

Glad you are still working Skip. I thought Elon would announce millions spent on mall swords.

first time today seeing another counter at the table, everything he did was extremely obvious and either he made a bunch of mistakes or was doing cover or i am making a ton of mistakes myself because he sometimes still bet big when it went negative

got zero heat whatsoever despite acting like a robot - gave me a lot of optimism for how much juice i can squeeze

RR, do you think your advantage at the BJ table is bigger than your one at the poker table? My uneducated guess is that the advantage at the poker table is way larger for way less variance, am I wrong?


Blackjack the advantage is the same no matter the stakes. Poker the advantage shrinks the higher the stakes?

by gobbledygeek k

RR, do you think your advantage at the BJ table is bigger than your one at the poker table? My uneducated guess is that the advantage at the poker table is way larger for way less variance, am I wrong?


mark nailed it, bj is scalable, poker is not

i see a potential pathway towards building up enough to comfortably retire through bj and sportsbettting that doesn't exist through poker - i'm sure if i played poker daily i could make a living wage, but i imagine the upside isn't nearly anwyhere close to the upside in the other two

i can also get perks from bj which poker doesn't grant

the few times i sat down at 2-5 or higher in the usa i found myself switching back to 1-3 within an hour - not that i thought i'd get crushed in that lineup, but that there were no easy marks (low samples size though, i'm sure the right 2-5 table has them and i'd stay) and everyone seemed relatively competent - a game i'd happily still play in a rake free environment, but otherwise i'd rather switch to 1-3 and play against someone who is going to limp K7o and call a very large 3 bet out of position to see a flop

Ah, makes sense.


watched this, was surprised he talks about shuffling chips is a big no no - it's something i do constantly at the tables (figure it fits into the degen gambler image and when anyone asks i just say "habit from poker" which is true)

perhaps i should stop chip shuffling????

actually high stakes like 25/50/100 often softer than 5/10

by RoadtoPro k

actually high stakes like 25/50/100 often softer than 5/10

Miami...I think he's talking to you

As a general rule of thumb, in my experience, the second highest stake running is the toughest game in the room.

I will say that the very small sessions of 100/100 I played in Vegas vs 10/20 and 5/10 in the same ro that 100/100 was actually much tougher and only had 1 spot besides me of course.

10/20 and 5/10 in my limited sample at Bellagio were super weak.

At aria 25/25 (3 sessions) was actually tougher than 5/10 (2 sessions) which was also super soft.

At my home casino the largest game is pretty soft outside of 2-3 pros. Otherwise 5/10 and 10/25 are much tougher games. This is by design though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

As a beat, I got stuck playing 100/100 in the most annoying way. I got picked up for another player who was supposedly an action player, which is fine but the pickup happened as I literally bluffed in a big spot and got picked off.

So I had zero chance to try and recoup the losses.

Then the last two days I couldn’t find a game bigger than 2/5-5/10 so it was pretty much impossible to get unstuck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

that is brutal lol especially vs players you won’t see again. HH?

Also I added a table of plo5 online for like the first time this week and it was the softest game I have ever played in my life why the **** are we playing no limit

by rickroll k

watched this, was surprised he talks about shuffling chips is a big no no - it's something i do constantly at the tables (figure it fits into the degen gambler image and when anyone asks i just say "habit from poker" which is true)

perhaps i should stop chip shuffling????

Don't be a pussy. Shuffle them chips!!

by RoadtoPro k

actually high stakes like 25/50/100 often softer than 5/10

True that but being Washington which has a $300 max bet size rule the biggest game is 3-5

Limit plays much bigger here as a result, if I continue living out here instead of leaving next month as planned then I’ll definitely pick up a limit book or two and learn that format

by rickroll k

True that but being Washington which has a $300 max bet size rule the biggest game is 3-5

Limit plays much bigger here as a result, if I continue living out here instead of leaving next month as planned then I’ll definitely pick up a limit book or two and learn that format

I hate to shill for the founders but one of the best books for limit HE is "holdem for advanced players" by our old friends Sklansky and Mason. Not sure if there is more recent stuff that is better for the limit version

by RoadtoPro k

actually high stakes like 25/50/100 often softer than 5/10

That's because for a pro to be properly bankrolled for these games they need to have 500k to a million bankroll. Plus the move to private games too.

by OvertlySexual k

That's because for a pro to be properly bankrolled for these games they need to have 500k to a million bankroll. Plus the move to private games too.

not necessarily. you just need to sell action/seek stake which is very easy to do and printing EV for all parties involved if you’re a solid high stakes pro in a soft lineup

the poker is the easy part, the hard part is securing a seat and everything else

I’ve played hands at that stake and have friends who have also
