stupid bluff? $1/3/6 straddle -600 eff
Decided to go for it versus a villain who isn’t good but no reads. 3 ppl limp the straddle, i raise to $50 in bb with KJo instead of completing, only villain calls in position after over limping
flop $113
hero bets $35, call
Turn 3d - $183
double flush - hero has KsJd
hero bets $115, call
River 4x
Hero jams $400ish?
What do F30 and C30 and all that mean?
If I just translate all of that in my head to b30, etc it makes sense in context lol, but was curious what it actually means.
Haha yeah F30 is just fold to a 30% bet or basically 1/3 standard Cbet.
C30 is call a 30% sized bet. (30% of pot)
I agree OP is definitely trending in the right direction when thinking about poker over a typical face up player.
Although preflop is a big mistake he is showing strong aggression which most players don’t have in their game.
Online we call this “red lining” or winning without showdown.
I would just complete preflop and see a cheap flop with a very marginal hand and OOP.
I don't mind a small cbet on the flop.
Personally, I just give up on the turn. It may get checked down by a worse draw. We might get a free card on the turn and bink the river. But that's me. With these big stacks and almost no one getting in for this size with just TP, perhaps ramping up the aggression over multiple streets is the way to go, especially when his continued flatting on a drawy board tell us he rarely has a monster (but I admittedly don't have the stomach for it).
Yeah i don’t have the stomach for it too, my breathing is so heavy in these pots (value and. bluffs), i need to work on it. Appreciate all repiles, guess some think it’s ok sort of but mostly not good lol.
He tanked for a good 3 min before calling with Ace rag and “I just think u don’t have it”. Later found out he’s the biggest calling station so maybe this would’ve worked on most who knows.