Pre flop check up posts.

Pre flop check up posts.

I thought it would be helpful to start an ongoing thread where people can post pre flop situations they have questions about. I realize that what once may have been a fold could be a call these days. Hopefully we can hone in on what the winners are doing these days

Provide relevant reads, position, image, number of players, what game etc. If you can explain the reasoning behind your response that would be great.

I'll start with a couple. 8/16 9 handed. My image is tight but capable of opening or isolating lightly.

Hand 1) loose UTG limps, Loose CO calls, I have Kd4d on the button. Blinds are TAGs.

Hand 2) loose UTG limps, tight and st forward post flop HJ raises(88+ AQ+ KJs+ ATs+), very loose and big time calling staton calls in CO, folded to us in SB with Ac6c. BB is tight.

I'm hoping this can be a place where anytime you run into that marginal spot you can post it and learn.


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20 December 2014 at 05:07 PM

129 Replies


by killians3 k

4/8 game with a KILL on. The KILL is SB. You are MP. 8 handed

UTG folds, not terrible player limps, I have KJo.

BTN is laggish and will raise/3 bet somewhat light. If BB has the right suiteds he will raise/3!/cap.

Whats my plan? I limped which I think was wrong based on the table.

Same table a little later, also a Kill- new tighter old guy to my right. Kill is the LAGGY BTN.
I am MP again. Fold, Old guy raises, I look down at 87s.

I folded which I think was correct based on the table.

Thanks for op

i would have to have a great read that the limper is a super nit before i didnt try to iso KJo in the sb. if he's "not terrible" hes going to have a range of Axs and small pp's which should be pretty easy to play against.

and the game would have to be sick good for me to coldcall a raise next in with 87s. as in if i call, everyone else will too, with no 3bets. and then everyone plays passive postflop.

by killians3 k

4/8 game with a KILL on. The KILL is SB. You are MP. 8 handed

UTG folds, not terrible player limps, I have KJo.

BTN is laggish and will raise/3 bet somewhat light. If BB has the right suiteds he will raise/3!/cap.

Whats my plan? I limped which I think was wrong based on the table.

Same table a little later, also a Kill- new tighter old guy to my right. Kill is the LAGGY BTN.
I am MP again. Fold, Old guy raises, I look down at 87s.

I folded which I think was correct based on the table.

Thanks for op

Raise the KJo and fold the 87s.

Depending on what I think of the other players I would either raise or fold the KJo, I would never call.

Always folding the 87s there.

Yeah fold the 87s and kj dependent on many things but I’m never calling and often raising

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by killians3 k

4/8 game with a KILL on. The KILL is SB. You are MP. 8 handed

UTG folds, not terrible player limps, I have KJo.

BTN is laggish and will raise/3 bet somewhat light. If BB has the right suiteds he will raise/3!/cap.

Whats my plan? I limped which I think was wrong based on the table.

Same table a little later, also a Kill- new tighter old guy to my right. Kill is the LAGGY BTN.
I am MP again. Fold, Old guy raises, I look down at 87s.

I folded which I think was correct based on the table.

Thanks for op

Imo a not terrible player limping in might even have a hand better than yours but just plays fit or fold. With the reads that you’ll likely play a 3bet or 4bet pot I think you’re fine just to pitch it. Just don’t let anyone else at the table see it lol

And yeah, a raise is way better than a limp.

78s don’t even think about it easy fold.
