Pre flop check up posts.

Pre flop check up posts.

I thought it would be helpful to start an ongoing thread where people can post pre flop situations they have questions about. I realize that what once may have been a fold could be a call these days. Hopefully we can hone in on what the winners are doing these days

Provide relevant reads, position, image, number of players, what game etc. If you can explain the reasoning behind your response that would be great.

I'll start with a couple. 8/16 9 handed. My image is tight but capable of opening or isolating lightly.

Hand 1) loose UTG limps, Loose CO calls, I have Kd4d on the button. Blinds are TAGs.

Hand 2) loose UTG limps, tight and st forward post flop HJ raises(88+ AQ+ KJs+ ATs+), very loose and big time calling staton calls in CO, folded to us in SB with Ac6c. BB is tight.

I'm hoping this can be a place where anytime you run into that marginal spot you can post it and learn.


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20 December 2014 at 05:07 PM

129 Replies


by chillrob k

Maybe raise the ace and the king, fold the other two? Not limping anything.

I agree. I've been overly agro with the 86s and J9o types. It hasn't worked out well.

by mongidig k

What is your default opening range of non suited Aces from the HJ and the CO?

I'm gonna bump this one because I think it's important but it got no responses.

by mongidig k

It's folded to me in the HJ. The CO and Button are cold calling machines. They both chase to the river often. They both have a reasonable pre flop 3 bet range. I'd estimate there is a 25% chance that both fold if I raise. There is around a 50% chance at least one calls. The blinds are tight.

Should I be eliminating the bottom of my range here? What do you do with these?


Raise all

A8 not great

by mongidig k

It's folded to me in the HJ. The CO and Button are cold calling machines. They both chase to the river often. They both have a reasonable pre flop 3 bet range. I'd estimate there is a 25% chance that both fold if I raise. There is around a 50% chance at least one calls. The blinds are tight.

Should I be eliminating the bottom of my range here? What do you do with these?


fold A8o

by NittyOldMan1 k

fold A8o

Do you open A9o?

UTG 8 handed. What's the worst Ace suited you are opening with. When it was 9 handed I opened ATs+. I've been opening A9s UTG 8 handed, A8s UTG+1, and loosen up progressively. Does it make sense to throw in A5s in ep to help with board coverage? Once I get to the HJ I open all Ace suiteds.

I may be doing this wrong.

Depends on how likely I am to be 3bet. If it’s a loose passive game or weak tight game I might open any suited ace utg.

by mongidig k

UTG 8 handed. What's the worst Ace suited you are opening with. When it was 9 handed I opened ATs+. I've been opening A9s UTG 8 handed, A8s UTG+1, and loosen up progressively. Does it make sense to throw in A5s in ep to help with board coverage? Once I get to the HJ I open all Ace suiteds.

I may be doing this wrong.

loose passive games open all suited aces. if flops are going 2 bets 6 ways over and over i probably open suited connectors down to like 98s and any pairs 55 and up UTG

games with lots of TAGs and iso-3 betting probably A8s+ or something UTG and ditch the suited connectors. although i try to avoid those games.

games with lots of old nits you can raise UTG wide as well as theyll muck AJ

by mongidig k

Do you open A9o?


that hand is trash except in a pure steal where you can showdown ace high in position.

the difference between ATo and A9o is probably the biggest between any two adjacent hands in LHE.

by hardinthepaint k

lol pretty sure you confused NittyOldMan for KitCloudKicker because of bear avatars.

its quite a coincidence, isnt it?

by NittyOldMan1 k


that hand is trash except in a pure steal where you can showdown ace high in position.

the difference between ATo and A9o is probably the biggest between any two adjacent hands in LHE.

In terms of playability or in terms of raw equity? Because I don’t think you are right in terms of raw equity.

by checkraisdraw k

In terms of playability or in terms of raw equity? Because I don’t think you are right in terms of raw equity.

Where do you think the biggest single pip difference is (not including changing from a pair to an unpaired hand)?

by checkraisdraw k

In terms of playability or in terms of raw equity? Because I don’t think you are right in terms of raw equity.

was obv thinking playability

where do you think the biggest difference lies in equity? K8 vs k9o?

by NittyOldMan1 k

was obv thinking playability

where do you think the biggest difference lies in equity? K8 vs k9o?

My best guess would be JTo vs J9o.

I can't imagine any having a very large difference though.

AA and KK ldo

by NittyOldMan1 k

was obv thinking playability

where do you think the biggest difference lies in equity? K8 vs k9o?

I think I misunderstood what you were talking about. I was also considering the difference between something like KQ and JQ.

I will say though that equity wise A9 performs better than a lot of traditional “auto raise” hands in heads up situations. I didn’t calculate any multiway stuff though.

TAG HJ opens, very loose and laggy button calls, it's folded to me in the the BB. What are youi doing with these?

1) 84s
2) A2o
3) J7o
4) 86o

Assume a couple Tags to my left. I open in the HJ. What are you doing with these?

1) QTo
2) 78s
3) A8o
4) T8s
5) 44

by mongidig k

TAG HJ opens, very loose and laggy button calls, it's folded to me in the the BB. What are youi doing with these?

1) 84s
2) A2o
3) J7o
4) 86o

I call

by mongidig k

TAG HJ opens, very loose and laggy button calls, it's folded to me in the the BB. What are youi doing with these?

1) 84s
2) A2o
3) J7o
4) 86o

i doubt it makes much difference. 84s is probably the clearest cut call.

In the otherwise-utopianly-SSHE-loose-passive game I play, there are two twins who sometimes show up who are both maniacs, and often end up raising and re-raising each other, not only before the flop but after it. How the table adjusts depends on the day. There are days everybody's calling ranges are yes/no instead of $4/$8/$12 and 5 people end up seeing every flop anyway, other days people get really mad when they're at the table because they're trying to see every flop for 1 bet.

So the first question I want to ask is, if the two maniacs are either sitting together or there's no more than 1, maybe 2 seats between them, do we want those guys on our right? It seems like a no-brainer that we want to have position on them, no?

So let's say we're on their left. What adjustments do we make to our game? It seems like we're still reraising our powerhouse hands like AJs+, KQs, TT+ for the equity advantage. It seems like baby pairs are going into the muck - setmining won't be profitable if we have to put 3 small bets in. Are we playing any suited connectors, suited aces or suited kings for 3 bets if we're sure we'll get at least a 5-way pot?

I'll stop there for now.

by DalTXColtsFan k

In the otherwise-utopianly-SSHE-loose-passive game I play, there are two twins who sometimes show up who are both maniacs, and often end up raising and re-raising each other, not only before the flop but after it. How the table adjusts depends on the day. There are days everybody's calling ranges are yes/no instead of $4/$8/$12 and 5 people end up seeing every flop anyway, other days people get really mad when they're at the table because they're trying to see every flop for 1 bet.

So the first

you want to be across the table from them. you never want position on the most aggressive player (because you fold too many hands), nor do you want to be OOP vs the most aggressive player (for obvious reasons).

by NittyOldMan1 k

you want to be across the table from them. you never want position on the most aggressive player (because you fold too many hands), nor do you want to be OOP vs the most aggressive player (for obvious reasons).

Could you explain? It's up to you whether or not to fold hands regardless of where you're sitting.

by chillrob k

Could you explain? It's up to you whether or not to fold hands regardless of where you're sitting.

because in a full table you still have to be mindful of your relative position. just because a LAG is raising a ton doesnt mean you can 3bet that light with multiple players left to act, or defend your big blind that light when a lag 3 bets the sb or button.

esp if players behind are loose, if you 3 bet light you often get caught in weird spots with marginal hands in bloated pots. so unless you like cold calling (i hate cold calling in LHE) you just end up overfolding your share of equity.

for example you have something like Q9s in HJ. if there are limps to me im always raising this hand. if a super LAG raises UTG+2 i suddenly have to fold it. that sucks.
