View: Beginners should spend 100% of their time on study
Hi all, this topic recently came up among friends. I am a winning 500NL player on Bovada (4.1BB/100 over 270k hands). When I first started, I was losing at 5NL until I spent 2 months studying the game (GTOWizard + MDA), focusing on the 12 nodes of the game tree (SRP/3BP/4BP IP/OOP preflop Caller/Raiser).
I have a beginner friend who’s played around 25k hands at 5NL. Hes just hired a coach, who’s advised him that he should play 70-80% of the time. This seems wrong to me.
If you could go back in time and be a beginner, or you were teaching a beginner, how would you go about learning to move up in stakes? I think my journey was pretty optimal and would recommend this for most.
In chess, studies have shown that among early-teen beginners, the players who score highest on IQ tests who perform the best; but in the top tranche of players who have been playing ten years, the distribution of IQ is close to that of the general population. The difference between the chess elite and the rest is that elite players have put in a lot more hours studying chess than non-elite players.
It is easy to show, though, that the OP's claim that beginners should study 100% of their poker time is nonsense:
How can you review and analyze hands if you do not have any hands to review and analyze?
In chess, studies have shown that among early-teen beginners, the players who score highest on IQ tests who perform the best; but in the top tranche of players who have been playing ten years, the distribution of IQ is close to that of the general population. The difference between the chess elite and the rest is that elite players have put in a lot more hours studying chess than non-elite players.
It is easy to show, though, that the OP's claim that beginners should study 100% of their poker tim
By buying databases obv
First of all i was really hesitant to post my opinion, since im not interested in arguing in NVG.
Just thought to share a different view and maybe give some hope to those who think the only way to win nowadays is spending countless hours in solver.
Studying is for sure important, but developing a good intuition for the game is equally important imo, which you can get only by playing.
I personally know several plo guys who do really well at 400-5k games in mainstream sites that have never ran a single sim. Im sure when they started they checked some pre charts, some vids, general basic fundamental etc, but thats it.
Beating the game by picking up info and having good range reading skills is still very much alive.
I play only small stakes (mostly 200), but the worst regs in my games by far are the ones who are very "optimal" oriented.
Its not that they are necessarily bad or losing, its just that they have no situational awareness and very rarely adjust to villains, in games with recs that means missing a lot of value.
I will say this, when I stopped doing a massive amount of study every week it was because I was lucky enough to make friends with an extremely good cash game player and he started coaching me. It accelerated my game a lot faster than studying was. A coach will give you insights a solver can’t, my coach is in the casinos all day every day and gives me tips on where the best games are, what games I shouldn’t bother playing in, etc. Even though I play a lot less now, I still text my big hands to hi
For sure, but I think he was joking that someone would be well served simply by using said coach as RTA – i.e. "Want to make more money? Send your hand to a much better player and have him tell you what to do while it's in progress." At least, I took it as a joke, and laughed. Ali Imsirovich might take it as, "LDO. Time to go vlog with my wife."
Can anyone tell me what gto wizard actually is? Ive only looked at it briefly and could be wrong. It seems like a browser based piocalculator lite for small stack sizes. What language was it programmed in? does it work with sql ? What other games can you use it for? What kind of combinatorial things can it do? does it have a scripting language? Why would someone use it? It appears, and I dont gave a premium membership , but it appears limited. As far as I know you wont beat high stakes with it,
GTO wizard is amazing! It is as you described, a browser-like piocalculator. I use it for cash games. It can do various stack sizes. I use it mostly for 100, 150, and 200 BBs. I'm not sure what language it was programmed in or any of that other stuff, but it is great for studying no limit holdem. I think anyone who wants to get decent should memorize the preflop charts. You can make simplifications if that helps you, but preflop is good to memorize for a baseline.
I have uploaded some hands for analysis, but this feature hasn't really helped me all that much. You can also use GTO wizard for drills which are pretty cool. I just started doing CO vs BU 3-bet spots, because regs love to 3bet me from the BU when I open the CO. So basically, I just keep repeating the same spot with different hands and different flops and I'll choose an action and the computer will tell me the frequency of that spot. In my recent session I noticed that on the flops with two high broadway cards pocket pairs do a lot more folding even versus a small bet size. This makes sense since BU is going to have a lot of high cards and the pocket pairs are going to have a hard time realizing their equity.
People are not really playing close to GTO, even at the higher stakes. A lot of regs have similar preflop stats, but they play hands differently post flop. A lot of people fold too much or call too much in certain spots. Some people say the games are tougher, but imo, the games are actually easier. Not the actual level of skill, but the simple fact that there is a clear roadmap for becoming a good poker player. Before the solver era, people were basically hoping their strategies were good. Now we can know for sure. The games are different now since you can't always auto cbet and win (actually you still kind of can), but the game is essentially about going for as much value as possible and adding just enough bluffs so that you're not over bluffing.
I currently play small and mid stakes poker. I don't think I would have had much success without GTO wizard since I used it to construct my preflop strategy and let me tell you it definitely works. I will next use GTO wizard to tell me what hands to call in the BB versus 3x open, 2.5x open, 2.25x open, and 2x open from all positions. It doesn't let you do 2.5x or 2x vs the SB which is a bit of a bummer.
TheGodSon, thanks for the info. I can see how that would be pretty helpful. I remember the first time I used card runners ev to figure out lines in limit holdem. It was great. I have some reservations but no need to quibble. I think ill stick to what I use but I can see the value there.
Right. Thats the thing about these kinds of debates. Lers say it’s chess and theres some guy, we will call him Yuri, who learned chess in a very unconventional manner(lets say self taught endgame study during breaks in a coal mine over 30 years) and uses weird logic when discussing moves. but the guy has a chess rating of 2400.
That makes him an exceptionally strong player. Would he be even better if he had grown up with all the latest tools amd a supportive family that hired a coach and paid for all the packages on chessbase? probably.
So , if you use chess base will you be a stronger player than him with hard work and study and a deep love of chess? The answer is no, you probably wont be. 95% of people who use chessbase will never be 2400 strong. You cant replace talent. What percent of young students can beat mikhail tal in his prime 60 years ago in chess? very very few even with all the right tools and coaches. very few.
And when you get up higher in poker you run into that talent level. Theres definitely natural talent in poker.
Yeah there definitely is talent in poker. I think most people with a certain degree of intelligence can become good players. Not everyone could be great though. I think with the tools available nowadays that gap can be closed quite a bit though.
Can anyone tell me what gto wizard actually is? Ive only looked at it briefly and could be wrong. It seems like a browser based piocalculator lite for small stack sizes. What language was it programmed in? does it work with sql ? What other games can you use it for? What kind of combinatorial things can it do? does it have a scripting language? Why would someone use it? It appears, and I dont gave a premium membership , but it appears limited. As far as I know you wont beat high stakes with it,
The core product of GTO Wizard is a web-based wrapper around Piosolver. As in, they ran a lot of Pio solutions, and put them in a nice webapp for people who don't want to have windows, buy piosolver, run all the spots themselves, and in some cases perhaps lack a powerful enough computer to do so.
There's basically two high level classes of solvers: reinforcement algorithms and neural nets. Reinforcement learning tools are ones like Piosolver and Monkersolver - to make a chess analogy, they are basically algorithms that "look ahead" moves to see how it works out. Neutral net tools, on the other hand, take in a bunch of "features" of the current state of the game, and do a big fancy linear regression using a lot of existing examples to train on. As you can imagine, the "lookahead" solvers are more technically accurate but the neural nets can be much faster.
The supposed best poker AI in the world Pluribus built by Facebook uses a combo of those approaches.
PokerSnowie was the best known neural net solver but their marketing presence seems to have died a bit. Ruse AI was a team of PhDs in Canada doing their own neural net solver and GTO Wizard acquired them so they can now solve arbitrary spots using Ruse.
Since it's a webapp, the frontend is written in Javascript (or Typescript) , and based on their job ads, the backend is written in Python (with the Django framework).
GTO Wizard does not expose any sort of SQL interface which would be very unusual for a web app to do so directly. What would be usual would be some sort of HTTP API, which they explicitly and proudly note they don't offer because they don't want it to be used for RTA.
It currently is just hold'em.
As far as why someone would use it, it's the same use case as Piosolver which is basically if you study the game tree at equilibrium you will develop a better underlying understanding of the game mechanics. Learning how often the solver bluffs, which hands it picks, how often it calls, can be illuminating even if you don't copy it directly. It would be extremely difficult to copy directly since it uses more bet sizes than a human could implement and your opponents are certainly not going to stick to a few fixed bet sizes. But it's pretty clear that solvers are a powerful educational tool as the vast majority of the best players attest to using them as a study tool, even if that's still a controversial topic on reddit and 2p2.
I'd argue that while you're unlikely to beat high stakes by just studying equilbrium, you're very unlikely to beat high stakes without studying it unless you are a true savant.
Both piosolver and gtowizard also allow "node locking" which lets you take a node in the game tree, and instead of doing the equilibrium strategy, you force it to pay differently (most often, you force it to play how you expect your opponent actually plays) and you can see what the optimal exploitative strategy is against that adjustment. However, node locking is clunky because the game tree has so many nodes. Often, if you lock an early node such as a flop decision, it grossly overcompensates on later streets in ways that won't be natural and your opponent won't do. As a result, Piosolver introduced "incentives" which _nudges_ decisions a certain direction rather than "locks" them which the Piosolver team produces better results.
Your general line of questioning seems to indicate you have a more old school attitude to studying with tools like OddsOracle. That stuff can still be very useful as a tool used in conjuction with solver study, though I do think solver study more directly answers a lot of questions that you're indirectly getting at with the old-school approach.
I think there is still a _lot_ of room for improvement i the poker studying tool market. You can learn a lot from looking at pio or gto wizard but there's obviously still a huge bridge from a solver solution to understanding it and applying it. This is why I'm building my own product in the space , a GTO-Wizard competitor of sorts. However, I have to acknowledge that they put together a fantastic product, particularly in terms of UX and UI design, as well as having uploaded a ton of solutions for various spots, so are a very scary competitor, and I'm mostly hoping I can carve out a corner of the market rather than "win" it.
With that said, IMO if you're a hardcore poker nerd you're still better off with Piosolver over GTO Wizard as it's a bit cheaper amoritzed over 1 year+, and can solve arbitrary spots with a reinforcement learning solver which is more accurate, and do things like run your own aggregated reports on custom spots, and be on more bleeding edge features like incentives. The Piosolver team is also much more open to being scriptable and has documentation on how to run Piosolver programatically, opening up a top of options. Their Discord is also less chaotic and it's easier to chat with their team. However, most people don't want to buy expensive big Windows machines and run all these custom spots, hence why GTO Wizard has taken off, along with a massive marketing push by them.
LivePokerTheory, that is quite the exceptional response and youÂ’ve put more effort into it than I expected out of the conversation. I learned something new today. <3
Most of my guesses as to how it actually works seem accurate but if what youve written is true( no reason to doubt) then gto wizard is a better tool than I would give it credit for.
I will just say there are different ways to learn things. Im from Texas.
Beginners shouldn't study at all.
they should work a regular job 24/7, making sure they got as much money to donate at my tables as possible.
Deleted-post bug strikes again!
If you study at 100%, any reg with a HUD is going to exploit that really easily.
If this happened, poker might as well just die. Players who don't study are the only thing that makes poker worth playing.
If you're a beginner, you will get good if you have a certain amount of baseline talent (no need to be perfect), and a lot of curiosity for the game.
You can't actually force yourself to study if you lack the desire to, and as such, you won't get good.
Playing first of all is what you do when you have interest and curiosity for the game, so it's not something you can or should gatekeep, and second of all, there are innumerable things that can't be studied that come from experience.
If you don't study, you won't get very good, that part is true, but instead of trying to force yourself to whenever you don't want to, maybe keep poker as a fun hobby and dedicate your life to something else.
I think that is the correct amount. I don't know how one could get good by study alone. Where exactly would you even start? I like to play and see my trouble spots and then study those. Going through GTO wizard as an absolute beginner would be overwhelming if you haven't played much imo. I've designed my own preflop charts using GTO wizard and excel spread sheets, but to test my memory on them I had to play the game. Now I have my standard charts memorized and can deviate according to who I'm pl
What stakes do you play?
i think playing is more important than study in the beginning, because it's easier to win at lower stakes. plus you get an intuitive feel for the game and learn a lot of soft skills. no one would recommend someone who just started playing chess to focus 100% on study.