Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci

Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci

Nick Vertucci is the co-owner of High Stakes Production, creator of Hustler Casino Live.

Nick Vertucci is a serial real estate seminar scammer and convicted felon.

Nick Vertucci has not had a losing session on Hustler Casino Live stream for over 2 months.

Does anyone find this strange?

) 7 Views 7
10 March 2022 at 11:26 AM

466 Replies


by Rawlz517 k

Calling the lawyer a slimeball while you're actively defending Vertucci is irony so strong, it might break the internet. Holy ****.

Even slimeballs deserve a defense, at least those of us who prefer courts over public lynchings think so.

by TookashotatChan k

We've already been over this. Calling what female porn actors do "consensual" isn't close to universally true, and Nick didn't oppress anyone's consent with his behavior, as slimey and cringe as it was. You don't need to get permission to send a ****in text message even if the human receiving it has a vagina. She wasn't his employee.

Good job white knighting though, people with vaginas are definitely too helpless and vulnerable to get through life without your help. Maybe she'll give you her num

Love how you continue to ignore the dick pics and the sexual harassment of Lauren like a dishonest hack

by TookashotatChan k

We've already been over this. Calling what female porn actors do "consensual" isn't close to universally true, and Nick didn't oppress anyone's consent with his behavior, as slimey and cringe as it was. You don't need to get permission to send a ****in text message even if the human receiving it has a vagina. She wasn't his employee.

Good job white knighting though, people with vaginas are definitely too helpless and vulnerable to get through life without your help. Maybe she'll give you her num

i assume you are talking about the pic he sent to julia (a lawyer) you actually do need consent in california. i belive it is called nonconsensual sexting. your smart enough to know how courts work & it would be a waste of time to pursue, but it's a thing. if the casino itself got involved in & that is what led to nick being "out" from HCL, it probably was due to sexually harrassing the dealer.

Dealers get abused worse every day in every casino. I’ve seen people throw food at the dealer, hurl death threats at the dealer, get into a fist fight with the dealer, pick up a chair and hit the dealer with it. None of those dealers are suing for a “hostile work environment.”

by PugDolk k

Dealers get abused worse every day in every casino. I’ve seen people throw food at the dealer, hurl death threats at the dealer, get into a fist fight with the dealer, pick up a chair and hit the dealer with it. None of those dealers are suing for a “hostile work environment.”

We're witnessing elite level performance art, I'm gonna tell my grandkids about PugDolk

by PugDolk k

Dealers get abused worse every day in every casino. I’ve seen people throw food at the dealer, hurl death threats at the dealer, get into a fist fight with the dealer, pick up a chair and hit the dealer with it. None of those dealers are suing for a “hostile work environment.”

You sure about that? None of them are suing? Not one abused dealer?

by PugDolk k

my life is miserable

I agree.

by BrickMMA k

I don't think that list of three things is the "dunk" you think it is.

garrets as dirty as Ryan.

And the ****er is even trying to spin this **** show into "will garret play again on HCL?"

It's always about Garrett.

by Kebabkungen k

Is Garret for real lol? Outside of Ryan he is probably the single person most culpable of knowing about Nick's behavior and doing nothing...


by liveplaydonk k

i assume you are talking about the pic he sent to julia (a lawyer) you actually do need consent in california. i belive it is called nonconsensual sexting. your smart enough to know how courts work & it would be a waste of time to pursue, but it's a thing. if the casino itself got involved in & that is what led to nick being "out" from HCL, it probably was due to sexually harrassing the dealer.

I was talking about his dick pics at the table. After looking into this, you are correct, so I guess he technically committed a crime lol

by PugDolk k

Dealers get abused worse every day in every casino. I’ve seen people throw food at the dealer, hurl death threats at the dealer, get into a fist fight with the dealer, pick up a chair and hit the dealer with it. None of those dealers are suing for a “hostile work environment.”

Find someone that loves you the way PugDolk loves Nick Vertucci lol

Yes, there are dealers abused every day. It's not okay in those scenarios either.

by mug3n k

Find someone that loves you the way PugDolk loves Nick Vertucci lol

Yes, there are dealers abused every day. It's not okay in those scenarios either.

He described behavior which is accepted and somewhat standard at Commerce and nowhere else.

And of course Vertucci played at Commerce forever.

by mug3n k

Find someone that loves you the way PugDolk loves Nick Vertucci lol

Yes, there are dealers abused every day. It's not okay in those scenarios either.

Every thread about Vertucci/HCL is heavily astroturfed

by PugDolk k

Dealers get abused worse every day in every casino. I’ve seen people throw food at the dealer, hurl death threats at the dealer, get into a fist fight with the dealer, pick up a chair and hit the dealer with it. None of those dealers are suing for a “hostile work environment.”

Are you actually this dumb or is this a bit?

A hostile work environment is not when a company’s customer acts in a hostile manner. A hostile work environment is when an employer does something like, oh, I don’t know… pressures an employee for sexual favors, and then has the employee fired when she files a complaint. That’s an example of a hostile work environment, and it’s against the law. The lawyers who file civil suits in such cases are not scumbags. They are protecting the rights of workers.

by PugDolk k

Dealers get abused worse every day in every casino. I’ve seen people throw food at the dealer, hurl death threats at the dealer, get into a fist fight with the dealer, pick up a chair and hit the dealer with it. None of those dealers are suing for a “hostile work environment.”

Every day I worked at the casino I wondered why more casinos don’t get sued. The crazy crap I saw/heard is unbelievable. Truth is most dealers can’t do anything else that would make them even ballpark the same amount of money so they put up with horrific abuse. Wasn’t for me which is why I quit.

The fact that dealers put up with a lot of **** for money in no way gives people an excuse to treat women like Nick did.

by PugDolk k

The "position of power" argument is total BS. It's not like Nick was a high school principal hitting on his senior students. A lot of the flack is coming from people who are basically competitors as well or otherwise have an axe to grind. Kitty is a sponsored pro/affiliate for GG Poker, Julia afaik hosts/agents for private/app games that constantly poach players from the casinos. Airball is salty because he got banned from the Hustler for doing stuff that would get the casino in trouble with

Your last statement invalidates your wall of text claim. If he made it and thus had the control, he def is in a position of power.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Of course Feldman is dirty. He’s covered up multiple scandals and protected scammers and cheats. Now we can add covering for a sexual predator. I’m sure in his mind he’s justified to do anything if it makes him a buck.

Feldman is a major shady slimeball & will be selling off the remaining shares & ownership of HCL to Keating

So how does it work in America when an owner is forced to step down due to sexual harassment accusations (very legit in this case)?

Did HCL have a board of sorts that had the power to eject Nick? Or would he have to have been bought out behind the scenes in a mutual agreement?

If he had ownership and refused to leave, what would have happened?

he probably borrowed money from the mob/cartels and they are telling him to GTFO, he's bad for business

by Kebabkungen k

So how does it work in America when an owner is forced to step down due to sexual harassment accusations (very legit in this case)?

Did HCL have a board of sorts that had the power to eject Nick? Or would he have to have been bought out behind the scenes in a mutual agreement?

If he had ownership and refused to leave, what would have happened?

There is no uniform form of governance in a private business. These things are defined in the corporate agreements one creates when they form a business, raise money from investors, etc. The only real governance comes when outside investors put in money and require protections and rights in return. I am pretty sure none of that happened with HCL and doubt they have any sort of a board.

Nick "stepped down" (quotes because we have no idea what his level of involvement will be going forward or if his economics have changed) because they needed to do something publicly to avoid being cancelled as a show. They have tried to do the bare minimum to stem the negative attention. Others knew or should have known and need to be held accountable also.

by Kebabkungen k

So how does it work in America when an owner is forced to step down due to sexual harassment accusations (very legit in this case)?

Did HCL have a board of sorts that had the power to eject Nick? Or would he have to have been bought out behind the scenes in a mutual agreement?

If he had ownership and refused to leave, what would have happened?

It's not a publicly traded company, so no board that a CEO would report to.

Pure speculation on my part, but my sense is that Vertucci and Feldman each put up money a few years ago to start HCL. For all we know, there were other investors, too--maybe even Hustler Casino. Again, total guess here but Vertucci probably put up more of the money, and Feldman took on much more of the day-to-day responsibilities. Continuing the "just speculating here" chain, I'd guess that Vertucci hasn't given up or sold any equity stake he had in HCL. He probably just agreed with Feldman and/or Hustler Casino to no longer be involved with the operation of the company or play on the stream.

It's a good question as to what would have happened if Vertucci had refused to walk away. Because it's a private company and no charges have been filed, he could certainly have refused to leave and there isn't really anything that anyone could have done about it. In the real world, though, Feldman and he probably realized that there would be financial implications if sponsors such as the WPT canceled their sponsorships so as not to be associating with an accused sexual harasser. In this way, staying would probably have taken money out of his pocket. And who knows if Hustler Casino put pressure on him to go. It sure sounds like Lauren might have cause for a civil lawsuit against the casino for firing her after she accused Vertucci of repeated sexual harassment. The last thing they'd want to do, you'd think, is double down on their Vertucci support given the stream of other women who have come forward to allege that Vertucci sexually harassed them.

by Kebabkungen k

So how does it work in America when an owner is forced to step down due to sexual harassment accusations (very legit in this case)?

Did HCL have a board of sorts that had the power to eject Nick? Or would he have to have been bought out behind the scenes in a mutual agreement?

If he had ownership and refused to leave, what would have happened?

I’m not a lawyer and have no inside info on HCL, but well organize partnerships will have a structure for dissolving the partnership agreed and laid out in the initial company documents. For a simple example there could be a provision where either partner can force the sale by giving a price and the other partner has the option to either buy or sell the company at that given price.

by TookashotatChan k

We've already been over this. Calling what female porn actors do "consensual" isn't close to universally true

That would be a easy case of sexual assault to solve considering.....ITS RECORDED.

Everything you have stated on this thread is rife with ignorance, misogyny and outright bafoonery. Please educate yourself and gain some common sense.

by BringBackMo k

It's not a publicly traded company, so no board that a CEO would report to.

Pure speculation on my part, but my sense is that Vertucci and Feldman each put up money a few years ago to start HCL. For all we know, there were other investors, too--maybe even Hustler Casino. Again, total guess here but Vertucci probably put up more of the money, and Feldman took on much more of the day-to-day responsibilities. Continuing the "just speculating here" chain, I'd guess that Vertucci hasn't given up or s

Hustler Casino is in control here and not ryan or nick or any other investor. If there is evidence he sexually harassed an employee of Hustler Casino & that evidence is sufficient in the view of Hustler Casino, Nick would have been in some way forced out. HCL exists at the pleasure of Hustler Casino. They can shut them down. It will be interesting to learn has been banned from their properties.

btw, the real $ is not from the streams, it is from everything that happens around the streams. ask your friends who play in LA what the games they ran during covid were like.

by Kebabkungen k

So how does it work in America when an owner is forced to step down due to sexual harassment accusations (very legit in this case)?

Did HCL have a board of sorts that had the power to eject Nick? Or would he have to have been bought out behind the scenes in a mutual agreement?

If he had ownership and refused to leave, what would have happened?

HCL exists at the pleasure of Hustler Casino. In the end, Hustler Casino will directly or indirectly decide what happens. Lauren was/is an employee of Hustler Casino, not HCL. Her complaint of harrassment would have been directed to Hustler Casino HR.
