Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci
Nick Vertucci is the co-owner of High Stakes Production, creator of Hustler Casino Live.
Nick Vertucci is a serial real estate seminar scammer and convicted felon.
Nick Vertucci has not had a losing session on Hustler Casino Live stream for over 2 months.
Does anyone find this strange?
**** Brill, she is as bad as Vertucci..
She knew what she signed up for when she aligned with him, and that article is straight up bullshit as she is using it trying to brand herself as the victim in all of this.
Shun her from the community
hard lol on the man who repeatedly called out cancel culture and being a real man and sticking up for yourself deleting their twitter because they can't take the heat
lliterally puts this at the beginning of all his youtube vids
such a tiny little fake man
it’s almost certainly him trying to salvage things after his daughters/wife being humilated by his jackass behavior…he’s dying to tweet rn.
Lol he is not in “position of power” even though he might try to be as the show runner. Women like Julia and Kitty are not his employees. They are his customers. They can get up and take their business elsewhere, which they did. You can’t send him to jail for being a creep with no game.
Lauren’s situation may be different because she is more like a co-worker or employee than customer.
That’s not how poker works. Professional players are closer to contractors than customers. I don’t know anything about the Lauren woman, but Kitty’s livelihood is based in getting into soft lineups and expanding her brand. We only have her side of the story, but when you look at the winnrates of the few pros who make it onto HCL games, turning down his advance was likely a 7 figure decision. How is that not a position of power?
That’s not how poker works. Professional players are closer to contractors than customers. I don’t know anything about the Lauren woman, but Kitty’s livelihood is based in getting into soft lineups and expanding her brand. We only have her side of the story, but when you look at the winnrates of the few pros who make it onto HCL games, turning down his advance was likely a 7 figure decision. How is that not a position of power?
very well stated
kitty is not profitable and comes from a very wealthy family - she's just another version of helloit'slynne, keating, kessler and nikairball who are too embarassed to admit they are jobless trust fund degens and instead like to cosplay as people who "have jobs" and thus identify as "professional poker players"
as far as that cohort of people goes, kitty seems to be doing it well where her focus is on international travel and mixing in poker on the side
but that doesn't change that nick was still in a position of power over her and turning down nick's smorgasboard of dick pics was still a bad career move for her as it meant less exposure which she needs for sponsors and soft lineups which are probably the only times she's profitable
airball claims to be a pro, can't even beat the hcl lineup

keating claims to be a pro

lynne claims to be a pro

kessler claims to be a pro (he loses 6 figures nearly every year, 2023 was a good year by his standards only losing 93k and don't forget the costs of traveling the tourney circuit)
lol I wonder if Nick Vertucci has some Diddy level blackmail on Ryan.
He could have probably denied the dick pick thing as it was off stream but he's trying to justify it as a joke.
I don't think Veronica deserves the hate, these texts are the first response from Nick since this stuff came out
Lol. Incel Nick defenders in this thread in shambles
LOLOL back to a fake mall cop and real estate scammer he goes....
bring back billy.
it's a decent concept...but sorry dude, your show is boring as **** without hole cards
Damnn PugDolk must be devastated
kitty is not profitable and comes from a very wealthy family - she's just another version of helloit'slynne, keating, kessler and nikairball who are too embarassed to admit they are jobless trust fund degens and instead like to cosplay as people who "have jobs" and thus identify as "professional poker players"
Uhh do u know kitty’s history? Her 1st husband was a crusher and she played a lot in Vegas before it was a thing to become instagram famous and held her own in the 10-20 20-40 games from what I saw. Never heard about her family having money but seems kinda irrelevant Russell definitely made enough to live off poker even if she couldn’t but I’d be shocked if she didn’t given what I saw.
Uhh do u know kitty’s history? Her 1st husband was a crusher and she played a lot in Vegas before it was a thing to become instagram famous and held her own in the 10-20 20-40 games from what I saw. Never heard about her family having money but seems kinda irrelevant Russell definitely made enough to live off poker even if she couldn’t but I’d be shocked if she didn’t given what I saw.
kitty's parents own one of the biggest companies in taiwan - seems like you're the one who doesn't know her history
and big lol at thinking being married to a good player will magically make someone else talented jfc that's some of the dumbest thinking i've ever heard anyone ever say out loud
Man, if only Veronica could’ve known that Nick was a scumbag, there were just no signs.
It’s almost like she turned a blind eye to anything, and threw away any morals or ethics she cared about for money or poker “fame”
Ya of course the first time I met NV he was a creepy perv, of course he made unwanted sexual advances towards… ya of course.
But no, I couldn’t believe he was doing this to other women lolololololololololo
kitty's parents own one of the biggest companies in taiwan - seems like you're the one who doesn't know her history
and big lol at thinking being married to a good player will magically make someone else talented jfc that's some of the dumbest thinking i've ever heard anyone ever say out loud
to clarify, i'm sure she's competent at playing, but i'd be shocked if she's anything more than a break even player (feel that assuming she's down overall is a safe assumption) and absolute zero chance she is able to earn enough to cover her monthly nut even with the sponsorships she has
she lives an incredibly expensive lifestyle
kitty's parents own one of the biggest companies in taiwan - seems like you're the one who doesn't know her history
and big lol at thinking being married to a good player will magically make someone else talented jfc that's some of the dumbest thinking i've ever heard anyone ever say out loud
You’re the one saying she’s playing on family money. She claims KK: My mom told my dad, 'If you give your daughter one dollar to play poker, we will divorce.'
Didn’t say her exhusband playing made her good I’m saying he had money from poker why would she need family money to gamble. She has a lot of ****ed up things in her history I thought she cheated on her husband with another player and some other stuff don’t really have a good opinion of her but don’t really see a reason why to claim her family supports her lifestyle when there’s no proof/she’s said otherwise.
You’re the one saying she’s playing on family money. She claims KK: My mom told my dad, 'If you give your daughter one dollar to play poker, we will divorce.'
Didn’t say her exhusband playing made her good I’m saying he had money from poker why would she need family money to gamble. She has a lot of ****ed up things in her history I thought she cheated on her husband with another player and some other stuff don’t really have a good opinion of her but don’t r
ok so the child of a billionaire is out there living a jet set lifestyle and demonstrating at best skills that could probably be a tiny winner at a 1-2 game and you're going to believe she magically makes all that money from secret private games and does not get it from her family because she once said she didn't receive money from them? got it.
The "position of power" argument is total BS. It's not like Nick was a high school principal hitting on his senior students. A lot of the flack is coming from people who are basically competitors as well or otherwise have an axe to grind. Kitty is a sponsored pro/affiliate for GG Poker, Julia afaik hosts/agents for private/app games that constantly poach players from the casinos. Airball is salty because he got banned from the Hustler for doing stuff that would get the casino in trouble with AML regulations, which every LA casino is sensitive to after the Bike has gotten raided and literally taken over by the federal government before for that. Garrett got his brain broken after the J4 hand and will use any opportunity to attack the show. Saying pro players are contractors is a totally insane argument, it's like saying a guy with vending machines who buys sodas at Costco to resell at at a markup is a Costco contractor.
Nick started and made HCL what it is then gets it taken away from him
Saying pro players are contractors is a totally insane argument, it's like saying a guy with vending machines who buys sodas at Costco to resell at at a markup is a Costco contractor.
For this analogy to work it would have to be illegal to sell sodas outside of big box stores’ parking lots.
The catalyst for all these allegations coming out is the initial allegation from one of his ex employees. The stuff we are arguing about is in addition to that issue. So I’m not seeing how Nick is a victim for “losing” his company.
I don’t even understand the crux of your argument. You know you can get fired for sexually harassing customers right? “They could leave” isn’t a get out of jail free card
he hasn't lost ****. did ryan buy him out?