Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci

Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci

Nick Vertucci is the co-owner of High Stakes Production, creator of Hustler Casino Live.

Nick Vertucci is a serial real estate seminar scammer and convicted felon.

Nick Vertucci has not had a losing session on Hustler Casino Live stream for over 2 months.

Does anyone find this strange?

) 7 Views 7
10 March 2022 at 11:26 AM

466 Replies


by MastaAces k

pot, meet kettle.

Oh look, another emotional cripple who doesn't understand the difference between a feeling and an action.

by checkraisdraw k

Let me guess, if you have a daughter and someone sends her dick pics you’re just going to say “yeah that’s just how it is. boys will be boys. did he have a nice cock at least?”

I certainly wouldn't presume she couldn't handle the situation herself because 1. I brought her up to be assertive and 2. I don't condescend to think every human being with a vagina desperately needs my assistance.

by TookashotatChan k

You might be the most midwit poster I've ever read.

Let me remind you

As you know, not only is this not universally true (sometimes it depicted non or borderline consensual sexual activites), at least a few of the real human beings doing the depicting of those activities were 1. under the influence of drug and alcohol addictions 2. victims of domestic or child abuse and/or 3. sex trafficked--->not able to give consent. We all know what you meant, just admit it was a stupid thing to compare Flynt a

More midwit logic. I’m not going to post the same thing again, because you just made the same fallacious argument over again.

Bonus points that you are expressing disgust at Flynt like the twitter mob you decried. We all know it had nothing to do with a principled stance against public shaming, you just want to defend Nick’s weirdo behavior lmao

The woman in this situation didn't assertively express her desire not to see dick pics from NV. She called him a pencil dick, which although is funny could easily be misconstrued. Perhaps she likes pencil dicks.

All she really needed to say was "Don't show me pictures of your dick" and he probably would have obliged. Had he not, I'm sure California has some law in its mountains of legislation allowing her to pursue suit if he continued. Instead she blasted him on social and everyone with a biased axe to grind is all over it like the moral grandstanders they are. Do as thou wilt, but just know you look cringey as **** and pathetic doing it. No one cares what you think.

Do you go around showing your dick pics to people who haven’t affirmatively said they don’t want to see your dick? lol

I’m so entertained by this, you take the cake for dumbest argument I’ve read in the part week. Also you seem very triggered at being called a midwit which is hilarious.

by TookashotatChan k

I certainly wouldn't presume she couldn't handle the situation herself because 1. I brought her up to be assertive and 2. I don't condescend to think every human being with a vagina desperately needs my assistance.

Make sure to ask her if she affirmatively told him he didn’t want to see his dick. lol

by checkraisdraw k

More midwit logic. I’m not going to post the same thing again, because you just made the same fallacious argument over again.

Bonus points that you are expressing disgust at Flynt like the twitter mob you decried. We all know it had nothing to do with a principled stance against public shaming, you just want to defend Nick’s weirdo behavior lmao

Another emotional cripple who doesn't understand the difference between an opinion and an action. It's one thing to think and express Nick's behavior as gross and weird (I happen to agree). It's quite another to think this is the worst thing since the rule of thumb and dogpile, attempt to mob him and publicly call for his head and the failure of his business.

Do you go around showing your dick pics to people who haven’t affirmatively said they don’t want to see your dick? lol

Sending dick pics was never my thing. I have definitely made passes and been rejected and sometimes insulted. Sometimes signals can be misinterpreted, and sometimes my own ego got in the way, thinking something was possible when it wasn't. It's part of the mating game.

I’m so entertained by this, you take the cake for dumbest argument I’ve read in the part week. Also you seem very triggered at being called a midwit which is hilarious.

I've been called far worse by far better. Not offended, but if you want to insult, I will go hit for hit.

Why argue anymore? You just said you agreed with me. You literally just concede the whole position but want to act all smug. “Emotional cripple” is a good one though, props on that

For some reason you think the women saying “hey he was a creep to me and I think you should stop doing that” are saying “I want Nick to lose his job and die in a hole” which no one ever said

by checkraisdraw k

Let me guess, if you have a daughter and someone sends her dick pics you’re just going to say “yeah that’s just how it is. boys will be boys. did he have a nice cock at least?”

Julia is old enough to be a grandmother this is hardly a case of someone perving on someone's daughter.

by checkraisdraw k

Let me guess, if you have a daughter and someone sends her dick pics you’re just going to say “yeah that’s just how it is. boys will be boys. did he have a nice cock at least?”

every father or every girl i ever banged gave me a high five afterwards as well

by PugDolk k

Julia is old enough to be a grandmother this is hardly a case of someone perving on someone's daughter.

the daughter thing wasn’t about age, I just know conservative men are very bad at empathy so you have to use a metaphor where it’s some kind if relative.

we can switch it to “if your mom told you a man showed her dick pics at the poker table…” etc

by checkraisdraw k

the daughter thing wasn’t about age, I just know conservative men are very bad at empathy so you have to use a metaphor where it’s some kind if relative.

we can switch it to “if your mom told you a man showed her dick pics at the poker table…” etc

I'd feel embarrassed for the dude and think that maybe he's ******ed or something but I wouldn't be like wow this guy is a villainous monster that the people should chase out of town with torches.

Unwanted dick pics should be a form of assault or whatever. Should get you put on a list.

Ok now I think it's an inside job

nice one, Airball!

Trying to continually reference dick pics is diverting from the more egregious behaviors that impact people's livelihood. If you have a daughter, mother, sister, friend, etc who had to endure a hostile environment in silence for fear of losing their income that is hard to replace (ie Lauren on the stream) I would hope you would want as many allies as possible to pressure the powers that be to help.

Very sad if Nik Airball has a better moral compass than you.

vertucci is gonna turn into mike matusow

by Donkey Schon k

Trying to continually reference dick pics is diverting from the more egregious behaviors that impact people's livelihood. If you have a daughter, mother, sister, friend, etc who had to endure a hostile environment in silence for fear of losing their income that is hard to replace (ie Lauren on the stream) I would hope you would want as many allies as possible to pressure the powers that be to help.

Very sad if Nik Airball has a better moral compass than you.

also get real. if you compare HCL to the environment at a lot of LA private games it's hardly a hostile environment. oh no my boss hit on me : (((((. somebody take his whole business that gave me a job in the first place away from him : ((((((((((((.

by PugDolk k

also get real. if you compare HCL to the environment at a lot of LA private games it's hardly a hostile environment. oh no my boss hit on me : (((((. somebody take his whole business that gave me a job in the first place away from him : ((((((((((((.

This is similar to Steve Wynn. You can't be a manager/CEO/Owner and commit sexual harassment. It's a liability nightmare. I don't understand why people aren't seeing the difference of some random and someone who has a position of power.

When do the lawsuits start dropping ?

lol, the "nick is fine because Larry Flint..." is an epic hill to plant a flag on...

I'm not sure who's doing performance art in this thread, and who isn't.
But I assume many are. For the lols?

Airball's statement is nice, but in the end, if you have access to these games full of window-lickers it's hard to say no if you make your living from poker. I mean I know for a fact I play 20 hours a week with literal drug dealers, and people who've been to jail for domestic violence, etc. They don't run/own the game, but still, we live in a moral grey area.

I'm not even sure who at this point is an HCL regular that could stand with Airball and not go on. Currently it's basically Mariano and any Asian girl who can get funding and wear a low top

by PugDolk k

also get real. if you compare HCL to the environment at a lot of LA private games it's hardly a hostile environment. oh no my boss hit on me : (((((. somebody take his whole business that gave me a job in the first place away from him : ((((((((((((.

“If you compare a legal business to an illegal business, the illegal business is a lot more shady” is not the W you think it is

by smoothcriminal99 k

This is similar to Steve Wynn. You can't be a manager/CEO/Owner and commit sexual harassment. It's a liability nightmare. I don't understand why people aren't seeing the difference of some random and someone who has a position of power.

The difference is nobody cares about some fat Armenian guy with a private game in the back of a dry cleaners who makes his dealers suck his dick before and after the game and people want to be the owner of the Wynn or Hustler Casino Live so it builds resentment and a desire to take them down.

by #Thinman k

lol, the "nick is fine because Larry Flint..." is an epic hill to plant a flag on...

it's just hypocrisy and calling it out for what it is. people will **** on Nick ITT then go and play with/in a game run by people far worse and not think anything about it, and admit to it, while still attacking Nick. if you want to claim some moral argument don't be a hypocrite. that's my point.

by PugDolk k

The difference is nobody cares about some fat Armenian guy with a private game in the back of a dry cleaners who makes his dealers suck his dick before and after the game and people want to be the owner of the Wynn or Hustler Casino Live so it builds resentment and a desire to take them down.

I think most people would agree the former thing should not happen either lol this whataboutism is such a brainlet argument
