2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.


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15 December 2023 at 05:21 PM

4110 Replies


by borg23 k

I'm not even a tournament guy at all but I looked at that list and started laughing. It's a complete joke. The Orleans dailies are bigger. The buy ins are barely higher than their blackjack minimums on the weekend.

I, in addition, as well scoffed at such petulant, arrogant, impoverished attempts at desiring the spending of pecuniary amounts of my enormous collections of wealth for such petty and low gaming adventure hosting entities.

'Tis beneath me.

[Turns up nose and confidently walks away.]

by borg23 k

I'm not even a tournament guy at all but I looked at that list and started laughing. It's a complete joke. The Orleans dailies are bigger. The buy ins are barely higher than their blackjack minimums on the weekend.

Not sure why all the fuss, it’s basically just a Daily Deepstack schedule of 1-Day tournaments. The LOL to me is the $400 4-day event!

by TheFly k

Not sure why all the fuss, it’s basically just a Daily Deepstack schedule of 1-Day tournaments. The LOL to me is the $400 4-day event!

It's more so them acting like this is some great series than needed a big announcement when it's really just small daily tournaments. It is strange to run a bunch of 200s in a nice new casino that tries to attract higher end players.

400 dollar 4 day is pretty funny.

How far in advance can you register for an event/flight? And I think I saw registration is open 24/7 during the series?

by stone_7 k

What is the best way to find out what the rake is on the tournaments this summer. I called the Golden Golden Nugget poker room. They had released their schedule several days earlier. I asked for the rake on the $400 Senior tournament. I got transferred twice after inquiring then waited 20 minutes on hold. Frustrated, I hung up and called back. After only a 10 minute wait I was told "the rake has not been set and to call back in a week or two". Nuts!!! you'd think if you were in the mar

Look at the structure sheet. All structure sheets have the rake at the bottom in the fine print

by wsopfinaltable k

Look at the structure sheet. All structure sheets have the rake at the bottom in the fine print

I don’t think they’ve published the structures for the Golden Nugget series yet.
You can find structures for past GN tournaments, but the price points on this series seem a little different than their past tournaments, so you can’t infer the rake from those.

by stone_7 k

What is the best way to find out what the rake is on the tournaments this summer. I called the Golden Golden Nugget poker room. They had released their schedule several days earlier. I asked for the rake on the $400 Senior tournament. I got transferred twice after inquiring then waited 20 minutes on hold. Frustrated, I hung up and called back. After only a 10 minute wait I was told "the rake has not been set and to call back in a week or two". Nuts!!! you'd think if you were in the mar

by NickMPK k

I don’t think they’ve published the structures for the Golden Nugget series yet.
You can find structures for past GN tournaments, but the price points on this series seem a little different than their past tournaments, so you can’t infer the rake from those.

The buy in for the Senior, Super Senior, and Senior Championships are the same as last year. The $400 buy in Rake was 17.5% and the $600 was 15% in 2023.

by RealMcCoy k

The $400 buy in Rake was 17.5%


by nootaboos k


Pretty standard.

Thats 330+70. Been that rake for years at the 400 buyin at a lot of stops.

by nootaboos k


First I should have said IF the rake is the same as 2023.

Second those are the same rakes used by the WSOP for those $$$ buy ins.... very standard rake levels really.

by parisron k

This was posted at the end of 2023 WSOP by a local that dealt the entire series, it goes into a lot of detail, but here is the short summary.


You need to be pretty good to beat that EV as a player. 100k of yourself in buy-ins with 20% ROI and you would need bankroll of millions to fire that, sickk

Where’s the best places to stay that are close? Budget pricing but don’t want to die. Haven’t been to Vegas since 2004.

Tuscany is fine.

by RealMcCoy k

Anyone seen this year's wire transfer instructions on the WSOP SITE ? I'll just continue paying my banks wire fee (free for me) and the $2 event charge to use my funds (as I recall) at the buy in windows as long as that remains an option.

Well I got my answer and I can't say I like it

Hello XXX,  
      We are sorry for any inconvenience this my cause. Paris Las Vegas Operating Company, LLC will no longer accept wire transfers. However, you can do a cashier's check in advance. When doing a cashier's check before your arrival in Las Vegas, email a copy of the check to our credit department for verification. The credit department email is [email]CZRCredit@Caesars.com[/email] and it must include your first and last name, Caesars Reward Number, and state that it is going to be used at the Paris Las Vegas for WSOP. If you use a cashier's check and send it to our credit department ahead it would save a few days before you come. You will still need to bring the original check with you to the Paris cashier cage in the Convention Center.

Thanks again

by RealMcCoy k

Well I got my answer and I can't say I like it

Hello XXX,  
      We are sorry for any inconvenience this my cause. Paris Las Vegas Operating Company, LLC will no longer accept wire transfers. However, you can do a cashier's check in advance. When doing a cashier's check before your arrival in Las Vegas, email a copy of the check to our credit department for verification. The credit department email is [email]CZRCredit@Caesars.com[/email] and it

Wow, that is a very stupid change

Poker Go streaming schedule is out. A couple more days and it will be the perfect time to grab the 3 month discount plan that will take you thru the Main Event final table winner on 7/17/24.



Texas Poker Open coverage starts next week.

by parisron k

Poker Go streaming schedule is out. A couple more days and it will be the perfect time to grab the 3 month discount plan that will take you thru the Main Event final table winner on 7/17/24.



Texas Poker Open coverage starts next week.

In before BSumner starts complaining everyday that the stream schedule doesn’t fit his particular time zone or life/sleep schedule lol.

He already said a month ago that he wasn't going to complain this time. lol

by RealMcCoy k

Well I got my answer and I can't say I like it

Hello XXX,  
      We are sorry for any inconvenience this my cause. Paris Las Vegas Operating Company, LLC will no longer accept wire transfers. However, you can do a cashier's check in advance. When doing a cashier's check before your arrival in Las Vegas, email a copy of the check to our credit department for verification. The credit department email is [email]CZRCredit@Caesars.com[/email] and it

Is this really real? How are foreigners supposed to enter the main event? In the past I have wired the money. Is it only cash now, because I don't like the thought of trying to get that kind of $ through several airports and the withdrawal limit on my cards mean I couldn't get 10k out of an atm by the start even if I maxxed it out every day. I will probably have to cancel my trip now :(

Or I could just enter an event the day before and win it I guess, that would get me the cash.

by johnjones1979 k

Is this really real? How are foreigners supposed to enter the main event? In the past I have wired the money. Is it only cash now, because I don't like the thought of trying to get that kind of $ through several airports and the withdrawal limit on my cards mean I couldn't get 10k out of an atm by the start even if I maxxed it out every day. I will probably have to cancel my trip now :(

Or I could just enter an event the day before and win it I guess, that would get me the cash.

Is there anyone you trust out here you could wire the money to? If not, I would imagine there might be businesses/services that can serve as the middleman/escrow for this type of transaction.

I haven’t noticed but did they say it will be on CBS Sports again this year?

I didn't see anything about that but I would think so, re-airs a month or 2 later on CBS sports. I can never get motivated to watch any of it, even if it's an event that didn't air on PokerGo. It's not much fun when the results are known.

by johnjones1979 k

Is this really real? How are foreigners supposed to enter the main event? In the past I have wired the money. Is it only cash now, because I don't like the thought of trying to get that kind of $ through several airports and the withdrawal limit on my cards mean I couldn't get 10k out of an atm by the start even if I maxxed it out every day. I will probably have to cancel my trip now :(

Or I could just enter an event the day before and win it I guess, that would get me the cash.

Well, it looks like I can get a USD debit card from a local bank and use that to pay at the cage; only downside is the wsop card fee, which was 3.5% (=$350) last year, but isn't mentioned in this year's release. Crisis averted.

This year seems more disorganised than usual in general with the schedule released later, no wire transfers, online event schedule still not released (apparently there will be bracelet events according to the release, but when I emailed wsop.com they didn't know anything about it), less details about everything. Anyway, hopefully by the time the series starts things will be sorted out.

by johnjones1979 k

Is this really real? How are foreigners supposed to enter the main event? In the past I have wired the money. Is it only cash now, because I don't like the thought of trying to get that kind of $ through several airports and the withdrawal limit on my cards mean I couldn't get 10k out of an atm by the start even if I maxxed it out every day. I will probably have to cancel my trip now :(

Or I could just enter an event the day before and win it I guess, that would get me the cash.

This was the first email I received the one above is the 2nd...XXX

Thanks for your interest in the 2024 WSOP. Everything is being filtered by Bravo Poker Live now. If you have not done so already you will have to open an account with Bravopokerlive.com with your total rewards number. Bravo Poker Live website will allow you register events online. You will be able to fund the account with wire transfer and credit cards. Online registration will be open on Bravo Poker Live mid to the end of April. Bravo Poker Live will be taking wires thru the app called PayFiniti

After looking into Payfiniti (they don't even have a MOBILE APP out yet ) and realizing I would have to provide to PAYFINITI my Bank account information and allow them Assess to my Account I balked and tried again with WSOP support. I HATE to provide any unknown app that kind of information and access considering the level of security breaches we have seen from established brokerage firms for example.

The only other option directly with Paris / WSOP appears to be a Cashiers Check.
