2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

2024 World Series of Poker May 28th to July 17th ***No Spoilers***

The 2024 WSOP will take place at Horseshoe Las Vegas and Paris Las Vegas from May 28 to July 17, 2024, with the Main Event running from July 3 to July 17. The Main Event – poker’s undisputed freezeout world championship – will have four starting days, beginning on Wednesday, July 3. Players may also register directly on Day 2.


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15 December 2023 at 05:21 PM

4110 Replies


Isn't the AK hand dead as soon as he exposes it before it's showdown?

Kill ak on river for exposing cards of other player. Both players get a round penalty and stern warning.

Chop pot is definitely not allowed.

by parisron k

Isn't the AK hand dead as soon as he exposes it before it's showdown?

68: Exposing Cards and Proper Folding

Exposing cards with action pending, including the current player when last to act, may result in a penalty but not a dead hand. Any penalty begins at the end of the hand.

by pwnsall k

Kill ak on river for exposing cards of other player. Both players get a round penalty and stern warning.

Chop pot is definitely not allowed.

Besides, why on earth would AK choose to chop a pot that he's won?

The twitter thread makes it clear that the table was pretty collegial and everyone kind of wanted to just go home for the day. The floor was not called, and nobody objected. The player with AK felt bad for exposing both cards of his opponent, who had only offered to show one card, so they just agreed to chop the pot given the shenanigans that had ensued.

Getting the pitchforks out over this one is unnecessary. This wasn't collusion between two players who knew each other, and there's no clear harm to anyone in the tournament from this happening. But yes, the floor obviously should have been called, and both players should have received a penalty for exposing cards.

I don't think pitchforks have come out but they shouldn't be allowed to chop and the floor should look into the story and question the dealer. It affects everyone in the tourney though I agree in a very very very small way but anyone in the tourney would have standing to question it.

Players in a tourny simply cannot agree to chop a pot because they want to, it affects everyone else. Not a pitchfork thing, but floor definitely should’ve been called to sort out who gets awarded the pot. Dealer in question is a joke for not calling floor himself/herself, mutual agreements to chop pots in tournament poker are definitely not allowed. It doesn’t matter if it’s “last hand” of the night, the “friendly beer orbit” or whatever else, this dealer should be talked to by floor staff to find out how he thought chopping was an acceptable outcome of a tournament poker hand when hand values were clearly not the same.

by parisron k


And here is the standard updates. I guess they have no idea what time the dinner breaks come every night? lol

Are you even voluntarily allowed to show a card to an opponent in a tournament hand? In any case, I would think one player is certainly not allowed to flip over the cards of another player. The dealer should have put a stop to that before it happened.

PokerGo is the nut low of all streaming services.
Both streams are delayed tonight (I know, no one is suprised)
1 by one hour (so far)
and the other by 2 hours

why even bother posting start times?
They should say every stream starts at midnight and then we hope they get started sooner.

I am such an idiot for subscribing again.

There is literally no reason this should be happening.
Start recording 3 hours before the dinner break with which ever table they want to make the feature/final table
Start streaming half an hour before the dinner break and just run with it.

this isnt that hard.
Why do they suck so bad?!?!?!

Also, apparently they are now taking tomorrow off since earlier it showed they were gonna start at 3PM CST and now Tuesday has nothing on the calendar at all

This is just embarrassing for an operation to be this bad after this many years at it

We could really use a containment thread for complaints about PokerGO scheduling.

Sad they have a TV stud game and get a dealer that can't even up pitch, and not really down pitch either. lol

Ok, he can down pitch that was a fluke on the first hand, he has no up pitch though.

Has Anyone ever compiled data on players yearly profit (buyins vs cashes) at the wsop ? Shouldn't that be fairly easy to find particularly for more well known "pros" . Only thing you wouldn't know is re entries, But you estimate that

I would love to know how some of these guys, such as matusow or David Williams, keep getting backing year after year. I don't think they profit very often. Not to single those guys out because there are tons like them. Maybe these guys are richer than I thought and aren't backed and can just afford to lose year in and year out.

by the pleasure k

this is why I never ****ign get the "be grateful" crowds we sued to get every FT streamed, one with commentary and one WITHOTU OCMMENTARY even the ****ing mixed games stud 8 had a overhead cam , no commentary and you could pick up plyer comms sometimes

by evoffish k

The only ppls who said that are poker personality & those who work for or with PokerGo.

im not gonna say who but i remember a year or two ago i was on the rail and I was complaining about it and 2 reputable somehwat pro players that are kinda known told me the production value and whatnot and then I said but we used to legit get two tables on wsop.com mixed events NO HOLECAMS and tuch would sometiems do commentary with a cash game specialist inthat field, other times liek stud 8 or stud t would just be an overhead camera shooting down in the table and I said that if people can stream on twtich with legit 0$ budget or 20$ budget dont tell me wsop.com LOST MONEY on those overhead no commentary no holecards streams, just no way

they kinda shrugged and didnt know what to say when I pointed all those facts.

I don tcare if pokergo has hole cams and commentary, back then we got ****ign no hole cards and SOMETIMES occasiannly truch would legit get a cash game pro OF THRE ****ING GAME that was being streamed.

if it was 2 tables FT and only one could be streamed they would pick the one with notable pros.

i remember they commentaried the helmuth, matusow, john moanette FT of stud8 one ytear over a NL table because of the names

even bluff.com chose to i think stream negreanu s limit FT one year

also its insane pokergo never starts on time, they just start when its 4 handed.

also to all you ****ing idiots saying "but production cost money" read what I said about on how people
1) stream on twitch with low budget or no budget and
2) back then wsop.com would air mixed tables no commentary overhead cam like I said above

its not a money sink for them to stream 2 FTs or 2 events at same time one no hole cam or no commentary with just a overhead mic especially the games like triple draw or stud/plo

those miixed events are the ones where notable pros or names are making deep runs in too.......

by LimpDitka k

Has Anyone ever compiled data on players yearly profit (buyins vs cashes) at the WSOP ?

That's the last thing the WSOP management would want you to know.

The WSOP wants to keep the illusion of riches to be had, versus the reality, money won slowly but surely disappears to future wsop buy-ins.

by LimpDitka k

Has Anyone ever compiled data on players yearly profit (buyins vs cashes) at the wsop ? Shouldn't that be fairly easy to find particularly for more well known "pros" . Only thing you wouldn't know is re entries, But you estimate that

I would love to know how some of these guys, such as matusow or David Williams, keep getting backing year after year. I don't think they profit very often. Not to single those guys out because there are tons like them. Maybe these guys are richer than I thought

I think Matusow is backed by Hellmuth

David W... he did have that massive bink in the main event, I don't know if he had all himself, I don't remember, but that could go a long way

for $20/mo you can:

subscribe to netflix with thousands of existing titles and investing billions in new content

get pokergo and maybe catch a wsop final table live when it gets HU if the stars align and production crew isn't wasted

by iwasbanned k

That's the last thing the WSOP management would want you to know.

The WSOP wants to keep the illusion of riches to be had, versus the reality, money won slowly but surely disappears to future wsop buy-ins.

Exactly this.
They don't need people realizing that long term most of the "pros" in these things are down or have a very small ROI.

by iwasbanned k

That's the last thing the WSOP management would want you to know.

The WSOP wants to keep the illusion of riches to be had, versus the reality, money won slowly but surely disappears to future wsop buy-ins.

The WSOP actually did publish this information for I think a two-year period about ten years ago. It was great data and I wish they had continued doing it, though I’m not surprised it didn’t last.

by pwnsall k

I don't think pitchforks have come out but they shouldn't be allowed to chop and the floor should look into the story and question the dealer. It affects everyone in the tourney though I agree in a very very very small way but anyone in the tourney would have standing to question it.

Sorry, meant to multiquote you and the following posters on this subject, but the option wasn't available for some reason. Not intending to single you out. But what does it even mean to have "standing to question" this? What relief would you ask for as a participant in this tournament?

I mean, I'd invite anyone to take a stab at calculating the real money impact of this pot on the other players in the tournament. And then from that starting point, what's the value of spending more time on it than has already been spent in this thread? It's a funny story--end of story. Yeah, the dealer obviously f'd up. WSOP dealers make mistakes that are far more significant on the reg.

In a tourney you can call clock on a table you aren't at(unless it's changed) in a cash game you can't call clock unless you're in the hand (most places?). Maybe that will help you know what I mean by standing?

I would not ask for any relief.

Some whiny bitches in this thread. PokerGo isn’t perfect but we’re in a golden era of poker where we’re saturated with content.

I’m in Europe and paid to subscribe for 3 months. Don’t even watch it live cos of time zones and I still think the coverage is fantastic and good value for money .

In the words of Benger, “Check Your Privilege!”

by NWAF99 k

Some whiny bitches in this thread. PokerGo isn’t perfect but we’re in a golden era of poker where we’re saturated with content.

I’m in Europe and paid to subscribe for 3 months. Don’t even watch it live cos of time zones and I still think the coverage is fantastic and good value for money .

In the words of Benger, “Check Your Privilege!”

No. They have a service to provide, and, as a result, a job to do. So they should be doing it to the best of their abilities. They are not. Again, Triton is free and infinitely better than what poker go is attempting to do

by pwnsall k

In a tourney you can call clock on a table you aren't at(unless it's changed) in a cash game you can't call clock unless you're in the hand (most places?). Maybe that will help you know what I mean by standing?

I would not ask for any relief.

I know what standing means, both in common usage and in the Article III sense 😉 My point is what the hell would someone in the tournament ask to be done about the situation if they asserted their "standing" to complain? I certainly don't want to live in a world where random players just levy complaints at other tournament players/tables based upon any rule infraction, no matter how minor. I think we're not very far apart on this, as I know you acknowledged in your last post that the impact of this mistake on the other players is very, very small.

I just find it funny that there's an amusing anecdote involving a rule infraction that cost the other players in the tournament <$1 USD in EV, nobody at the table cared about the mistake and in fact seemed to also find it amusing, but the reaction from our forum is "ZOMG THE RULEZ!"
