*** July 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

*** July 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

Previous High Stakes thread: *** June 2024 High Stakes Thread ***

: : :

We generally post ~200bb+ pots, but if there's an interesting hand/showdown, or if there's not much action feel free to post smaller ones.

Posting hands

How to post CoinPoker hands:

Click on hand #number in replayer.

Copy text and remove ante part of first row in hh:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400 ante 80) 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

Add - after parenthesis. Line should read:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400) - 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

This works until someone has a 7 figure stack, then you need to edit any number over one mega.

paste hh https://pokeit.co/convert/

The converted hand will say it's from GG, you may edit this too.

For the OCD inclined, search and replace § with $.

Post your nice hand here!


Please use the following options for converting hands:

Converter from Pokeit https://pokeit.co/convert/ with wide variety of supported games, multiple hand conversion, etc.

Another converter: http://www.railhand.com
Just paste your hand history, convert, copy generated code and paste in this thread.

If you want to post 2-7 TD hands: http://www.feralcowpoker.com.
Set it to "Two Plus Two - textonly" output, and show results and player names.

Known High Stakes players

No Limit Hold'em

  • Alan Zheng = az96 (WPN), Alan Zheng (GG)
  • Alex Trevallion = HornyOldMan (WPN), Alex Trevallion (GG)
  • Alexey Borovkov = Alexey Borovkov (GG), Zas911 (WPN), avr0ra (PS), Youtube Channel Guest Host
  • Andrey Zgirouski = Andrey Zgirouski (GG), diogen13 (PS)
  • Anvar Muratov = ch0p-ch0p (WPN), Anvar Muratov (GG)
  • Armin = AbsoluteTopUp (Global), RealMenRathole (WPN), @Twitter
  • Artem Shaganov = oSpiel888 (PS), jrSuited18 (WPN)
  • Barak Wisbrod = Barak Wisbrod (GG), iWasOnly17 (WPN), Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Ben Raven = BenaBadBeat (PS), Benjamin Raven (GG), BenaBadBeat (WPN) Mechnaics of Poker Podcast
  • Boris Martin = Boris Martin (GG), MrBaguette (WPN)
  • Cole Swannack = alanwatts15 (WPN), Cole Swannack (GG), Topkat5757 (PS)
  • Daniel Soltys = Meek Bill (WPN), Daniel Soltys (GG)
  • Darrell Goh = Darrell Goh (GG), JohnMcShen (WPN), FourSixFour (PS)
  • David Hanlon = David Hanlon (GG), uhhhyesandno (WPN)
  • David Yan = David Yan (GG), MissOracle (PS) @Twitter
  • Dmitry Grinenko = FlyingStyle (WPN), Dmitry Grinenko (GG)
  • EnfantProdige (PS) = BeppeBergomi (WPN)
  • George Froggatt = George Froggatt (GG), Real Enough (WPN), You-Mad-Br0 (PS), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter
  • Hector Rodriguez = TUTI88 (PS)
  • Henri Puustinen = Henri Puustinen (GG), buttonclickr (PS)
  • Ignacio Moron = TIKITAKA11 (WPN), Nacho124441 (PS), Ignacio Moron (GG)
  • Ivan Galinec = vesnapisarovic (WPN), ja.sam.gale (PS), Ivan Galinec (GG)
  • Jared Alderman = Jaldermann (WPN), @Twitter
  • Jeremiah Williams = JeremiahW (Global), freestyler (WSOP.com), @Twitch.tv
  • Jose Jiminez = Jose Jiminez (GG), JMBigJoe (PS), Poker Life Podcast
  • Josef Schusteritsch = Sunni_92 (PS), J Schusteritsch (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Juan Pardo = Juan Pardo (GG) = Malakastyle (PS)
  • Julian Schultheis = JVL_Starrr69 (PS), J Schultheis (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Kayhan Mokri = Kayhan Mokri (GG), kayhanmok (PS)
  • Linus Loeliger = borntotilt (WPN), LLinusLLove (PS), Linus Loeliger (GG) Trion Poker Interview
  • Luuk Gieles = 6-7BTC (WPN), Luuk Gieles (GG), pokerkluka (PS)
  • Manuel Saavedra = Manuel Saavedra (GG), J0hnMcclean (WPN)
  • Marius Gierse = Orgi69 (WPN), Marius Gierse (GG), DEX888
  • Markus Leikkonen = M Leikkonen (GG), Makeboifin (PS), Mexican222 (WPN) Joey Podcast @Twitter
  • Matt Marinelli = ILuvAvrilLavigne91 (WPN), Matt Marinelli (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter
  • Michael Zhang = Michael Zhang (GG), mczhang (PS)
  • Misha Inner = Misha Inner (GG) @Twitch.tv
  • Naoufel Smires = Bonk30 (PS), Naoufel Smires (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Owen Messere = PR0DIGY (WPN), Owen Messere (GG), HU vs Doug Polk @ The Lodge
  • Patrick Sekinger = psek1 (PS), P Sekinger (GG)
  • Pauli Ayras = Pauli Ayras (GG), Fiilismies (PS)
  • Priit Parmasto = Priit Parmasto (GG), PathfinderPaco (WPN)
  • Roberto Perez = CWestmoreland (WPN), DavyJones922 (PS), LemonHouse (GG), Mento Poker Podcast
  • Roman Herold = Roman Herold (GG), Romanhld (PS)
  • Samu Aalto = Samu Aalto (GG), pla5te (PS)
  • Sergey Nikiforov = Burundos254 (WPN), MunEZ_StaRR (PS), Sergey Nikiforov (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Siarhei Mashko = Siarhei Mashko (GG), AGL_by (PS)
  • Stefan Burakov = Stefan11222 (PS), Ollin22333 (WPN), Stefan Burakov (GG), Stefan Blog
  • Steffen Sontheimer = go0se.core (PS), S Sontheimer (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Taisto Janter = Taisto Janter (GG), SigadiSogadi (WPN), SyrW_Helmets (PS)
  • Tobias Duthweiler = dudd1 (PS), moneybyebye (WPN), T Duthweiler (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Uri Peleg = Miscusee (PS), Uri Peleg (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Via Negativa (GG) = oneplusone (WPN)
  • Vicente Delgado = eldelbar (WPN), vicenfish (PS) Vicente Delgado (GG)
  • Viktor Kudinov = Viktor Kudinov (GG), 7SkyAroundMe (WPN), Zas91 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Wiktor Malinowski = Iimitless (PS), W Malinowski (GG), Epic Joey Podcast Interview
  • Wouter Beumers = DoublelegTD (WPN), W Beumers (GG), MMAsherdog (PS)

Pot Limit Omaha

  • Aku Joentausta = Aku Joentausta (GG), Aku1206 (PS)
  • Andras Nemeth = Andras Nemeth (GG), probirs (PS)
  • Andreas Torbergsen = Andreas Torbergsen (GG), Skjervoy (PS)
  • Dirk Gerritse = Dirk Gerritse (GG) = Venividi1993 (PS) = Bodamos007 (WPN)
  • Eelis Pärssinen = Eelis Pärssinen (GG), EEE27 (PS)
  • Grazvydas Kontautas = Grazvydas (ACR), grazvis1 (PS)
  • Gruffudd Jones = d.apollo777 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast
  • Hung Nguyen = Hung Nguyen (GG), Zero1100101 (PS)
  • James Park = James Park (GG), JayP-AA (PS)
  • Konstantin Osipau = Konstantin Osipau (GG), Katya18 (PS)
  • Laszlo Bujtas = Laszlo Bujtas (GG), omaha4rollz (PS)
  • Liviu Ignat = Liviu Ignat (GG), 0Human0 (PS)
  • Luuk van den Belt = Luuk van den Belt (GG), Cobus83 (PS)
  • Maxime Lemay = Maxime Lemay (GG), Amsogood (PS)
  • Pedro Zagalo = Pedro Zagalo (GG), Zagalo87 (PS)
  • Stanislau Melhui = Stanislau Melhui (GG), borntotilt (PS)
  • Vasilev Sergei = Vasilev Sergei (GG), St1ckman (PS)

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) 2 Views 2
30 June 2024 at 10:06 PM

424 Replies


by Potoooooooo k

TT88ds overrealizes a lot against bb 3b-calling range and does pretty good against 5bets
by overrealize I mean it has like 49% against calls, but prints ev like it has 61% equity

But it probably overrealizes a lot in a 3-bet pot too, since you have position.

by hvete k

But it probably overrealizes a lot in a 3-bet pot too, since you have position.

Yeah I think it's supposed to overrealize the same % as a call as it does against 3bet-call but that's some solvermetagamemagic

Yea I def can’t attest for everyone but I have a good friend, former poker player turned nosebleed-stake-sports bettor, who has been dabbling in the 2-400 through 5-1k games. He has 100% himself and it operates just like any other site ie deposit, play, withdraw funds. Nothing strange or off in his experience.

No idea any info on these streamers who pop up and play 20x their stakes tho but the nosebleed games are seemingly the same as nosebleed acr games

Surely not the legend himself?

No way that's actually cumicon. Way too weird if it is. Winning almost 8 figures at exclusively nosebleeds HUplo and retiring and then ten years later play 25/50 6max? Nah... Especially not with a btc profile pic lol. Makes zero sense.

its not him, its a swedish guy

by b1ochemical k

Surely not the legend himself?

The fake Cumicon that made more money playing poker than the real Cumicon

by Rahm93 k

The fake Cumicon that made more money playing poker than the real Cumicon

Name pls?

in for more stefan 1k hands if theyre about.

although kinda shitty to just be posting one guy from datamined hands i guess

kakitee is playing highstakes? thought he transitioned from midstakes NL to PLO like couple years ago

by TheAllMight k

Name pls?

Doubt many people will recognize him, but he was advictoria on stars and cumicon on gg. Was only playing fish hu on stars and quit when they added Koth. He is quite a legend in the swedish community, he exclusively played fish hu in both NL and PLO for 15 + years waiting for action essentially 24/7. He ran a blog back then and he would constantly get hate from the old guard that obviously only made a fraction of what he did. He had so many fun stories and some urban myths from back then. My favorite one was that he skipped nl1k and just jumped from nl600 to nl2k, cant remember the explanation but he was confident about it and it was obv some complete non sense.

He was also a sponsored pro at some euro site where they offered up to $100/200 3max and everytime a fish sat he would have a friend blocking the 3rd seat so he would get HU w the fish. If a reg tried to sit those tables he would just have them banned from sitting those tables. So essentially he had his own stake where fish was only allowed to play him hu. Mind this is before 2008, big bucks were made.

I can't confirm it but there was also a urban myth that he built a massive house and convinced his parents to quit their jobs and move in with him to essentially be his paid personal assistants to improve the ev of his grind.

But yeah as mentioned he made way more money than the real cumicon and probably had the highest work ethics out of every online reg there ever was in terms of putting in hours in front of the computer.

by ggbruuce k

Doubt many people will recognize him, but he was advictoria on stars and cumicon on gg. Was only playing fish hu on stars and quit when they added Koth. He is quite a legend in the swedish community, he exclusively played fish hu in both NL and PLO for 15 + years waiting for action essentially 24/7. He ran a blog back then and he would constantly get hate from the old guard that obviously only made a fraction of what he did. He had so many fun stories and some urban myths from back then. My favo

Interesting. Can you find the blog? Also there’s no way he made more than the real Cumicon, who made 8figs. He gets quite tilty when he loses a few bis from what I’ve seen. Props to him though, would’ve been my idol back in the day.

This is him https://x.com/salle7de?s=21&t=RSNZw100jt...

by dappadan777 k

Interesting. Can you find the blog? Also thereÂ’s no way he made more than the real Cumicon, who made 8figs. He gets quite tilty when he loses a few bis from what IÂ’ve seen. Props to him though, wouldÂ’ve been my idol back in the day.

This is him https://x.com/salle7de?s=21&t=RSNZw100jt...

Why do you want to read his blog, if you wont believe anything you read of it lol. It's just laughable how you even question it. Even the worst hu reg with the worst mental game in the world would easily beat a typical recreational for 10-20bb/100. You need to have a terrible understanding of numbers and statistics if you think it even matters when he sat/possibly sit at the computer for 16h per day for 20 years. He still made more money than like 99% of hs-regs in todays game.

Lol, I remember AdVictoria, at least for some time on Stars he had used the same clown avatar that ImagineKing used. 😃

Many players have no idea what the maximum possible winrates are in certain environments because they only view online poker as a 6max 5 regs to 1 fish game. I've played in high stakes 6max 5card Omaha lineups with 2 players at the table losing > 200bb/100, yes that is two zeros and not a typo.

by ggbruuce k

Doubt many people will recognize him, but he was advictoria on stars and cumicon on gg. Was only playing fish hu on stars and quit when they added Koth. He is quite a legend in the swedish community, he exclusively played fish hu in both NL and PLO for 15 + years waiting for action essentially 24/7. He ran a blog back then and he would constantly get hate from the old guard that obviously only made a fraction of what he did. He had so many fun stories and some urban myths from back then. My favo

link to blog? sounds like an interesting read

by SeaKing k

2 players at the table losing > 200bb/100, yes that is two zeros and not a typo.

Yeah, 200bb/1 seemed off.

Highlights of the epic 25-50 PLO match , Jnandez v Samjazzykins, JNandez ends up winning almost 15 buyins!

- Full video (1 min short - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TUDDOF23k...)

by SeaKing k

Lol, I remember AdVictoria, at least for some time on Stars he had used the same clown avatar that ImagineKing used. 😃

Mixed my clowns together, AdV was Stephen King's It.

by ggbruuce k

Why do you want to read his blog, if you wont believe anything you read of it lol. It's just laughable how you even question it. Even the worst hu reg with the worst mental game in the world would easily beat a typical recreational for 10-20bb/100. You need to have a terrible understanding of numbers and statistics if you think it even matters when he sat/possibly sit at the computer for 16h per day for 20 years. He still made more money than like 99% of hs-regs in todays game.

I’m interested to read it even if some of it is taken with a pinch of salt why are you crying about it? I was also a hu bum hunter back in the day for over a decade so the topic interests me. What were his ipoker, micro gaming, Betfair SNs?

Also why are you such a dickhead?

by dappadan777 k

I’m interested to read it even if some of it is taken with a pinch of salt why are you crying about it? I was also a hu bum hunter back in the day for over a decade so the topic interests me. What were his ipoker, micro gaming, Betfair SNs?

Also why are you such a dickhead?

Carldenstore as stated before and heliga_ak. It's so far back I have no clue. I'm being a dick or whatever you call it because I think you are stupid to question one of the very best plo players (in top 10) in all lists. Personal opinion that thread is better if people listen to pros with insight rather than trying to question them or shut them down. Even if you don't believe it you could phrase it differently rather than saying "aint no way".

You also pulled some similar antics on the topic of wether how much o4r can cash out from coin.

by ggbruuce k

But yeah as mentioned he made way more money than the real cumicon and probably had the highest work ethics out of every online reg there ever was in terms of putting in hours in front of the computer.

Thanks for sharing this was a really interesting read!

by ggbruuce k

Carldenstore as stated before and heliga_ak. It's so far back I have no clue. I'm being a dick or whatever you call it because I think you are stupid to question one of the very best plo players (in top 10) in all lists. Personal opinion that thread is better if people listen to pros with insight rather than trying to question them or shut them down. Even if you don't believe it you could phrase it differently rather than saying "aint no way".

You also pulled some similar antics on the topic of

Who are pros who have insight? You? Who are you?

Isn’t it better to question things that seem insane (withdrawing 20m from an unregulated crypto site and having a higher win rate than the real cumicon - are quite incredible statements) rather than believe what random ppl are saying on an internet forum, I have no clue who you are fwiw, maybe you have inside knowledge I don’t have, so enlighten me.

by dappadan777 k

Who are pros who have insight? You? Who are you?

IsnÂ’t it better to question things that seem insane (withdrawing 20m from an unregulated crypto site and having a higher win rate than the real cumicon - are quite incredible statements) rather than believe what random ppl are saying on an internet forum, I have no clue who you are fwiw, maybe you have inside knowledge I donÂ’t have, so enlighten me.

Rahm was mentioned in every single top 10 list and by looking from results and lobbies you could argue he is top 5.

by ggbruuce k

Carldenstore as stated before and heliga_ak. It's so far back I have no clue. I'm being a dick or whatever you call it because I think you are stupid to question one of the very best plo players (in top 10) in all lists. Personal opinion that thread is better if people listen to pros with insight rather than trying to question them or shut them down. Even if you don't believe it you could phrase it differently rather than saying "aint no way".

You also pulled some similar antics on the topic of

You shouldn't have even answered his questions after the last sentence to be honest
